# Modified from https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers/blob/20e92586c1fda968ea3343ba0f44f2b21f3c09d2/examples/community/lpw_stable_diffusion.py import inspect import re from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union import torch from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline from diffusers.loaders import TextualInversionLoaderMixin re_attention = re.compile( r""" \\\(| \\\)| \\\[| \\]| \\\\| \\| \(| \[| :([+-]?[.\d]+)\)| \)| ]| [^\\()\[\]:]+| : """, re.X, ) def parse_prompt_attention(text): """ Parses a string with attention tokens and returns a list of pairs: text and its associated weight. Accepted tokens are: (abc) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1 (abc:3.12) - increases attention to abc by a multiplier of 3.12 [abc] - decreases attention to abc by a multiplier of 1.1 \( - literal character '(' \[ - literal character '[' \) - literal character ')' \] - literal character ']' \\ - literal character '\' anything else - just text >>> parse_prompt_attention('normal text') [['normal text', 1.0]] >>> parse_prompt_attention('an (important) word') [['an ', 1.0], ['important', 1.1], [' word', 1.0]] >>> parse_prompt_attention('(unbalanced') [['unbalanced', 1.1]] >>> parse_prompt_attention('\(literal\]') [['(literal]', 1.0]] >>> parse_prompt_attention('(unnecessary)(parens)') [['unnecessaryparens', 1.1]] >>> parse_prompt_attention('a (((house:1.3)) [on] a (hill:0.5), sun, (((sky))).') [['a ', 1.0], ['house', 1.5730000000000004], [' ', 1.1], ['on', 1.0], [' a ', 1.1], ['hill', 0.55], [', sun, ', 1.1], ['sky', 1.4641000000000006], ['.', 1.1]] """ res = [] round_brackets = [] square_brackets = [] round_bracket_multiplier = 1.1 square_bracket_multiplier = 1 / 1.1 def multiply_range(start_position, multiplier): for p in range(start_position, len(res)): res[p][1] *= multiplier for m in re_attention.finditer(text): text = m.group(0) weight = m.group(1) if text.startswith("\\"): res.append([text[1:], 1.0]) elif text == "(": round_brackets.append(len(res)) elif text == "[": square_brackets.append(len(res)) elif weight is not None and len(round_brackets) > 0: multiply_range(round_brackets.pop(), float(weight)) elif text == ")" and len(round_brackets) > 0: multiply_range(round_brackets.pop(), round_bracket_multiplier) elif text == "]" and len(square_brackets) > 0: multiply_range(square_brackets.pop(), square_bracket_multiplier) else: res.append([text, 1.0]) for pos in round_brackets: multiply_range(pos, round_bracket_multiplier) for pos in square_brackets: multiply_range(pos, square_bracket_multiplier) if len(res) == 0: res = [["", 1.0]] # merge runs of identical weights i = 0 while i + 1 < len(res): if res[i][1] == res[i + 1][1]: res[i][0] += res[i + 1][0] res.pop(i + 1) else: i += 1 return res def get_prompts_with_weights(pipe: DiffusionPipeline, prompt: List[str], max_length: int): r""" Tokenize a list of prompts and return its tokens with weights of each token. No padding, starting or ending token is included. """ tokens = [] weights = [] truncated = False for text in prompt: texts_and_weights = parse_prompt_attention(text) text_token = [] text_weight = [] for word, weight in texts_and_weights: # tokenize and discard the starting and the ending token token = pipe.tokenizer(word).input_ids[1:-1] text_token += token # copy the weight by length of token text_weight += [weight] * len(token) # stop if the text is too long (longer than truncation limit) if len(text_token) > max_length: truncated = True break # truncate if len(text_token) > max_length: truncated = True text_token = text_token[:max_length] text_weight = text_weight[:max_length] tokens.append(text_token) weights.append(text_weight) if truncated: logger.warning("Prompt was truncated. Try to shorten the prompt or increase max_embeddings_multiples") return tokens, weights def pad_tokens_and_weights(tokens, weights, max_length, bos, eos, pad, no_boseos_middle=True, chunk_length=77): r""" Pad the tokens (with starting and ending tokens) and weights (with 1.0) to max_length. """ max_embeddings_multiples = (max_length - 2) // (chunk_length - 2) weights_length = max_length if no_boseos_middle else max_embeddings_multiples * chunk_length for i in range(len(tokens)): tokens[i] = [bos] + tokens[i] + [pad] * (max_length - 1 - len(tokens[i]) - 1) + [eos] if no_boseos_middle: weights[i] = [1.0] + weights[i] + [1.0] * (max_length - 1 - len(weights[i])) else: w = [] if len(weights[i]) == 0: w = [1.0] * weights_length else: for j in range(max_embeddings_multiples): w.append(1.0) # weight for starting token in this chunk w += weights[i][j * (chunk_length - 2) : min(len(weights[i]), (j + 1) * (chunk_length - 2))] w.append(1.0) # weight for ending token in this chunk w += [1.0] * (weights_length - len(w)) weights[i] = w[:] return tokens, weights def get_unweighted_text_embeddings( pipe: DiffusionPipeline, text_input: