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| Description: libf0 salience-based F0 estimation implementation
| Author: Sebastian Rosenzweig, Simon Schwär, Meinard Müller
| License: The MIT license,
| This file is part of libf0.
import numpy as np
from librosa import stft
from scipy import ndimage, linalg
from numba import njit
def salience(x, Fs=22050, N=2048, H=256, F_min=55.0, F_max=1760.0, R=10.0, num_harm=10, freq_smooth_len=11,
alpha=0.9, gamma=0.0, constraint_region=None, tol=5, score_low=0.01, score_high=1.0):
Implementation of a salience-based F0-estimation algorithm using pitch contours, inspired by Melodia.
.. [#] Justin Salamon and Emilia Gómez,
"Melody Extraction From Polyphonic Music Signals Using Pitch Contour Characteristics."
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1759–1770, Aug. 2012.
x : ndarray
Audio signal
Fs : int
Sampling rate
N : int
Window size
H : int
Hop size
F_min : float or int
Minimal frequency
F_max : float or int
Maximal frequency
R : int
Frequency resolution given in cents
num_harm : int
Number of harmonics (Default value = 10)
freq_smooth_len : int
Filter length for vertical smoothing (Default value = 11)
alpha : float
Weighting parameter for harmonics (Default value = 0.9)
gamma : float
Logarithmic compression factor (Default value = 0.0)
constraint_region : None or ndarray
Constraint regions, row-format: (t_start_sec, t_end_sec, f_start_hz, f_end,hz)
(Default value = None)
tol : int
Tolerance parameter for transition matrix (Default value = 5)
score_low : float
Score (low) for transition matrix (Default value = 0.01)
score_high : float
Score (high) for transition matrix (Default value = 1.0)
f0 : ndarray
Estimated F0-trajectory
T_coef: ndarray
Time axis
sal: ndarray
Salience value of estimated F0
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_SalienceRepresentation.ipynb
# compute salience representation via instantaneous frequency and harmonic summation
Z, F_coef_hertz = compute_salience_rep(x, Fs, N=N, H=H, F_min=F_min, F_max=F_max, R=R,
num_harm=num_harm, freq_smooth_len=freq_smooth_len,
alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma)
# compute trajectory via dynamic programming
T_coef = (np.arange(Z.shape[1]) * H) / Fs
index_CR = compute_trajectory_cr(Z, T_coef, F_coef_hertz, constraint_region,
tol=tol, score_low=score_low, score_high=score_high)
traj = F_coef_hertz[index_CR]
traj[index_CR == -1] = 0
# compute salience value
Z_max = np.max(Z, axis=0)
Z_norm = np.divide(Z, np.ones((Z.shape[0], 1)) * Z_max)
sal = Z_norm[index_CR, np.arange(Z.shape[1])]
sal[traj == 0] = 0
return traj, T_coef, sal
def compute_salience_rep(x, Fs, N, H, F_min, F_max, R, num_harm, freq_smooth_len, alpha, gamma):
Compute salience representation [FMP, Eq. (8.56)]
x : ndarray
Audio signal
Fs : int
Sampling rate
N : int
Window size
H : int
Hop size
F_min : float or int
Minimal frequency
F_max : float or int
Maximal frequency
R : int
Frequency resolution given in cents
num_harm : int
Number of harmonics
freq_smooth_len : int
Filter length for vertical smoothing
alpha : float
Weighting parameter for harmonics
gamma : float
Logarithmic compression factor
Z : ndarray
Salience representation
F_coef_hertz : ndarray
Frequency axis in Hz
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_SalienceRepresentation.ipynb
X = stft(x, n_fft=N, hop_length=H, win_length=N, pad_mode='constant')
Y_LF_IF_bin, F_coef_hertz = compute_y_lf_if_bin_eff(X, Fs, N, H, F_min, F_max, R)
# smoothing
Y_LF_IF_bin = ndimage.convolve1d(Y_LF_IF_bin, np.hanning(freq_smooth_len), axis=0, mode='constant')
Z = compute_salience_from_logfreq_spec(Y_LF_IF_bin, R, n_harmonics=num_harm, alpha=alpha, beta=1, gamma=gamma)
return Z, F_coef_hertz
def compute_y_lf_if_bin_eff(X, Fs, N, H, F_min, F_max, R):
Binned Log-frequency Spectrogram with variable frequency resolution based on instantaneous frequency,
more efficient implementation than FMP
