import msal import os import streamlit as st import webbrowser as wb import requests from msal import PublicClientApplication APPLICATION_ID_KEY = os.getenv('APPLICATION_ID_KEY') CLIENT_SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('CLIENT_SECRET_KEY') AUTHORIZATION_KEY = os.getenv('AUTHORIZATION_KEY') #st.write(APPLICATION_ID_KEY) #st.write(CLIENT_SECRET_KEY) authority_url = '' base_url = '' endpoint = base_url + 'me' SCOPES = ['User.Read','User.Export.All'] # Authenticate with Auth Code client_instance = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication( client_id=APPLICATION_ID_KEY, client_credential=CLIENT_SECRET_KEY, authority=authority_url ) authorization_request_url = client_instance.get_authorization_request_url(SCOPES) st.write('Connecting to MSGraph with url:' + authorization_request_url), new=True) access_token = client_instance.acquire_token_by_authorization_code( code=AUTHORIZATION_KEY, scopes=SCOPES) try: access_token_id = access_token['access_token'] headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token_id} endpoint = base_url + 'me' response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers) st.write(response) st.write(response.json) except: st.write('No auth key returned from MS graph - redirect issue?') # URLs used in this sample app to demonstrate MS Graph in Python # # # # # # # Initialize MSAL client def get_msal_app(): return ConfidentialClientApplication( CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY_URL, client_credential=CLIENT_SECRET ) # Get access token def get_access_token(): app = get_msal_app() result = app.acquire_token_silent(SCOPES, account=None) if not result: result = app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=SCOPES) if "access_token" in result: return result['access_token'] else: st.error("Could not obtain access token.") st.stop() # Placeholder functions for MS Graph API interactions def get_upcoming_events(): # Implement API call to get upcoming events return [] def get_schedule(): # Implement API call to get schedule return [] def add_event(event_details): # Implement API call to add a new event pass def get_event_details(event_id): # Implement API call to get event details return {} def filter_events(filter_criteria): # Implement API call to filter events return [] # Sidebar navigation st.sidebar.title("Navigation") menu ="Go to", [ "1️⃣ Dashboard with Widgets", "🏠 Landing Page", "📅 Upcoming Events", "📆 Schedule", "📝 Agenda", "🔍 Event Details", "➕ Add Event", "🔎 Filter By" ]) # Main content area st.title("Simple Streamlit App with MS Graph API") if menu == "1️⃣ Dashboard with Widgets": st.header("1️⃣ Dashboard with Widgets") st.write("Widgets will be displayed here.") # Add your widgets here elif menu == "🏠 Landing Page": st.header("🏠 Landing Page") st.write("Welcome to the app!") # Add landing page content here elif menu == "📅 Upcoming Events": st.header("📅 Upcoming Events") events = get_upcoming_events() for event in events: st.write(event) # Display upcoming events elif menu == "📆 Schedule": st.header("📆 Schedule") schedule = get_schedule() st.write(schedule) # Display schedule elif menu == "📝 Agenda": st.header("📝 Agenda") # Display agenda st.write("Your agenda for today.") elif menu == "🔍 Event Details": st.header("🔍 Event Details") event_id = st.text_input("Enter Event ID") if event_id: event_details = get_event_details(event_id) st.write(event_details) # Display event details based on ID elif menu == "➕ Add Event": st.header("➕ Add Event") event_title = st.text_input("Event Title") event_date = st.date_input("Event Date") event_time = st.time_input("Event Time") if st.button("Add Event"): event_details = { "title": event_title, "date": event_date, "time": event_time } add_event(event_details) st.success("Event added successfully!") # Form to add new event elif menu == "🔎 Filter By": st.header("🔎 Filter Events") filter_criteria = st.text_input("Enter filter criteria") if filter_criteria: filtered_events = filter_events(filter_criteria) st.write(filtered_events) # Filter events based on criteria else: st.write("Please select a menu option.")