torch.Tensor, chunk_length: int, no_boseos_middle: Optional[bool] = True, ): """ When the length of tokens is a multiple of the capacity of the text encoder, it should be split into chunks and sent to the text encoder individually. """ max_embeddings_multiples = (text_input.shape[1] - 2) // (chunk_length - 2) if max_embeddings_multiples > 1: text_embeddings = [] for i in range(max_embeddings_multiples): # extract the i-th chunk text_input_chunk = text_input[:, i * (chunk_length - 2) : (i + 1) * (chunk_length - 2) + 2].clone() # cover the head and the tail by the starting and the ending tokens text_input_chunk[:, 0] = text_input[0, 0] text_input_chunk[:, -1] = text_input[0, -1] text_embedding = pipe.text_encoder(text_input_chunk)[0] if no_boseos_middle: if i == 0: # discard the ending token text_embedding = text_embedding[:, :-1] elif i == max_embeddings_multiples - 1: # discard the starting token text_embedding = text_embedding[:, 1:] else: # discard both starting and ending tokens text_embedding = text_embedding[:, 1:-1] text_embeddings.append(text_embedding) text_embeddings = torch.concat(text_embeddings, axis=1) else: text_embeddings = pipe.text_encoder(text_input)[0] return text_embeddings def get_weighted_text_embeddings( pipe: DiffusionPipeline, prompt: Union[str, List[str]], uncond_prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, max_embeddings_multiples: Optional[int] = 3, no_boseos_middle: Optional[bool] = False, skip_parsing: Optional[bool] = False, skip_weighting: Optional[bool] = False, ): r""" Prompts can be assigned with local weights using brackets. For example, prompt 'A (very beautiful) masterpiece' highlights the words 'very beautiful', and the embedding tokens corresponding to the words get multiplied by a constant, 1.1. Also, to regularize of the embedding, the weighted embedding would be scaled to preserve the original mean. Args: pipe (`DiffusionPipeline`): Pipe to provide access to the tokenizer and the text encoder. prompt (`str` or `List[str]`): The prompt or prompts to guide the image generation. uncond_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`): The unconditional prompt or prompts for guide the image generation. If unconditional prompt is provided, the embeddings of prompt and uncond_prompt are concatenated. max_embeddings_multiples (`int`, *optional*, defaults to `3`): The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder. no_boseos_middle (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): If the length of text token is multiples of the capacity of text encoder, whether reserve the starting and ending token in each of the chunk in the middle. skip_parsing (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Skip the parsing of brackets. skip_weighting (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to `False`): Skip the weighting. When the parsing is skipped, it is forced True. """ max_length = (pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length - 2) * max_embeddings_multiples + 2 if isinstance(prompt, str): prompt = [prompt] if not skip_parsing: prompt_tokens, prompt_weights = get_prompts_with_weights(pipe, prompt, max_length - 2) if uncond_prompt is not None: if isinstance(uncond_prompt, str): uncond_prompt = [uncond_prompt] uncond_tokens, uncond_weights = get_prompts_with_weights(pipe, uncond_prompt, max_length - 2) else: prompt_tokens = [ token[1:-1] for token in pipe.tokenizer(prompt, max_length=max_length, truncation=True).input_ids ] prompt_weights = [[1.0] * len(token) for token in prompt_tokens] if uncond_prompt is not None: if isinstance(uncond_prompt, str): uncond_prompt = [uncond_prompt] uncond_tokens = [ token[1:-1] for token in pipe.tokenizer(uncond_prompt, max_length=max_length, truncation=True).input_ids ] uncond_weights = [[1.0] * len(token) for token in uncond_tokens] # round up the longest length of tokens to a multiple of (model_max_length - 2) max_length = max([len(token) for token in prompt_tokens]) if uncond_prompt is not None: max_length = max(max_length, max([len(token) for token in uncond_tokens])) max_embeddings_multiples = min( max_embeddings_multiples, (max_length - 1) // (pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length - 2) + 1, ) max_embeddings_multiples = max(1, max_embeddings_multiples) max_length = (pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length - 2) * max_embeddings_multiples + 2 # pad the length of tokens and weights bos = pipe.tokenizer.bos_token_id eos = pipe.tokenizer.eos_token_id pad = getattr(pipe.tokenizer, "pad_token_id", eos) prompt_tokens, prompt_weights = pad_tokens_and_weights( prompt_tokens, prompt_weights, max_length, bos, eos, pad, no_boseos_middle=no_boseos_middle, chunk_length=pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length, ) prompt_tokens = torch.tensor(prompt_tokens, dtype=torch.long, device=pipe.device) if uncond_prompt is not None: uncond_tokens, uncond_weights = pad_tokens_and_weights( uncond_tokens, uncond_weights, max_length, bos, eos, pad, no_boseos_middle=no_boseos_middle, chunk_length=pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length, ) uncond_tokens = torch.tensor(uncond_tokens, dtype=torch.long, device=pipe.device) # get the embeddings text_embeddings = get_unweighted_text_embeddings( pipe, prompt_tokens, pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length, no_boseos_middle=no_boseos_middle, ) prompt_weights = torch.tensor(prompt_weights, dtype=text_embeddings.dtype, device=text_embeddings.device) if uncond_prompt is not None: uncond_embeddings = get_unweighted_text_embeddings( pipe, uncond_tokens, pipe.tokenizer.model_max_length, no_boseos_middle=no_boseos_middle, ) uncond_weights = torch.tensor(uncond_weights, dtype=uncond_embeddings.dtype, device=uncond_embeddings.device) # assign weights to the prompts and normalize in the sense of mean # TODO: should we normalize by chunk or in a whole (current implementation)? if (not skip_parsing) and (not skip_weighting): previous_mean = text_embeddings.float().mean(axis=[-2, -1]).to(text_embeddings.dtype) text_embeddings *= prompt_weights.unsqueeze(-1) current_mean = text_embeddings.float().mean(axis=[-2, -1]).to(text_embeddings.dtype) text_embeddings *= (previous_mean / current_mean).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) if uncond_prompt is not None: previous_mean = uncond_embeddings.float().mean(axis=[-2, -1]).to(uncond_embeddings.dtype) uncond_embeddings *= uncond_weights.unsqueeze(-1) current_mean = uncond_embeddings.float().mean(axis=[-2, -1]).to(uncond_embeddings.dtype) uncond_embeddings *= (previous_mean / current_mean).unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) if uncond_prompt is not None: return text_embeddings, uncond_embeddings return text_embeddings, None def encode_weighted_prompt( self, prompt, device, num_images_per_prompt, do_classifier_free_guidance, negative_prompt=None, max_embeddings_multiples=3, prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, negative_prompt_embeds: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, ): r""" Encodes the prompt into text encoder hidden states. Args: prompt (`str` or `list(int)`): prompt to be encoded device: (`torch.device`): torch device num_images_per_prompt (`int`): number of images that should be generated per prompt do_classifier_free_guidance (`bool`): whether to use classifier free guidance or not negative_prompt (`str` or `List[str]`): The prompt or prompts not to guide the image generation. Ignored when not using guidance (i.e., ignored if `guidance_scale` is less than `1`). max_embeddings_multiples (`int`, *optional*, defaults to `3`): The max multiple length of prompt embeddings compared to the max output length of text encoder. """ if prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, str): batch_size = 1 elif prompt is not None and isinstance(prompt, list): batch_size = len(prompt) else: batch_size = prompt_embeds.shape[0] if negative_prompt_embeds is None: if negative_prompt is None: negative_prompt = [""] * batch_size elif isinstance(negative_prompt, str): negative_prompt = [negative_prompt] * batch_size if batch_size != len(negative_prompt): raise ValueError( f"`negative_prompt`: {negative_prompt} has batch size {len(negative_prompt)}, but `prompt`:" f" {prompt} has batch size {batch_size}. Please make sure that passed `negative_prompt` matches" " the batch size of `prompt`." ) if prompt_embeds is None or negative_prompt_embeds is None: # 以下代码因为不知道是什么作用,造成对应的negative token错误,因此注释掉 # 与issues44 相关 # if isinstance(self, TextualInversionLoaderMixin): # prompt = self.maybe_convert_prompt(prompt, self.tokenizer) # if do_classifier_free_guidance and negative_prompt_embeds is None: # negative_prompt = self.maybe_convert_prompt(negative_prompt, self.tokenizer) prompt_embeds1, negative_prompt_embeds1 = get_weighted_text_embeddings( pipe=self, prompt=prompt, uncond_prompt=negative_prompt if do_classifier_free_guidance else None, max_embeddings_multiples=max_embeddings_multiples, ) if prompt_embeds is None: prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds1 if negative_prompt_embeds is None: negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds1 bs_embed, seq_len, _ = prompt_embeds.shape # duplicate text embeddings for each generation per prompt, using mps friendly method prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1) prompt_embeds = prompt_embeds.view(bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1) if do_classifier_free_guidance: bs_embed, seq_len, _ = negative_prompt_embeds.shape negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.repeat(1, num_images_per_prompt, 1) negative_prompt_embeds = negative_prompt_embeds.view(bs_embed * num_images_per_prompt, seq_len, -1) prompt_embeds = torch.cat([negative_prompt_embeds, prompt_embeds]) return prompt_embeds