X : ndarray
Complex spectrogram
Fs : int
Sampling rate in Hz
N : int
Window size
H : int
Hop size
F_min : float or int
Minimal frequency
F_max : float or int
Maximal frequency
R : int
Frequency resolution given in cents
Y_LF_IF_bin : ndarray
Binned log-frequency spectrogram using instantaneous frequency (shape: [freq, time])
F_coef_hertz : ndarray
Frequency axis in Hz
# calculate number of bins on log frequency axis
B = frequency_to_bin_index(F_max, R, F_min) + 1
# center frequencies of the final bins
F_coef_hertz = F_min * np.power(2, (np.arange(0, B) * R / 1200))
# calculate heterodyned phase increment (hpi)
k = np.arange(X.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1)
omega = 2 * np.pi * k / N # center frequency for each bin in rad
hpi = (np.angle(X[:, 1:]) - np.angle(X[:, 0:-1])) - omega * H
# reduce hpi to -pi:pi range
# this is much faster than using the modulo function below, but gives the same result
# hpi = np.mod(hpi + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) - np.pi
hpi = hpi - 2 * np.pi * (np.around((hpi / (2 * np.pi)) + 1) - 1)
# calculate instantaneous frequencies in Hz
inst_f = (omega + hpi / H) * Fs / (2 * np.pi)
# repeat the first time frame to match dimensions of X
inst_f = np.hstack((np.copy(inst_f[:, 0]).reshape(-1, 1), inst_f))
# mask frequencies that are not relevant
mask = np.logical_and(inst_f >= F_min, inst_f < F_max)
inst_f *= mask
# set 0 to nan, so it does stay at nan in the bin assignment calculation
inst_f[np.where(inst_f == 0)] = np.nan
# find which inst_f values belong to which bin
bin_assignment = frequency_to_bin_index(inst_f, R, F_min)
# we map the discarded values to an extra bin that we remove before returning the binned spectrogram
bin_assignment[np.where(np.isnan(inst_f))] = B
# perform binning on power spectrogram for each time frame separately
Y = np.abs(X) ** 2
Y_LF_IF_bin = np.zeros((B+1, Y.shape[1]))
for t in range(Y.shape[1]):[:, t], bin_assignment[:, t], Y[:, t])
return Y_LF_IF_bin[:B, :], F_coef_hertz
def compute_salience_from_logfreq_spec(lf_spec, R, n_harmonics, alpha, beta, gamma, harmonic_win_len=11):
Compute salience representation using harmonic summation following [1]
[1] J. Salamon and E. Gomez,
"Melody Extraction From Polyphonic Music Signals Using Pitch Contour Characteristics."
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1759–1770, Aug. 2012.
lf_spec : ndarray
(F, T) log-spectrogram
R : int
Frequency resolution given in cents
n_harmonics : int
Number of harmonics
alpha : float
Weighting parameter for harmonics
beta : float
Compression parameter for spectrogram magnitudes
gamma : float
Magnitude threshold
harmonic_win_len : int
Length of a frequency weighting window in bins
Z : ndarray
(F, T) salience representation of the input spectrogram
# magnitude thresholding and compression
eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
threshold_mask = (20 * np.log10(lf_spec/np.max(lf_spec) + eps)) < gamma
lf_spec = lf_spec**beta * threshold_mask
# compute window
max_diff_bins = harmonic_win_len // 2
window = np.cos(np.linspace(-1, 1, 2*max_diff_bins+1)*np.pi/2)**2 # cosine^2 window
# compute indices of harmonics
harmonics = np.round(np.log2(np.arange(1, n_harmonics + 1)) * 1200 / R).astype(int)
weighting_vec = np.zeros((lf_spec.shape[0] + max_diff_bins))
# compute weights
for idx, h in enumerate(harmonics):
if h+harmonic_win_len > len(weighting_vec):
break # we reached the maximum length available
weighting_vec[h:h+harmonic_win_len] += window * alpha**idx
# correlate lf_spec with the weighting vector on the frequency axis
Z = ndimage.correlate1d(lf_spec, weighting_vec[:],
axis=0, mode='constant', cval=0, origin=-len(weighting_vec)//2 + max_diff_bins)
# magnitude thresholding and compression
threshold_mask = (20 * np.log10(Z / np.max(Z) + eps)) < gamma
Z = Z ** beta * threshold_mask
return Z
