import torch import sys, time, os, tqdm, torch, argparse, glob, subprocess, warnings, cv2, pickle, pdb, math, python_speech_features import numpy as np from scipy import signal from shutil import rmtree from import wavfile from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score import soundfile as sf from scenedetect.video_manager import VideoManager from scenedetect.scene_manager import SceneManager from scenedetect.frame_timecode import FrameTimecode from scenedetect.stats_manager import StatsManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from models.av_mossformer2_tse.faceDetector.s3fd import S3FD from .decode import decode_one_audio_AV_MossFormer2_TSE_16K def process_tse(args, model, device, data_reader, output_wave_dir): video_args = args_param() video_args.model = model video_args.device = device video_args.sampling_rate = args.sampling_rate args.device = device assert args.sampling_rate == 16000 with torch.no_grad(): for videoPath in data_reader: # Loop over all video samples savFolder = videoPath.split('/')[-1] video_args.savePath = f'{output_wave_dir}/{savFolder.split(".")[0]}/' video_args.videoPath = videoPath main(video_args, args) def args_param(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--nDataLoaderThread', type=int, default=10, help='Number of workers') parser.add_argument('--facedetScale', type=float, default=0.25, help='Scale factor for face detection, the frames will be scale to 0.25 orig') parser.add_argument('--minTrack', type=int, default=50, help='Number of min frames for each shot') parser.add_argument('--numFailedDet', type=int, default=10, help='Number of missed detections allowed before tracking is stopped') parser.add_argument('--minFaceSize', type=int, default=1, help='Minimum face size in pixels') parser.add_argument('--cropScale', type=float, default=0.40, help='Scale bounding box') parser.add_argument('--start', type=int, default=0, help='The start time of the video') parser.add_argument('--duration', type=int, default=0, help='The duration of the video, when set as 0, will extract the whole video') video_args = parser.parse_args() return video_args # Main function def main(video_args, args): # Initialization video_args.pyaviPath = os.path.join(video_args.savePath, 'py_video') video_args.pyframesPath = os.path.join(video_args.savePath, 'pyframes') video_args.pyworkPath = os.path.join(video_args.savePath, 'pywork') video_args.pycropPath = os.path.join(video_args.savePath, 'py_faceTracks') if os.path.exists(video_args.savePath): rmtree(video_args.savePath) os.makedirs(video_args.pyaviPath, exist_ok = True) # The path for the input video, input audio, output video os.makedirs(video_args.pyframesPath, exist_ok = True) # Save all the video frames os.makedirs(video_args.pyworkPath, exist_ok = True) # Save the results in this process by the pckl method os.makedirs(video_args.pycropPath, exist_ok = True) # Save the detected face clips (audio+video) in this process # Extract video video_args.videoFilePath = os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video.avi') # If duration did not set, extract the whole video, otherwise extract the video from 'video_args.start' to 'video_args.start + video_args.duration' if video_args.duration == 0: command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -qscale:v 2 -threads %d -async 1 -r 25 %s -loglevel panic" % \ (video_args.videoPath, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, video_args.videoFilePath)) else: command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -qscale:v 2 -threads %d -ss %.3f -to %.3f -async 1 -r 25 %s -loglevel panic" % \ (video_args.videoPath, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, video_args.start, video_args.start + video_args.duration, video_args.videoFilePath)), shell=True, stdout=None) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Extract the video and save in %s \r\n" %(video_args.videoFilePath)) # Extract audio video_args.audioFilePath = os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'audio.wav') command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -qscale:a 0 -ac 1 -vn -threads %d -ar 16000 %s -loglevel panic" % \ (video_args.videoFilePath, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, video_args.audioFilePath)), shell=True, stdout=None) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Extract the audio and save in %s \r\n" %(video_args.audioFilePath)) # Extract the video frames command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -qscale:v 2 -threads %d -f image2 %s -loglevel panic" % \ (video_args.videoFilePath, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, os.path.join(video_args.pyframesPath, '%06d.jpg'))), shell=True, stdout=None) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Extract the frames and save in %s \r\n" %(video_args.pyframesPath)) # Scene detection for the video frames scene = scene_detect(video_args) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Scene detection and save in %s \r\n" %(video_args.pyworkPath)) # Face detection for the video frames faces = inference_video(video_args) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Face detection and save in %s \r\n" %(video_args.pyworkPath)) # Face tracking