"""Get machine learning predictions from geodata raster images""" import os # not used here but contextily_tile is imported in samgis.io.tms2geotiff from contextily import tile as contextily_tile from pathlib import Path from samgis.utilities.constants import SERVICE_NAME ROOT = Path(globals().get("__file__", "./_")).absolute().parent.parent PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER = Path(os.getenv("PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER", ROOT)) MODEL_FOLDER = Path(PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER / "machine_learning_models") IS_AWS_LAMBDA = bool(os.getenv("IS_AWS_LAMBDA", "")) if IS_AWS_LAMBDA: try: from aws_lambda_powertools import Logger app_logger = Logger(service=SERVICE_NAME) except ModuleNotFoundError: print("this should be AWS LAMBDA environment but we miss the required aws lambda powertools package") else: from samgis_core.utilities.fastapi_logger import setup_logging app_logger = setup_logging(debug=True)