def define_transition_matrix(B, tol=0, score_low=0.01, score_high=1.0):
Generate transition matrix for dynamic programming
B : int
Number of bins
tol : int
Tolerance parameter for transition matrix (Default value = 0)
score_low : float
Score (low) for transition matrix (Default value = 0.01)
score_high : float
Score (high) for transition matrix (Default value = 1.0)
T : ndarray
(B, B) Transition matrix
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_FundFreqTracking.ipynb
col = np.ones((B,)) * score_low
col[0:tol+1] = np.ones((tol+1, )) * score_high
T = linalg.toeplitz(col)
return T
def compute_trajectory_dp(Z, T):
Trajectory tracking using dynamic programming
Z : ndarray
Salience representation
T : ndarray
Transisition matrix
eta_DP : ndarray
Trajectory indices
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_FundFreqTracking.ipynb
B, N = Z.shape
eps_machine = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
Z_log = np.log(Z + eps_machine)
T_log = np.log(T + eps_machine)
E = np.zeros((B, N))
D = np.zeros((B, N))
D[:, 0] = Z_log[:, 0]
for n in np.arange(1, N):
for b in np.arange(0, B):
D[b, n] = np.max(T_log[b, :] + D[:, n-1]) + Z_log[b, n]
E[b, n-1] = np.argmax(T_log[b, :] + D[:, n-1])
# backtracking
eta_DP = np.zeros(N)
eta_DP[N-1] = int(np.argmax(D[:, N-1]))
for n in np.arange(N-2, -1, -1):
eta_DP[n] = E[int(eta_DP[n+1]), n]
return eta_DP.astype(np.int64)
def compute_trajectory_cr(Z, T_coef, F_coef_hertz, constraint_region=None,
tol=5, score_low=0.01, score_high=1.0):
Trajectory tracking with constraint regions
Notebook: C8/C8S2_FundFreqTracking.ipynb
Z : ndarray
Salience representation
T_coef : ndarray
Time axis
F_coef_hertz : ndarray
Frequency axis in Hz
constraint_region : ndarray or None
Constraint regions, row-format: (t_start_sec, t_end_sec, f_start_hz, f_end_hz)
(Default value = None)
tol : int
Tolerance parameter for transition matrix (Default value = 5)
score_low : float
Score (low) for transition matrix (Default value = 0.01)
score_high : float
Score (high) for transition matrix (Default value = 1.0)
eta : ndarray
Trajectory indices, unvoiced frames are indicated with -1
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_FundFreqTracking.ipynb
# do tracking within every constraint region
if constraint_region is not None:
# initialize contour, unvoiced frames are indicated with -1
eta = np.full(len(T_coef), -1)
for row_idx in range(constraint_region.shape[0]):
t_start = constraint_region[row_idx, 0] # sec
t_end = constraint_region[row_idx, 1] # sec
f_start = constraint_region[row_idx, 2] # Hz
f_end = constraint_region[row_idx, 3] # Hz
# convert start/end values to indices
t_start_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(T_coef - t_start))
t_end_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(T_coef - t_end))
f_start_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(F_coef_hertz - f_start))
f_end_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(F_coef_hertz - f_end))
# track in salience part
cur_Z = Z[f_start_idx:f_end_idx+1, t_start_idx:t_end_idx+1]
T = define_transition_matrix(cur_Z.shape[0], tol=tol,
score_low=score_low, score_high=score_high)
cur_eta = compute_trajectory_dp(cur_Z, T)
# fill contour
eta[t_start_idx:t_end_idx+1] = f_start_idx + cur_eta
T = define_transition_matrix(Z.shape[0], tol=tol, score_low=score_low, score_high=score_high)
eta = compute_trajectory_dp(Z, T)
return eta
def frequency_to_bin_index(F, R, F_ref):
Binning function with variable frequency resolution
Note: Indexing starts with 0 (opposed to [FMP, Eq. (8.49)])
F : float or ndarray
Frequency in Hz
R : float
Frequency resolution in cents (Default value = 10.0)
F_ref : float
Reference frequency in Hz (Default value = 55.0)
bin_index (int): Index for bin (starting with index 0)
See also
[FMP] Notebook: C8/C8S2_SalienceRepresentation.ipynb
bin_index = np.floor((1200 / R) * np.log2(F / F_ref) + 0.5).astype(np.int64)
return bin_index