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import numpy as np
import torch
import crepe
# Pitch thresholding methods
class At:
"""Simple thresholding at a specified probability value"""
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __call__(self, pitch, periodicity):
# Make a copy to prevent in-place modification
pitch = torch.clone(pitch)
# Threshold
pitch[periodicity < self.value] = crepe.UNVOICED
return pitch
class Hysteresis:
"""Hysteresis thresholding"""
def __init__(self,
self.lower_bound = lower_bound
self.upper_bound = upper_bound
self.width = width
self.stds = stds
self.return_threshold = return_threshold
def __call__(self, pitch, periodicity):
# Save output device
device = pitch.device
# Perform hysteresis in log-2 space
pitch = torch.log2(pitch).detach().flatten().cpu().numpy()
# Flatten periodicity
periodicity = periodicity.flatten().cpu().numpy()
# Ignore confidently unvoiced pitch
pitch[periodicity < self.lower_bound] = crepe.UNVOICED
# Whiten pitch
mean, std = np.nanmean(pitch), np.nanstd(pitch)
pitch = (pitch - mean) / std
# Require high confidence to make predictions far from the mean
parabola = self.width * pitch ** 2 - self.width * self.stds ** 2
threshold = \
self.lower_bound + np.clip(parabola, 0, 1 - self.lower_bound)
threshold[np.isnan(threshold)] = self.lower_bound
# Apply hysteresis to prevent short, unconfident voiced regions
i = 0
while i < len(periodicity) - 1:
# Detect unvoiced to voiced transition
if periodicity[i] < threshold[i] and \
periodicity[i + 1] > threshold[i + 1]:
# Grow region until next unvoiced or end of array
start, end, keep = i + 1, i + 1, False
while end < len(periodicity) and \
periodicity[end] > threshold[end]:
if periodicity[end] > self.upper_bound:
keep = True
end += 1
# Force unvoiced if we didn't pass the confidence required by
# the hysteresis
if not keep:
threshold[start:end] = 1
i = end
i += 1
# Remove pitch with low periodicity
pitch[periodicity < threshold] = crepe.UNVOICED
# Unwhiten
pitch = pitch * std + mean
# Convert to Hz
pitch = torch.tensor(2 ** pitch, device=device)[None, :]
# Optionally return threshold
if self.return_threshold:
return pitch, torch.tensor(threshold, device=device)
return pitch
# Periodicity thresholding methods
class Silence:
"""Set periodicity to zero in silent regions"""
def __init__(self, value=-60):
self.value = value
def __call__(self,
# Don't modify in-place
periodicity = torch.clone(periodicity)
# Compute loudness
loudness = crepe.loudness.a_weighted(
audio, sample_rate, hop_length, pad)
# Threshold silence
periodicity[loudness < self.value] = 0.
return periodicity