import streamlit as st import pywhatkit import speech_recognition as sr import pyttsx3 import os import webbrowser import datetime import wikipedia st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # ask the question you want to ask def speak(text): engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.setProperty("rate", 150) # You can adjust the speech rate (words per minute) engine.say(text) engine.runAndWait() # your speech is an audio def get_audio(): recognizer = sr.Recognizer() with sr.Microphone() as source:"Listening... Say something!") audio = recognizer.listen(source) try: text = recognizer.recognize_google(audio) st.write(f"You said: {text}") speak("You said " + text) # if you tell shutdown the system if text == "shutdown": shutdown_PC() return text except sr.UnknownValueError: st.warning("Sorry, I couldn't understand your speech. Please try again.") return "" except sr.RequestError: st.error("Sorry, there was an issue with the speech recognition service. Please try again later.") return "" # user-defined function to shutdown the system def shutdown_PC(): os.system("shutdown /s /t 1") # searches the text and displays the result def search_and_display(text): st.write(f"Searching for : {text} ...") speak("Searching for " + text) # opens the provided URL in a web browser def open_website(url): st.write(f"Opening website: {url}") speak("Opening website") # gets the current date and time def get_date_time(): now = date = now.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") time = now.strftime("%I:%M %p") st.write(f"Today is {date}") st.write(f"The current time is {time}") speak(f"Today is {date} and the current time is {time}") # searches Wikipedia for the provided query and displays the summary def search_wikipedia(query): try: result = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) st.write(f"Wikipedia Summary for '{query}':") st.write(result) speak(f"According to Wikipedia, {result}") except wikipedia.exceptions.PageError: st.error("Sorry, no Wikipedia page found for the provided query.") except wikipedia.exceptions.DisambiguationError: st.error("Multiple Wikipedia pages found for the provided query. Please be more specific.") # Streamlit app st.title("Personal VoiceAssistant using Python") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col2: if st.button("Start Listening", key="start"): text = get_audio() if text: search_and_display(text) with st.expander("Additional Features"): selected_feature = st.selectbox("Select a feature", ("Open Website", "Get Date and Time", "Search Wikipedia")) if selected_feature == "Open Website": wesite_url = st.text_input("Enter the website URL") if st.button("Open Website"): open_website(wesite_url) elif selected_feature == "Get Date and Time": if st.button("Get Date and Time"): get_date_time() elif selected_feature == "Search Wikipedia": wikipedia_query = st.text_input("Enter your Wikipedia search query") if st.button("Search Wikipedia"): search_wikipedia(wikipedia_query) st.markdown("---") # Footer st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True )