allTracks, vidTracks = [], [] for shot in scene: if shot[1].frame_num - shot[0].frame_num >= video_args.minTrack: # Discard the shot frames less than minTrack frames allTracks.extend(track_shot(video_args, faces[shot[0].frame_num:shot[1].frame_num])) # 'frames' to present this tracks' timestep, 'bbox' presents the location of the faces sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Face track and detected %d tracks \r\n" %len(allTracks)) # Face clips cropping for ii, track in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(allTracks), total = len(allTracks)): vidTracks.append(crop_video(video_args, track, os.path.join(video_args.pycropPath, '%05d'%ii))) savePath = os.path.join(video_args.pyworkPath, 'tracks.pckl') with open(savePath, 'wb') as fil: pickle.dump(vidTracks, fil) sys.stderr.write(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " Face Crop and saved in %s tracks \r\n" %video_args.pycropPath) fil = open(savePath, 'rb') vidTracks = pickle.load(fil) fil.close() # AVSE files = glob.glob("%s/*.avi"%video_args.pycropPath) files.sort() est_sources = evaluate_network(files, video_args, args) visualization(vidTracks, est_sources, video_args) # combine files in pycrop for idx, file in enumerate(files): print(file) command = f"ffmpeg -i {file} {file[:-9]}orig_{idx}.mp4 ;" command += f"rm {file} ;" command += f"rm {file.replace('.avi', '.wav')} ;" command += f"ffmpeg -i {file[:-9]}orig_{idx}.mp4 -i {file[:-9]}est_{idx}.wav -c:v copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 -shortest {file[:-9]}est_{idx}.mp4 ;" # command += f"rm {file[:-9]}est_{idx}.wav ;" output =, shell=True, stdout=None) rmtree(video_args.pyworkPath) rmtree(video_args.pyframesPath) def scene_detect(video_args): # CPU: Scene detection, output is the list of each shot's time duration videoManager = VideoManager([video_args.videoFilePath]) statsManager = StatsManager() sceneManager = SceneManager(statsManager) sceneManager.add_detector(ContentDetector()) baseTimecode = videoManager.get_base_timecode() videoManager.set_downscale_factor() videoManager.start() sceneManager.detect_scenes(frame_source = videoManager) sceneList = sceneManager.get_scene_list(baseTimecode) savePath = os.path.join(video_args.pyworkPath, 'scene.pckl') if sceneList == []: sceneList = [(videoManager.get_base_timecode(),videoManager.get_current_timecode())] with open(savePath, 'wb') as fil: pickle.dump(sceneList, fil) sys.stderr.write('%s - scenes detected %d\n'%(video_args.videoFilePath, len(sceneList))) return sceneList def inference_video(video_args): # GPU: Face detection, output is the list contains the face location and score in this frame DET = S3FD(device=video_args.device) flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_args.pyframesPath, '*.jpg')) flist.sort() dets = [] for fidx, fname in enumerate(flist): image = cv2.imread(fname) imageNumpy = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) bboxes = DET.detect_faces(imageNumpy, conf_th=0.9, scales=[video_args.facedetScale]) dets.append([]) for bbox in bboxes: dets[-1].append({'frame':fidx, 'bbox':(bbox[:-1]).tolist(), 'conf':bbox[-1]}) # dets has the frames info, bbox info, conf info sys.stderr.write('%s-%05d; %d dets\r' % (video_args.videoFilePath, fidx, len(dets[-1]))) savePath = os.path.join(video_args.pyworkPath,'faces.pckl') with open(savePath, 'wb') as fil: pickle.dump(dets, fil) return dets def bb_intersection_over_union(boxA, boxB, evalCol = False): # CPU: IOU Function to calculate overlap between two image xA = max(boxA[0], boxB[0]) yA = max(boxA[1], boxB[1]) xB = min(boxA[2], boxB[2]) yB = min(boxA[3], boxB[3]) interArea = max(0, xB - xA) * max(0, yB - yA) boxAArea = (boxA[2] - boxA[0]) * (boxA[3] - boxA[1]) boxBArea = (boxB[2] - boxB[0]) * (boxB[3] - boxB[1]) if evalCol == True: iou = interArea / float(boxAArea) else: iou = interArea / float(boxAArea + boxBArea - interArea) return iou def track_shot(video_args, sceneFaces): # CPU: Face tracking iouThres = 0.5 # Minimum IOU between consecutive face detections tracks = [] while True: track = [] for frameFaces in sceneFaces: for face in frameFaces: if track == []: track.append(face) frameFaces.remove(face) elif face['frame'] - track[-1]['frame'] <= video_args.numFailedDet: iou = bb_intersection_over_union(face['bbox'], track[-1]['bbox']) if iou > iouThres: track.append(face) frameFaces.remove(face) continue else: break if track == []: break elif len(track) > video_args.minTrack: frameNum = np.array([ f['frame'] for f in track ]) bboxes = np.array([np.array(f['bbox']) for f in track]) frameI = np.arange(frameNum[0],frameNum[-1]+1) bboxesI = [] for ij in range(0,4): interpfn = interp1d(frameNum, bboxes[:,ij]) bboxesI.append(interpfn(frameI)) bboxesI = np.stack(bboxesI, axis=1) if max(np.mean(bboxesI[:,2]-bboxesI[:,0]), np.mean(bboxesI[:,3]-bboxesI[:,1])) > video_args.minFaceSize: tracks.append({'frame':frameI,'bbox':bboxesI}) return tracks def crop_video(video_args, track, cropFile): # CPU: crop the face clips flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_args.pyframesPath, '*.jpg')) # Read the frames flist.sort() vOut = cv2.VideoWriter(cropFile + 't.avi', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 25, (224,224))# Write video dets = {'x':[], 'y':[], 's':[]} for det in track['bbox']: # Read the tracks dets['s'].append(max((det[3]-det[1]), (det[2]-det[0]))/2) dets['y'].append((det[1]+det[3])/2) # crop center x dets['x'].append((det[0]+det[2])/2) # crop center y dets['s'] = signal.medfilt(dets['s'], kernel_size=13) # Smooth detections dets['x'] = signal.medfilt(dets['x'], kernel_size=13) dets['y'] = signal.medfilt(dets['y'], kernel_size=13) for fidx, frame in enumerate(track['frame']): cs = video_args.cropScale bs = dets['s'][fidx] # Detection box size bsi = int(bs * (1 + 2 * cs)) # Pad videos by this amount image = cv2.imread(flist[frame]) frame = np.pad(image, ((bsi,bsi), (bsi,bsi), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(110, 110)) my = dets['y'][fidx] + bsi # BBox center Y mx = dets['x'][fidx] + bsi # BBox center X face = frame[int(my-bs):int(my+bs*(1+2*cs)),int(mx-bs*(1+cs)):int(mx+bs*(1+cs))] vOut.write(cv2.resize(face, (224, 224))) audioTmp = cropFile + '.wav' audioStart = (track['frame'][0]) / 25 audioEnd = (track['frame'][-1]+1) / 25 vOut.release() command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -async 1 -ac 1 -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -threads %d -ss %.3f -to %.3f %s -loglevel panic" % \ (video_args.audioFilePath, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, audioStart, audioEnd, audioTmp)) output =, shell=True, stdout=None) # Crop audio file _, audio = command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %st.avi -i %s -threads %d -c:v copy -c:a copy %s.avi -loglevel panic" % \ (cropFile, audioTmp, video_args.nDataLoaderThread, cropFile)) # Combine audio and video file output =, shell=True, stdout=None) os.remove(cropFile + 't.avi') return {'track':track, 'proc_track':dets} def evaluate_network(files, video_args, args): est_sources = [] for file in tqdm.tqdm(files, total = len(files)): fileName = os.path.splitext(file.split('/')[-1])[0] # Load audio and video audio, _ =, fileName + '.wav'), dtype='float32') video = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(video_args.pycropPath, fileName + '.avi')) videoFeature = [] while video.isOpened(): ret, frames = if ret == True: face = cv2.cvtColor(frames, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) face = cv2.resize(face, (224,224)) face = face[int(112-(112/2)):int(112+(112/2)), int(112-(112/2)):int(112+(112/2))] videoFeature.append(face) else: break video.release() visual = np.array(videoFeature)/255.0 visual = (visual - 0.4161)/0.1688 length = int(audio.shape[0]/16000*25) if visual.shape[0] < length: visual = np.pad(visual, ((0,int(length - visual.shape[0])),(0,0),(0,0)), mode = 'edge') audio = np.expand_dims(audio, axis=0) visual = np.expand_dims(visual, axis=0) inputs = (audio, visual) est_source = decode_one_audio_AV_MossFormer2_TSE_16K(video_args.model, inputs, args) est_sources.append(est_source) return est_sources def visualization(tracks, est_sources, video_args): # CPU: visulize the result for video format flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_args.pyframesPath, '*.jpg')) flist.sort() for idx, audio in enumerate(est_sources): max_value = np.max(np.abs(audio)) if max_value >1: audio /= max_value sf.write(video_args.pycropPath +'/est_%s.wav' %idx, audio, 16000) for tidx, track in enumerate(tracks): faces = [[] for i in range(len(flist))] for fidx, frame in enumerate(track['track']['frame'].tolist()): faces[frame].append({'track':tidx, 's':track['proc_track']['s'][fidx], 'x':track['proc_track']['x'][fidx], 'y':track['proc_track']['y'][fidx]}) firstImage = cv2.imread(flist[0]) fw = firstImage.shape[1] fh = firstImage.shape[0] vOut = cv2.VideoWriter(os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_only.avi'), cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 25, (fw,fh)) for fidx, fname in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(flist), total = len(flist)): image = cv2.imread(fname) for face in faces[fidx]: cv2.rectangle(image, (int(face['x']-face['s']), int(face['y']-face['s'])), (int(face['x']+face['s']), int(face['y']+face['s'])),(0,255,0),10) vOut.write(image) vOut.release() command = ("ffmpeg -y -i %s -i %s -threads %d -c:v copy -c:a copy %s -loglevel panic" % \ (os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_only.avi'), (video_args.pycropPath +'/est_%s.wav' %tidx), \ video_args.nDataLoaderThread, os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath,'video_out_%s.avi'%tidx))) output =, shell=True, stdout=None) command = "ffmpeg -i %s %s ;" % ( os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_out_%s.avi' % tidx), os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_est_%s.mp4' % tidx) ) command += f"rm {os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_out_%s.avi' % tidx)}" output =, shell=True, stdout=None) command = "ffmpeg -i %s %s ;" % ( os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video.avi'), os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_orig.mp4') ) command += f"rm {os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video_only.avi')} ;" command += f"rm {os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'video.avi')} ;" command += f"rm {os.path.join(video_args.pyaviPath, 'audio.wav')} ;" output =, shell=True, stdout=None)