import os from typing import Literal, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict import logging from .pytorch_models import ( train_model, PROTAC_Model, evaluate_model, ) from .protac_dataset import get_datasets from .sklearn_models import ( train_sklearn_model, suggest_random_forest, suggest_logistic_regression, suggest_svc, suggest_gradient_boosting, ) import torch import optuna from optuna.samplers import TPESampler import joblib import pandas as pd from sklearn.ensemble import ( RandomForestClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier, ) from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import ( StratifiedKFold, StratifiedGroupKFold, ) import numpy as np import pytorch_lightning as pl from torchmetrics import ( Accuracy, AUROC, Precision, Recall, F1Score, ) def get_dataframe_stats( train_df = None, val_df = None, test_df = None, active_label = 'Active', ) -> Dict: """ Get some statistics from the dataframes. Args: train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training set. val_df (pd.DataFrame): The validation set. test_df (pd.DataFrame): The test set. """ stats = {} if train_df is not None: stats['train_len'] = len(train_df) stats['train_active_perc'] = train_df[active_label].sum() / len(train_df) stats['train_inactive_perc'] = (len(train_df) - train_df[active_label].sum()) / len(train_df) stats['train_avg_tanimoto_dist'] = train_df['Avg Tanimoto'].mean() if val_df is not None: stats['val_len'] = len(val_df) stats['val_active_perc'] = val_df[active_label].sum() / len(val_df) stats['val_inactive_perc'] = (len(val_df) - val_df[active_label].sum()) / len(val_df) stats['val_avg_tanimoto_dist'] = val_df['Avg Tanimoto'].mean() if test_df is not None: stats['test_len'] = len(test_df) stats['test_active_perc'] = test_df[active_label].sum() / len(test_df) stats['test_inactive_perc'] = (len(test_df) - test_df[active_label].sum()) / len(test_df) stats['test_avg_tanimoto_dist'] = test_df['Avg Tanimoto'].mean() if train_df is not None and val_df is not None: leaking_uniprot = list(set(train_df['Uniprot']).intersection(set(val_df['Uniprot']))) leaking_smiles = list(set(train_df['Smiles']).intersection(set(val_df['Smiles']))) stats['num_leaking_uniprot_train_val'] = len(leaking_uniprot) stats['num_leaking_smiles_train_val'] = len(leaking_smiles) stats['perc_leaking_uniprot_train_val'] = len(train_df[train_df['Uniprot'].isin(leaking_uniprot)]) / len(train_df) stats['perc_leaking_smiles_train_val'] = len(train_df[train_df['Smiles'].isin(leaking_smiles)]) / len(train_df) if train_df is not None and test_df is not None: leaking_uniprot = list(set(train_df['Uniprot']).intersection(set(test_df['Uniprot']))) leaking_smiles = list(set(train_df['Smiles']).intersection(set(test_df['Smiles']))) stats['num_leaking_uniprot_train_test'] = len(leaking_uniprot) stats['num_leaking_smiles_train_test'] = len(leaking_smiles) stats['perc_leaking_uniprot_train_test'] = len(train_df[train_df['Uniprot'].isin(leaking_uniprot)]) / len(train_df) stats['perc_leaking_smiles_train_test'] = len(train_df[train_df['Smiles'].isin(leaking_smiles)]) / len(train_df) return stats def get_majority_vote_metrics( test_preds: List, test_df: pd.DataFrame, active_label: str = 'Active', ) -> Dict: """ Get the majority vote metrics. """ test_preds = torch.stack(test_preds) test_preds, _ = torch.mode(test_preds, dim=0) y = torch.tensor(test_df[active_label].tolist()) # Measure the test accuracy and ROC AUC majority_vote_metrics = { 'test_acc': Accuracy(task='binary')(test_preds, y).item(), 'test_roc_auc': AUROC(task='binary')(test_preds, y).item(), 'test_precision': Precision(task='binary')(test_preds, y).item(), 'test_recall': Recall(task='binary')(test_preds, y).item(), 'test_f1_score': F1Score(task='binary')(test_preds, y).item(), } return majority_vote_metrics def pytorch_model_objective( trial: optuna.Trial, protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_val_df: pd.DataFrame, kf: StratifiedKFold | StratifiedGroupKFold, groups: Optional[np.array] = None, test_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, hidden_dim_options: List[int] = [256, 512, 768], batch_size_options: List[int] = [8, 16, 32], learning_rate_options: Tuple[float, float] = (1e-5, 1e-3), smote_k_neighbors_options: List[int] = list(range(3, 16)), dropout_options: Tuple[float, float] = (0.1, 0.5), fast_dev_run: bool = False, active_label: str = 'Active', disabled_embeddings: List[str] = [], max_epochs: int = 100, use_logger: bool = False, logger_save_dir: str = 'logs', logger_name: str = 'cv_model', enable_checkpointing: bool = False, ) -> float: """ Objective function for hyperparameter optimization. Args: trial (optuna.Trial): The Optuna trial object. train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training set. val_df (pd.DataFrame): The validation set. hidden_dim_options (List[int]): The hidden dimension options. batch_size_options (List[int]): The batch size options. learning_rate_options (Tuple[float, float]): The learning rate options. smote_k_neighbors_options (List[int]): The SMOTE k neighbors options. dropout_options (Tuple[float, float]): The dropout options. fast_dev_run (bool): Whether to run a fast development run. active_label (str): The active label column. disabled_embeddings (List[str]): The list of disabled embeddings. """ # Suggest hyperparameters to be used accross the CV folds hidden_dim = trial.suggest_categorical('hidden_dim', hidden_dim_options) batch_size = 128 # trial.suggest_categorical('batch_size', batch_size_options) learning_rate = trial.suggest_float('learning_rate', *learning_rate_options, log=True) smote_k_neighbors = trial.suggest_categorical('smote_k_neighbors', smote_k_neighbors_options) use_smote = trial.suggest_categorical('use_smote', [True, False]) apply_scaling = True # trial.suggest_categorical('apply_scaling', [True, False]) dropout = trial.suggest_float('dropout', *dropout_options) use_batch_norm = trial.suggest_categorical('use_batch_norm', [True, False]) # Start the CV over the folds X = train_val_df.copy().drop(columns=active_label) y = train_val_df[active_label].tolist() report = [] val_preds = [] test_preds = [] for k, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kf.split(X, y, groups)):'Fold {k + 1}/{kf.get_n_splits()}') # Get the train and val sets train_df = train_val_df.iloc[train_index] val_df = train_val_df.iloc[val_index] # Get some statistics from the dataframes stats = { 'model_type': 'Pytorch', 'fold': k, 'train_len': len(train_df), 'val_len': len(val_df), 'train_perc': len(train_df) / len(train_val_df), 'val_perc': len(val_df) / len(train_val_df), } stats.update(get_dataframe_stats(train_df, val_df, test_df, active_label)) if groups is not None: stats['train_unique_groups'] = len(np.unique(groups[train_index])) stats['val_unique_groups'] = len(np.unique(groups[val_index])) # At each fold, train and evaluate the Pytorch model # Train the model with the current set of hyperparameters ret = train_model( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, test_df=test_df, hidden_dim=hidden_dim, batch_size=batch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate, dropout=dropout, use_batch_norm=use_batch_norm, max_epochs=max_epochs, smote_k_neighbors=smote_k_neighbors, apply_scaling=apply_scaling, use_smote=use_smote, fast_dev_run=fast_dev_run, active_label=active_label, return_predictions=True, disabled_embeddings=disabled_embeddings, use_logger=use_logger, logger_save_dir=logger_save_dir, logger_name=f'{logger_name}_fold{k}', enable_checkpointing=enable_checkpointing, ) if test_df is not None: _, _, metrics, val_pred, test_pred = ret test_preds.append(test_pred) else: _, _, metrics, val_pred = ret stats.update(metrics) report.append(stats.copy()) val_preds.append(val_pred) # Save the report in the trial trial.set_user_attr('report', report) # Get the majority vote for the test predictions if test_df is not None and not fast_dev_run: majority_vote_metrics = get_majority_vote_metrics(test_preds, test_df, active_label) majority_vote_metrics.update(get_dataframe_stats(train_df, val_df, test_df, active_label)) trial.set_user_attr('majority_vote_metrics', majority_vote_metrics)'Majority