import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(page_title="Turkish Text Classification Tasks - via AG", page_icon='📖') st.header("📖News Classification - TR") with st.sidebar: hf_key = st.text_input("HuggingFace Access Key", key="hf_key", type="password") MODEL_NEW = { "albert": "anilguven/albert_tr_turkish_news", "distilbert": "anilguven/distilbert_tr_turkish_news", "bert": "anilguven/bert_tr_turkish_news", "xlm-roberta": "anilguven/xlm-roberta_tr_turkish_news", "electra": "anilguven/electra_tr_turkish_news", } MODEL_NEWS = ["albert","distilbert","bert","xlm-roberta","electra"] # Use a pipeline as a high-level helper from transformers import pipeline # Create a mapping from formatted model names to their original identifiers def format_model_name(model_key): name_parts = model_key formatted_name = ''.join(name_parts) # Join them into a single string with title case return formatted_name formatted_names_to_identifiers = { format_model_name(key): key for key in MODEL_NEW.keys() } with st.expander("About this app"): st.write(f""" 1-Choose your model for news classification (Model has 7 label).\n 2-Enter your sample news text.\n 3-And model predict your text's result. """) # Debug to ensure names are formatted correctly #st.write("Formatted Model Names to Identifiers:", formatted_names_to_identifiers) model_name: str = st.selectbox("Model", options=MODEL_NEWS) selected_model = MODEL_NEW[model_name] if not hf_key:"Please add your HuggingFace Access Key to continue.") st.stop() access_token = hf_key pipe = pipeline("text-classification", model=selected_model, token=access_token) #from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification #tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(selected_model) #pipe = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=selected_model) comment = st.text_input("Enter your news text for analysis")#User input st.text('') if st.button("Submit for Analysis"): if not hf_key:"Please add your HuggingFace Access Key to continue.") st.stop() else: result = pipe(comment)[0] label='' if result["label"] == "LABEL_0": label = "Economy" elif result["label"] == "LABEL_1": label = "Magazine" elif result["label"] == "LABEL_2": label = "Health" elif result["label"] == "LABEL_3": label = "Politics" elif result["label"] == "LABEL_4": label = "Sports" elif result["label"] == "LABEL_5": label = "Technology" else: label = "Events" st.text(label + " comment with " + str(result["score"]) + " accuracy")