import os import streamlit as st import openai import pandas as pd from typing import List, Tuple from uuid import uuid4 import time # 🔑 Set the OpenAI API key from an environment variable openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") # 🆔 Function to generate a unique session ID for caching def get_session_id(): if 'session_id' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.session_id = str(uuid4()) return st.session_state.session_id # 🧠 STaR Algorithm Implementation class SelfTaughtReasoner: def __init__(self, model_engine="text-davinci-003"): self.model_engine = model_engine self.prompt_examples = [] # Initialize with an empty list self.iterations = 0 self.generated_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Problem', 'Rationale', 'Answer', 'Is_Correct']) self.rationalized_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Problem', 'Rationale', 'Answer', 'Is_Correct']) self.fine_tuned_model = None # 🏗️ Placeholder for fine-tuned model def add_prompt_example(self, problem: str, rationale: str, answer: str): """ ➕ Adds a prompt example to the few-shot examples. """ self.prompt_examples.append({ 'Problem': problem, 'Rationale': rationale, 'Answer': answer }) def construct_prompt(self, problem: str, include_answer: bool = False, answer: str = "") -> str: """ 📝 Constructs the prompt for the OpenAI API call. """ prompt = "" for example in self.prompt_examples: prompt += f"Problem: {example['Problem']}\n" prompt += f"Rationale: {example['Rationale']}\n" prompt += f"Answer: {example['Answer']}\n\n" prompt += f"Problem: {problem}\n" if include_answer: prompt += f"Answer (as hint): {answer}\n" prompt += "Rationale:" return prompt def generate_rationale_and_answer(self, problem: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ 🤔 Generates a rationale and answer for a given problem. """ prompt = self.construct_prompt(problem) try: response = openai.Completion.create( engine=self.model_engine, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=150, temperature=0.7, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0, stop=["\n\n", "Problem:", "Answer:"] ) rationale = response.choices[0].text.strip() # 📝 Now generate the answer using the rationale prompt += f" {rationale}\nAnswer:" answer_response = openai.Completion.create( engine=self.model_engine, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=10, temperature=0, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0, presence_penalty=0, stop=["\n", "\n\n", "Problem:"] ) answer = answer_response.choices[0].text.strip() return rationale, answer except Exception as e: st.error(f"❌ Error generating rationale and answer: {e}") return "", "" def fine_tune_model(self): """ 🛠️ Fine-tunes the model on the generated rationales. """ time.sleep(1) # ⏳ Simulate time taken for fine-tuning self.fine_tuned_model = f"{self.model_engine}-fine-tuned-{get_session_id()}" st.success(f"✅ Model fine-tuned: {self.fine_tuned_model}") def run_iteration(self, dataset: pd.DataFrame): """ 🔄 Runs one iteration of the STaR process. """ st.write(f"### Iteration {self.iterations + 1}") progress_bar = st.progress(0) total = len(dataset) for idx, row in dataset.iterrows(): problem = row['Problem'] correct_answer = row['Answer'] # 🤖 Generate rationale and answer rationale, answer = self.generate_rationale_and_answer(problem) is_correct = (answer.lower() == correct_answer.lower()) # 📝 Record the generated data self.generated_data = self.generated_data.append({ 'Problem': problem, 'Rationale': rationale, 'Answer': answer, 'Is_Correct': is_correct }, ignore_index=True) # ❌ If incorrect, perform rationalization if not is_correct: rationale, answer = self.rationalize(problem, correct_answer) is_correct = (answer.lower() == correct_answer.lower()) if is_correct: self.rationalized_data = self.rationalized_data.append({ 'Problem': problem, 'Rationale': rationale, 'Answer': answer, 'Is_Correct': is_correct }, ignore_index=True) progress_bar.progress((idx + 1) / total) # 🔧 Fine-tune the model on correct rationales st.write("🔄 Fine-tuning the model on correct rationales...") self.fine_tune_model() self.iterations += 1 # Predefined problem and answer list EXAMPLE_PROBLEM_ANSWERS = [ {"Problem": "What is deductive reasoning?", "Answer": "It is a logical process that draws specific conclusions from general principles."}, {"Problem": "What is inductive reasoning?", "Answer": "It is reasoning that forms general principles from specific examples."}, {"Problem": "Explain abductive reasoning.", "Answer": "It involves finding the best explanation for incomplete observations."}, {"Problem": "What is the capital of France?", "Answer": "Paris."}, {"Problem": "Who wrote Hamlet?", "Answer": "William Shakespeare."} ] # Convert the example list into 'Problem | Answer' format def format_examples_for_text_area(examples): return '\n'.join([f"{example['Problem']} | {example['Answer']}" for example in examples]) # 🖥️ Streamlit App def main(): st.title("🤖 Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR) Demonstration") # 🧩 Initialize the Self-Taught Reasoner if 'star' not in st.session_state: = SelfTaughtReasoner() star = # Step 1: Few-Shot Prompt Examples st.header("Step 1: Add Few-Shot Prompt Examples") st.write("Choose an example from the dropdown or input your own.") selected_example = st.selectbox( "Select a predefined example", [f"Example {i + 1}: {ex['Problem']}" for i, ex in enumerate(EXAMPLE_PROBLEM_ANSWERS)] ) # Prefill with selected example example_idx = int(selected_example.split(" ")[1].replace(":", "")) - 1 example_problem = EXAMPLE_PROBLEM_ANSWERS[example_idx]['Problem'] example_answer = EXAMPLE_PROBLEM_ANSWERS[example_idx]['Answer'] st.text_area("Problem", value=example_problem, height=50, key="example_problem") st.text_input("Answer", value=example_answer, key="example_answer") if st.button("Add Example"): star.add_prompt_example(st.session_state.example_problem, "Rationale placeholder", st.session_state.example_answer) st.success("Example added successfully!") # Step 2: Input Dataset (Problem | Answer format) st.header("Step 2: Input Dataset") # Provide examples in the format 'Problem | Answer' as a default prefilled_data = format_examples_for_text_area(EXAMPLE_PROBLEM_ANSWERS) dataset_problems = st.text_area( "Enter problems and answers in the format 'Problem | Answer', one per line.", value=prefilled_data, height=200 ) if st.button("Submit Dataset"): dataset = [] lines = dataset_problems.strip().split('\n') for line in lines: if '|' in line: problem, answer = line.split('|', 1) dataset.append({'Problem': problem.strip(), 'Answer': answer.strip()}) st.session_state.dataset = pd.DataFrame(dataset) st.success("Dataset loaded.") if 'dataset' in st.session_state: st.subheader("Current Dataset:") st.dataframe(st.session_state.dataset.head()) # Step 3: Run STaR Process st.header("Step 3: Run STaR Process") num_iterations = st.number_input("Number of Iterations to Run:", min_value=1, max_value=10, value=1) if st.button("Run STaR"): for _ in range(num_iterations): star.run_iteration(st.session_state.dataset) st.header("Results") st.subheader("Generated Data") st.dataframe(star.generated_data) st.subheader("Rationalized Data") st.dataframe(star.rationalized_data) st.write("The model has been fine-tuned iteratively.") # Step 4: Test the Fine-Tuned Model st.header("Step 4: Test the Fine-Tuned Model") test_problem = st.text_area("Enter a new problem to solve:", height=100) if st.button("Solve Problem"): if not test_problem: st.warning("Please enter a problem to solve.") else: rationale, answer = star.generate_rationale_and_answer(test_problem) st.subheader("Rationale:") st.write(rationale) st.subheader("Answer:") st.write(answer) if __name__ == "__main__": main()