# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Directional Bias Amplification metric.""" import evaluate import datasets import numpy as np _DESCRIPTION = """ Directional Bias Amplification is a metric that captures the amount of bias (i.e., a conditional probability) that is amplified. This metric was introduced in the ICML 2021 paper "Directional Bias Amplification" (https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.12594). """ _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION = """ Args: predictions (`array` of `int`): Predicted task labels. Array of size n x |T|. n is number of samples, |T| is number of task labels. All values are binary 0 or 1. references (`array` of `int`): Ground truth task labels. Array of size n x |T|. n is number of samples, |T| is number of task labels. All values are binary 0 or 1. attributes(`array` of `int`): Ground truth attribute labels. Array of size n x |A|. n is number of samples, |A| is number of attribute labels. All values are binary 0 or 1. Returns bias_amplification(`float`): Bias amplification value. Minimum possible value is 0, and maximum possible value is 1.0. The higher the value, the more "bias" is amplified. disagg_bias_amplification (`array` of `float`): Array of size (number of unique attribute label values) x (number of unique task label values). Each array value represents the bias amplification of that particular task given that particular attribute. """ _CITATION = """ @inproceedings{wang2021biasamp, author = {Angelina Wang and Olga Russakovsky}, title = {Directional Bias Amplification}, booktitle = {International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, year = {2021} } """ @evaluate.utils.file_utils.add_start_docstrings(_DESCRIPTION, _KWARGS_DESCRIPTION) class DirectionalBiasAmplification(evaluate.EvaluationModule): def _info(self): return evaluate.EvaluationModuleInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, citation=_CITATION, inputs_description=_KWARGS_DESCRIPTION, features=datasets.Features( { "predictions": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("int32")), "references": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("int32")), "attributes": datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("int32")), } ), reference_urls=["https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.12594"], ) def _compute(self, predictions, references, attributes): task_preds, task_labels, attribute_labels = np.array(predictions), np.array(references), np.array(attributes) assert len(task_labels.shape) == 2 and len(attribute_labels.shape) == 2, 'Please read the shape of the expected inputs, which should be "num samples" by "num classification items"' assert len(task_labels) == len(attribute_labels) == len(task_preds), 'Please make sure the number of samples in the three input arrays is the same.' num_t, num_a = task_labels.shape[1], attribute_labels.shape[1] # only include images that have attribute(s) and task(s) associated with it keep_indices = np.array(list(set(np.where(np.sum(task_labels_train, axis=1)>0)[0]).union(set(np.where(np.sum(attribute_labels_train, axis=1)>0)[0])))) task_labels_ind, attribute_labels_ind = task_labels[keep_indices], attribute_labels[keep_indices] # y_at calculation p_at = np.zeros((num_a, num_t)) p_a_p_t = np.zeros((num_a, num_t)) num = len(task_labels) for a in range(num_a): for t in range(num_t): t_indices = np.where(task_labels_ind[:, t]==1)[0] a_indices = np.where(attribute_labels_ind[:, a]==1)[0] at_indices = set(t_indices)&set(a_indices) p_a_p_t[a][t] = (len(t_indices)/num)*(len(a_indices)/num) p_at[a][t] = len(at_indices)/num y_at = np.sign(p_at - p_a_p_t) # delta_at calculation t_cond_a = np.zeros((num_a, num_t)) that_cond_a = np.zeros((num_a, num_t)) for a in range(num_a): for t in range(num_t): t_cond_a[a][t] = np.mean(task_labels[:, t][np.where(attribute_labels[:, a]==1)[0]]) that_cond_a[a][t] = np.mean(task_preds[:, t][np.where(attribute_labels[:, a]==1)[0]]) delta_at = that_cond_a - t_cond_a values = y_at*delta_at val = np.nanmean(values) val, values return { "bias_amplification": val, "disagg_bias_amplification": values }