# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. from typing import List import torch from annotator.oneformer.detectron2.layers import nonzero_tuple # TODO: the name is too general class Matcher(object): """ This class assigns to each predicted "element" (e.g., a box) a ground-truth element. Each predicted element will have exactly zero or one matches; each ground-truth element may be matched to zero or more predicted elements. The matching is determined by the MxN match_quality_matrix, that characterizes how well each (ground-truth, prediction)-pair match each other. For example, if the elements are boxes, this matrix may contain box intersection-over-union overlap values. The matcher returns (a) a vector of length N containing the index of the ground-truth element m in [0, M) that matches to prediction n in [0, N). (b) a vector of length N containing the labels for each prediction. """ def __init__( self, thresholds: List[float], labels: List[int], allow_low_quality_matches: bool = False ): """ Args: thresholds (list): a list of thresholds used to stratify predictions into levels. labels (list): a list of values to label predictions belonging at each level. A label can be one of {-1, 0, 1} signifying {ignore, negative class, positive class}, respectively. allow_low_quality_matches (bool): if True, produce additional matches for predictions with maximum match quality lower than high_threshold. See set_low_quality_matches_ for more details. For example, thresholds = [0.3, 0.5] labels = [0, -1, 1] All predictions with iou < 0.3 will be marked with 0 and thus will be considered as false positives while training. All predictions with 0.3 <= iou < 0.5 will be marked with -1 and thus will be ignored. All predictions with 0.5 <= iou will be marked with 1 and thus will be considered as true positives. """ # Add -inf and +inf to first and last position in thresholds thresholds = thresholds[:] assert thresholds[0] > 0 thresholds.insert(0, -float("inf")) thresholds.append(float("inf")) # Currently torchscript does not support all + generator assert all([low <= high for (low, high) in zip(thresholds[:-1], thresholds[1:])]) assert all([l in [-1, 0, 1] for l in labels]) assert len(labels) == len(thresholds) - 1 self.thresholds = thresholds self.labels = labels self.allow_low_quality_matches = allow_low_quality_matches def __call__(self, match_quality_matrix): """ Args: match_quality_matrix (Tensor[float]): an MxN tensor, containing the pairwise quality between M ground-truth elements and N predicted elements. All elements must be >= 0 (due to the us of `torch.nonzero` for selecting indices in :meth:`set_low_quality_matches_`). Returns: matches (Tensor[int64]): a vector of length N, where matches[i] is a matched ground-truth index in [0, M) match_labels (Tensor[int8]): a vector of length N, where pred_labels[i] indicates whether a prediction is a true or false positive or ignored """ assert match_quality_matrix.dim() == 2 if match_quality_matrix.numel() == 0: default_matches = match_quality_matrix.new_full( (match_quality_matrix.size(1),), 0, dtype=torch.int64 ) # When no gt boxes exist, we define IOU = 0 and therefore set labels # to `self.labels[0]`, which usually defaults to background class 0 # To choose to ignore instead, can make labels=[-1,0,-1,1] + set appropriate thresholds default_match_labels = match_quality_matrix.new_full( (match_quality_matrix.size(1),), self.labels[0], dtype=torch.int8 ) return default_matches, default_match_labels assert torch.all(match_quality_matrix >= 0) # match_quality_matrix is M (gt) x N (predicted) # Max over gt elements (dim 0) to find best gt candidate for each prediction matched_vals, matches = match_quality_matrix.max(dim=0) match_labels = matches.new_full(matches.size(), 1, dtype=torch.int8) for (l, low, high) in zip(self.labels, self.thresholds[:-1], self.thresholds[1:]): low_high = (matched_vals >= low) & (matched_vals < high) match_labels[low_high] = l if self.allow_low_quality_matches: self.set_low_quality_matches_(match_labels, match_quality_matrix) return matches, match_labels def set_low_quality_matches_(self, match_labels, match_quality_matrix): """ Produce additional matches for predictions that have only low-quality matches. Specifically, for each ground-truth G find the set of predictions that have maximum overlap with it (including ties); for each prediction in that set, if it is unmatched, then match it to the ground-truth G. This function implements the RPN assignment case (i) in Sec. 3.1.2 of :paper:`Faster R-CNN`. """ # For each gt, find the prediction with which it has highest quality highest_quality_foreach_gt, _ = match_quality_matrix.max(dim=1) # Find the highest quality match available, even if it is low, including ties. # Note that the matches qualities must be positive due to the use of # `torch.nonzero`. _, pred_inds_with_highest_quality = nonzero_tuple( match_quality_matrix == highest_quality_foreach_gt[:, None] ) # If an anchor was labeled positive only due to a low-quality match # with gt_A, but it has larger overlap with gt_B, it's matched index will still be gt_B. # This follows the implementation in Detectron, and is found to have no significant impact. match_labels[pred_inds_with_highest_quality] = 1