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</head><body><H1> Lucene and Solr Reference - FactorPad</H1><a href="">Link to original Notion Page</a></p><table border='1'><tr><td><b>Property</b></td><td><b>Value</b></td></tr><tr><td>URL</td><td></td></tr>
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<tr><td>Name</td><td> Lucene and Solr Reference - FactorPad</td></tr>
</table>&nbsp;<div><p class='n_paragraph'>This page outlines our Apache Solr and Lucene reference material by command and topic to help you learn text analysis and search faster.</p ><ol><li class='n_numbered_list_item'><b>Outline</b> - Review the outline of our Solr reference below starting with the command line scripts.</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'><b>Take on a project</b> - Install Solr on a local server as we do here, or fire up a server on a cloud hosting platform.</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'><b>Reference</b> - Return here for examples and syntax for the command line scripts and configuration files.</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'><b>Test environment</b> - Start with a test environment and explore whether Apache Solr suits your enterprise search or custom website search needs.</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'><b>Production environment</b> - Plan your approach as you build towards a production environment.</li ></ol><p class='n_paragraph'>Here we focus on the command line using a Linux-based operating system, however many of the same commands work for macOS. There are slight differences for Windows.</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Outline and Guide to our Apache Solr Reference</h2 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Beginner</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>Currently we offer the following sections, and will add to it over time.</p ><ol><li class='n_numbered_list_item'>Administration Using the Solr Script</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'>Creating Indexes Using the Solr Post Script</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'>Listing of Solr Fields and Field Types</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'>Analyzers, Tokenizers and Filters</li ><li class='n_numbered_list_item'>Solr schema.xml and solrconfig.xml Customizations</li ></ol><p class='n_paragraph'>If a more linear approach better suits you, tutorials can be accessed from our <a href=''>Apache Solr Search Tutorials</a> on YouTube and all code examples are provided in text on this website at <a href=''>Solr Tutorial</a>.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>Apache Solr Search Reference Outline</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Below is a list of commands, tools, settings and terms used with Apache Solr for setting up website search and enterprise search. In general, this text analysis reference is for Solr Version 7.</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>Optimized for html5, web pages open in the current browser window.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>1. Administration Using the Solr Script</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>The Solr script is used to manage Solr cores and collections from the command line. It is also used to start and stop Solr instances. In SolrCloud mode is can be used to set up shards and replicas and link to Apache ZooKeeper to manage search in a distributed environment.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>Finding help</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Help and syntax for the commands within the Solr script can be found using either <code>help</code> generally or with <code>-help</code> for each command.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>Commands within the bin/solr script</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>The solr script has 12 commands entered at the command line. It is accessed using <code>~/$SOLR_HOME/bin/solr</code> where <b>$SOLR_HOME</b> is the directory where Solr was installed. In the case of Solr 7, the whole path would be <code>~/solr-7.0.0/bin/solr</code>.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>2. Creating Indexes With the Solr Post Script</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>The solr post script is used to post or put documents into a core or collection. It is also located in the <code>~/solr-7.0.0/bin</code> directory in a test environment.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>3. Solr Fields and Field Types</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>As you head towards building a Solr search application in production you will need to become intimately familiar with Solr Fields, Types, Classes and Properties.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>4. Analyzers, Tokenizers and Filters</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>The Solr schema (<code>managed-schema</code> or <code>schema.xml</code>) is used for both indexing and at a query time to analyze incoming streams of text. The field analysis process is broken into 3 steps: analyzers, tokenizers and filters.</p ><h3 class='n_heading_3'>5. Solr schema.xml and solrconfig.xml Customizations</h3 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Customized index structures and search applications require modifications to the <code>schema.xml</code> and <code>solrconfig.xml</code>. Importing data to the customized structures and parsing documents is an important step in building the customized index as you move beyond the "Schemless" configruation.</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Other Apache Solr and Lucene Content</h2 ><ul><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'><a href=''>Apache Solr Tutorial</a></li ></ul><h2 class='n_heading_2'>Questions and Answers</h2 ><p class='n_paragraph'><b>Q: </b> How often do we post new Solr content?<b>A: </b> As with everything here new content depends on demand and whether we are working on projects for clients. If you want something pushed to the front of the queue let us know. Engage with us on YouTube or elsewhere on social media. Let us know what you want more of.</p ><h2 class='n_heading_2'>What's Next?</h2 ><p class='n_paragraph'>Consider subscribing to our YouTube Channel here, for more free learning about Apache Solr and Apache Lucene.</p ><ul><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>This is the Outline, so the Outline button is disabled.</li ><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>To learn more about the Solr Reference, click Back.</li ><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>Please consider helping to defray costs of making this content freely accessible, click Tip.</li ><li class='n_bulleted_list_item'>To dive in and learn about Solr help, click Next.</li ></ul><p class='n_paragraph'>solr examples</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>apache solr</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr search</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>website search</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>enterprise search</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>apache lucene</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>apache solr search</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr examples</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>text analytics</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr commands</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr syntax</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr help</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr wiki</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr settings</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solrcloud</p ><p class='n_paragraph'>solr configuration</p ></div></body></html>