import streamlit as st import folium from streamlit_folium import folium_static import pandas as pd # Define hospitals data for Minnesota hospitals = pd.DataFrame({ 'name': ['Mayo Clinic', 'University of Minnesota Medical Center', 'Hennepin County Medical Center', 'Regions Hospital', 'Abbott Northwestern Hospital'], 'city': ['Rochester', 'Minneapolis', 'Minneapolis', 'St. Paul', 'Minneapolis'], 'lat': [44.023678, 44.971389, 44.972078, 44.942936, 44.955447], 'lon': [-92.466955, -93.240556, -93.261769, -93.093457, -93.268543], 'beds': [1368, 1002, 484, 454, 640] }) # Sort hospitals by number of beds and select the top ten top_hospitals = hospitals.sort_values('beds', ascending=False).head(10) # Create a map centered on Minnesota m = folium.Map(location=[45.0, -94.0], zoom_start=7) # Add markers for each hospital for i, hospital in top_hospitals.iterrows(): folium.Marker( location=[hospital['lat'], hospital['lon']], popup=f"{hospital['name']}
{hospital['beds']} beds", icon=folium.Icon(color='red') ).add_to(m) # Add waypoints for each hospital waypoints = [(hospital['lat'], hospital['lon']) for i, hospital in top_hospitals.iterrows()] folium.plugins.AntPath(waypoints, delay=3000).add_to(m) # Function to update the map when a button is clicked def update_map(hospital_data): m.location = [hospital_data['lat'], hospital_data['lon']] m.zoom_start = 13 folium_static(m) # Create a grid of buttons for selecting hospitals cols = st.columns(5) for i, hospital in top_hospitals.iterrows(): with cols[i % 5]: if st.button(hospital['name']): update_map(hospital) # Display the map in Streamlit folium_static(m)