import streamlit as st import anthropic import openai import os import time import base64 import glob from datetime import datetime from gradio_client import Client # 1. Configuration and Setup Site_Name = '🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI' title = "🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI" helpURL = '' bugURL = '' icons = '🚲🏆' st.set_page_config( page_title=title, page_icon=icons, layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="auto", menu_items={ 'Get Help': helpURL, 'Report a bug': bugURL, 'About': title } ) # 2. Load environment variables and initialize clients openai.api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') anthropic_key = os.getenv("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY_3") openai_client = openai.ChatCompletion() claude_client = anthropic.Anthropic(api_key=anthropic_key) # Initialize session states if 'voice_transcript' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.voice_transcript = "" if 'chat_history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.chat_history = [] # 3. Speech Recognition HTML Component speech_recognition_html = """ Continuous Speech Recognition """ # Helper Functions def process_with_gpt(text_input): if text_input: completion = openai_client.create( model="gpt-4", messages=[{"role": "user", "content": text_input}] ) return completion['choices'][0]['message']['content'] def process_with_claude(text_input): if text_input: response = claude_client.completions.create( model="claude-2", max_tokens=1000, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": text_input}] ) return response['completion'] def perform_ai_lookup(query): client = Client("awacke1/Arxiv-Paper-Search-And-QA-RAG-Pattern") response = client.predict( prompt=query, api_name="/ask_llm" ) return response def display_file_manager(): st.sidebar.title("📁 File Management") files = glob.glob("*.md") files.sort(reverse=True) if st.sidebar.button("Delete All"): for file in files: os.remove(file) st.experimental_rerun() if st.sidebar.button("Download All"): with zipfile.ZipFile("", 'w') as zipf: for file in files: zipf.write(file) st.sidebar.markdown( f'Download All Files', unsafe_allow_html=True ) for file in files: st.sidebar.write(file) # Main Function def main(): st.sidebar.markdown("### 🚲BikeAI🏆 Claude and GPT Multi-Agent Research AI") tab_main ="Choose Action:", ["🎤 Voice Input", "💬 Chat", "🔍 Search ArXiv"], horizontal=True) if tab_main == "🎤 Voice Input": st.subheader("Voice Recognition") st.components.v1.html(speech_recognition_html, height=300) if st.session_state.voice_transcript: st.text_area("Transcript", st.session_state.voice_transcript, height=100) if st.button("Search with GPT"): st.subheader("GPT-4 Response") gpt_response = process_with_gpt(st.session_state.voice_transcript) st.write(gpt_response) if st.button("Search with Claude"): st.subheader("Claude Response") claude_response = process_with_claude(st.session_state.voice_transcript) st.write(claude_response) if st.button("Search ArXiv"): st.subheader("ArXiv Search Results") arxiv_results = perform_ai_lookup(st.session_state.voice_transcript) st.write(arxiv_results) if st.button("Clear Transcript"): st.session_state.voice_transcript = "" elif tab_main == "💬 Chat": st.subheader("Chat") user_input = st.text_area("Your Message", height=100) if st.button("Send"): if user_input: gpt_response = process_with_gpt(user_input) st.write("GPT Response:", gpt_response) claude_response = process_with_claude(user_input) st.write("Claude Response:", claude_response) elif tab_main == "🔍 Search ArXiv": query = st.text_input("Enter your research query:") if query: results = perform_ai_lookup(query) st.write(results) display_file_manager() if __name__ == "__main__": main()