/** * 自动绕过 shadowRoot 的 querySelector * @param {string} selector - 要查询的 CSS 选择器 * @returns {Element|null} - 匹配的元素或 null 如果未找到 */ function deepQuerySelector(selector) { /** * 在指定的根元素或文档对象下深度查询元素 * @param {Element|Document} root - 要开始搜索的根元素或文档对象 * @param {string} selector - 要查询的 CSS 选择器 * @returns {Element|null} - 匹配的元素或 null 如果未找到 */ function deepSearch(root, selector) { // 在当前根元素下查找 let element = root.querySelector(selector); if (element) { return element; } // 如果未找到,递归检查 shadow DOM const shadowHosts = root.querySelectorAll('*'); for (let i = 0; i < shadowHosts.length; i++) { const host = shadowHosts[i]; // 检查当前元素是否有 shadowRoot if (host.shadowRoot) { element = deepSearch(host.shadowRoot, selector); if (element) { return element; } } } // 未找到元素 return null; } return deepSearch(this, selector); } Element.prototype.deepQuerySelector = deepQuerySelector; Document.prototype.deepQuerySelector = deepQuerySelector; function gradioApp() { const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app') const gradioShadowRoot = elems.length == 0 ? null : elems[0].shadowRoot return !!gradioShadowRoot ? gradioShadowRoot : document; } uiUpdateCallbacks = [] msgReceiveCallbacks = [] function onUiUpdate(callback){ uiUpdateCallbacks.push(callback) } function onMsgReceive(callback){ msgReceiveCallbacks.push(callback) } function runCallback(x, m){ try { x(m) } catch (e) { (console.error || console.log).call(console, e.message, e); } } function executeCallbacks(queue, m) { queue.forEach(function(x){runCallback(x, m)}) } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(m){ executeCallbacks(uiUpdateCallbacks, m); }); mutationObserver.observe( gradioApp(), { childList:true, subtree:true }) }); function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) { let r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t; i = Math.floor(h * 6); f = h * 6 - i; p = v * (1 - s); q = v * (1 - f * s); t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); switch (i % 6) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } return { r: Math.round(r * 255), g: Math.round(g * 255), b: Math.round(b * 255) }; } class MidiVisualizer extends HTMLElement{ constructor() { super(); this.midiEvents = []; this.activeNotes = []; this.midiTimes = []; this.wrapper = null; this.svg = null; this.timeLine = null; this.config = { noteHeight : 4, beatWidth: 32 } this.timePreBeat = 16 this.svgWidth = 0; this.t1 = 0; this.totalTimeMs = 0 this.playTime = 0 this.playTimeMs = 0 this.colorMap = new Map(); this.playing = false; this.timer = null; this.init(); } init(){ this.innerHTML='' const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); const style = document.createElement("style"); const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); style.textContent = ".note.active {stroke: black;stroke-width: 0.75;stroke-opacity: 0.75;}"; wrapper.style.overflowX= "scroll" const svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); svg.style.height = `${this.config.noteHeight*128}px`; svg.style.width = `${this.svgWidth}px`; const timeLine = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'line'); timeLine.style.stroke = "green" timeLine.style.strokeWidth = 2; shadow.appendChild(style) shadow.appendChild(wrapper); wrapper.appendChild(svg); svg.appendChild(timeLine) this.wrapper = wrapper; this.svg = svg; this.timeLine= timeLine; this.setPlayTime(0); } clearMidiEvents(keepColor=false){ this.pause() this.midiEvents = []; this.activeNotes = []; this.midiTimes = []; this.t1 = 0 if (!keepColor) this.colorMap.clear() this.setPlayTime(0); this.totalTimeMs = 0; this.playTimeMs = 0 this.svgWidth = 0 this.svg.innerHTML = '' this.svg.style.width = `${this.svgWidth}px`; this.svg.appendChild(this.timeLine) } appendMidiEvent(midiEvent){ if(midiEvent instanceof Array && midiEvent.length > 0){ this.t1 += midiEvent[1] let t = this.t1*this.timePreBeat + midiEvent[2] midiEvent = [midiEvent[0], t].concat(midiEvent.slice(3)) if(midiEvent[0] === "note"){ let track = midiEvent[2] let duration = midiEvent[3] let channel = midiEvent[4] let pitch = midiEvent[5] let velocity = midiEvent[6] let x = (t/this.timePreBeat)*this.config.beatWidth let y = (127 - pitch)*this.config.noteHeight let w = (duration/this.timePreBeat)*this.config.beatWidth let h = this.config.noteHeight this.svgWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(x + w, this.svgWidth)) let color = this.getColor(track, channel) let opacity = Math.min(1, velocity/127 + 0.1).toFixed(2) let rect = this.drawNote(x,y,w,h, `rgba(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b}, ${opacity})`) midiEvent.push(rect) this.setPlayTime(t); this.wrapper.scrollTo(this.svgWidth - this.wrapper.offsetWidth, 0) } this.midiEvents.push(midiEvent); this.svg.style.width = `${this.svgWidth}px`; } } getColor(track, channel){ let key = `${track},${channel}`; let color = this.colorMap.get(key); if(!!color){ return color; } color = HSVtoRGB(Math.random(),Math.random()*0.5 + 0.5,1); this.colorMap.set(key, color); return color; } drawNote(x, y, w, h, fill) { if (!this.svg) { return null; } const rect = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'rect'); rect.classList.add('note'); rect.setAttribute('fill', fill); // Round values to the nearest integer to avoid partially filled pixels. rect.setAttribute('x', `${Math.round(x)}`); rect.setAttribute('y', `${Math.round(y)}`); rect.setAttribute('width', `${Math.round(w)}`); rect.setAttribute('height', `${Math.round(h)}`); this.svg.appendChild(rect); return rect } finishAppendMidiEvent(){ this.pause() let midiEvents = this.midiEvents.sort((a, b)=>a[1]-b[1]) let tempo = (60 / 120) * 10 ** 3 let ms = 0 let lastT = 0 this.midiTimes.push({ms:ms, t: 0, tempo: tempo}) midiEvents.forEach((midiEvent)=>{ let t = midiEvent[1] ms += ((t- lastT) / this.timePreBeat) * tempo if(midiEvent[0]==="set_tempo"){ tempo = (60 / midiEvent[3]) * 10 ** 3 this.midiTimes.push({ms:ms, t: t, tempo: tempo}) } if(midiEvent[0]==="note"){ this.totalTimeMs = Math.max(this.totalTimeMs, ms + (midiEvent[3]/ this.timePreBeat)*tempo) }else{ this.totalTimeMs = Math.max(this.totalTimeMs, ms); } lastT = t; }) } setPlayTime(t){ this.playTime = t let x = Math.round((t/this.timePreBeat)*this.config.beatWidth) this.timeLine.setAttribute('x1', `${x}`); this.timeLine.setAttribute('y1', '0'); this.timeLine.setAttribute('x2', `${x}`); this.timeLine.setAttribute('y2', `${this.config.noteHeight*128}`); this.wrapper.scrollTo(Math.max(0, x - this.wrapper.offsetWidth/2), 0) if(this.playing){ let activeNotes = [] this.removeActiveNotes(this.activeNotes) this.midiEvents.forEach((midiEvent)=>{ if(midiEvent[0] === "note"){ let time = midiEvent[1] let duration = midiEvent[3] let note = midiEvent[midiEvent.length - 1] if(time <=this.playTime && time+duration>= this.playTime){ activeNotes.push(note) } } }) this.addActiveNotes(activeNotes) } } setPlayTimeMs(ms){ this.playTimeMs = ms let playTime = 0 for(let i =0;i=ms){ break; } playTime = midiTime.t + (ms-midiTime.ms) * this.timePreBeat / midiTime.tempo } this.setPlayTime(playTime) } addActiveNotes(notes){ notes.forEach((note)=>{ this.activeNotes.push(note) note.classList.add('active'); }); } removeActiveNotes(notes){ notes.forEach((note)=>{ let idx = this.activeNotes.indexOf(note) if(idx>-1) this.activeNotes.splice(idx, 1); note.classList.remove('active'); }); } play(){ this.playing = true; } pause(){ this.removeActiveNotes(this.activeNotes) this.playing = false; } bindAudioPlayer(audio){ this.pause() audio.addEventListener("play", (event)=>{ this.play() }) audio.addEventListener("pause", (event)=>{ this.pause() }) audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", (event)=>{ //I don't know why the calculated totalTimeMs is different from audio.duration*10**3 this.totalTimeMs = audio.duration*10**3; }) } bindWaveformCursor(cursor){ let self = this; const callback = function(mutationsList, observer) { for(let mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName === 'style') { let progress = parseFloat(mutation.target.style.left.slice(0,-1))*0.01; if(!isNaN(progress)){ self.setPlayTimeMs(progress*self.totalTimeMs); } } } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(cursor, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'] }); } } customElements.define('midi-visualizer', MidiVisualizer); (()=>{ let midi_visualizer_container_inited = null let midi_audio_audio_inited = null; let midi_audio_cursor_inited = null; let midi_visualizer = document.createElement('midi-visualizer') onUiUpdate((m)=>{ let app = gradioApp() let midi_visualizer_container = app.querySelector("#midi_visualizer_container"); if(!!midi_visualizer_container && midi_visualizer_container_inited!== midi_visualizer_container){ midi_visualizer_container.appendChild(midi_visualizer) midi_visualizer_container_inited = midi_visualizer_container; } let midi_audio = app.querySelector("#midi_audio"); if (!!midi_audio){ let midi_audio_cursor = midi_audio.deepQuerySelector(".cursor"); if(!!midi_audio_cursor && midi_audio_cursor_inited!==midi_audio_cursor){ midi_visualizer.bindWaveformCursor(midi_audio_cursor) midi_audio_cursor_inited = midi_audio_cursor } let midi_audio_audio = midi_audio.deepQuerySelector("audio"); if(!!midi_audio_audio && midi_audio_audio_inited!==midi_audio_audio){ midi_visualizer.bindAudioPlayer(midi_audio_audio) midi_audio_audio_inited = midi_audio_audio } } }) function createProgressBar(progressbarContainer){ let parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode; let divProgress = document.createElement('div'); divProgress.className='progressDiv'; let rect = progressbarContainer.getBoundingClientRect(); divProgress.style.width = rect.width + "px"; divProgress.style.background = "#b4c0cc"; divProgress.style.borderRadius = "8px"; let divInner = document.createElement('div'); divInner.className='progress'; divInner.style.color = "white"; divInner.style.background = "#0060df"; divInner.style.textAlign = "right"; divInner.style.fontWeight = "bold"; divInner.style.borderRadius = "8px"; divInner.style.height = "20px"; divInner.style.lineHeight = "20px"; divInner.style.paddingRight = "8px" divInner.style.width = "0%"; divProgress.appendChild(divInner); parentProgressbar.insertBefore(divProgress, progressbarContainer); } function removeProgressBar(progressbarContainer){ let parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode; let divProgress = parentProgressbar.querySelector(".progressDiv"); parentProgressbar.removeChild(divProgress); } function setProgressBar(progressbarContainer, progress, total){ let parentProgressbar = progressbarContainer.parentNode; let divProgress = parentProgressbar.querySelector(".progressDiv"); let divInner = parentProgressbar.querySelector(".progress"); if(total===0) total = 1; divInner.style.width = `${(progress/total)*100}%`; divInner.textContent = `${progress}/${total}`; } onMsgReceive((msgs)=>{ for(let msg of msgs){ if(msg instanceof Array){ msg.forEach((o)=>{handleMsg(o)}); }else{ handleMsg(msg); } } }) function handleMsg(msg){ switch (msg.name) { case "visualizer_clear": midi_visualizer.clearMidiEvents(false); createProgressBar(midi_visualizer_container_inited) break; case "visualizer_append": msg.data.forEach( value => { midi_visualizer.appendMidiEvent(value); }) break; case "progress": let progress = msg.data[0] let total = msg.data[1] setProgressBar(midi_visualizer_container_inited, progress, total) break; case "visualizer_end": midi_visualizer.clearMidiEvents(true); msg.data.forEach( value => { midi_visualizer.appendMidiEvent(value); }) midi_visualizer.finishAppendMidiEvent() midi_visualizer.setPlayTime(0); removeProgressBar(midi_visualizer_container_inited); break; default: } } })();