import gradio as gr from gtts import gTTS from pdfplumber import open as pp_open import os def convert_pdf_to_speech(pdf, language): """ This function takes in a PDF file and converts it to speech. Parameters: pdf (str): The path to the PDF file. language (str): The language of the text. Returns: A message stating that the PDF has been converted to speech. """ # Extract text from our pdf pdf_content = "" with pp_open(pdf) as pdf_file: for page in pdf_file.pages: pdf_content += page.extract_text() # Convert pdf to speech and make AudioBook! tts = gTTS(text=pdf_content, lang=language) filename = os.path.basename(pdf) filename = f"{filename.split('.')[0]}.mp3" return f"Your PDF has been converted to speech. The MP3 file is saved as {os.path.abspath(filename)}" demo = gr.Blocks(theme='gradio/soft') with demo: # App description with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("PDF Text-to-Speech Converter") gr.Markdown("Convert your PDF files to audio books") # Input for the PDF pdf_input = gr.File(label="Select a PDF", type="filepath") # Language selector language_selector = gr.Dropdown( label="Language", value="en", choices=["en", "es", "de", "it", "fr"], interactive=True, ) # Button to start the conversion process button = gr.Button("Convert PDF to Speech") # Output message output = gr.Textbox(label="Output") with gr.Column(): # Footer with links to LinkedIn, GitHub and Live demo of PhD defense footer_html = """
LinkedIn | GitHub | Live demo of my PhD defense
Made with 💖 by Pejman Ebrahimi
""" gr.HTML(footer_html) # Layout the components, inputs=[pdf_input, language_selector], outputs=output) demo.launch()