vote metrics: {majority_vote_metrics}') # Get the average validation accuracy and ROC AUC accross the folds val_roc_auc = np.mean([r['val_roc_auc'] for r in report]) # Optuna aims to minimize the pytorch_model_objective return - val_roc_auc # # Get the majority vote for the test predictions # if test_df is not None and not fast_dev_run: # majority_vote_metrics = get_majority_vote_metrics(test_preds, test_df, active_label) # majority_vote_metrics.update(get_dataframe_stats(train_df, val_df, test_df, active_label)) # trial.set_user_attr('majority_vote_metrics', majority_vote_metrics) #'Majority vote metrics: {majority_vote_metrics}') # # Get the average validation accuracy and ROC AUC accross the folds # val_roc_auc = np.mean([r['val_roc_auc'] for r in report]) # # Optuna aims to minimize the pytorch_model_objective # return - val_roc_auc def hyperparameter_tuning_and_training( protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_val_df: pd.DataFrame, test_df: pd.DataFrame, kf: StratifiedKFold | StratifiedGroupKFold, groups: Optional[np.array] = None, split_type: str = 'random', n_models_for_test: int = 3, fast_dev_run: bool = False, n_trials: int = 50, logger_save_dir: str = 'logs', logger_name: str = 'protac_hparam_search', active_label: str = 'Active', max_epochs: int = 100, study_filename: Optional[str] = None, force_study: bool = False, ) -> tuple: """ Hyperparameter tuning and training of a PROTAC model. Args: train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training set. val_df (pd.DataFrame): The validation set. test_df (pd.DataFrame): The test set. fast_dev_run (bool): Whether to run a fast development run. n_trials (int): The number of hyperparameter optimization trials. logger_name (str): The name of the logger. active_label (str): The active label column. disabled_embeddings (List[str]): The list of disabled embeddings. Returns: tuple: The trained model, the trainer, and the best metrics. """ pl.seed_everything(42) # Define the search space hidden_dim_options = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256] #, 512] batch_size_options = [128, 128] # [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128] learning_rate_options = (1e-6, 1e-3) # min and max values for loguniform distribution smote_k_neighbors_options = list(range(3, 16)) # NOTE: We want Optuna to explore the combination (very low dropout, very # small hidden_dim) dropout_options = (0, 0.5) # Set the verbosity of Optuna optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.WARNING) # Create an Optuna study object sampler = TPESampler(seed=42, multivariate=True) study = optuna.create_study(direction='minimize', sampler=sampler) study_loaded = False if study_filename and not force_study: if os.path.exists(study_filename): study = joblib.load(study_filename) study_loaded = True'Loaded study from {study_filename}')'Study best params: {study.best_params}') if not study_loaded or force_study: study.optimize( lambda trial: pytorch_model_objective( trial=trial, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_val_df=train_val_df, kf=kf, groups=groups, test_df=test_df, hidden_dim_options=hidden_dim_options, batch_size_options=batch_size_options, learning_rate_options=learning_rate_options, smote_k_neighbors_options=smote_k_neighbors_options, dropout_options=dropout_options, fast_dev_run=fast_dev_run, active_label=active_label, max_epochs=max_epochs, disabled_embeddings=[], ), n_trials=n_trials, ) if study_filename: joblib.dump(study, study_filename) cv_report = pd.DataFrame(study.best_trial.user_attrs['report']) hparam_report = pd.DataFrame([study.best_params]) # Train the best CV models and store their checkpoints by running the objective pytorch_model_objective( trial=study.best_trial, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_val_df=train_val_df, kf=kf, groups=groups, test_df=test_df, hidden_dim_options=hidden_dim_options, batch_size_options=batch_size_options, learning_rate_options=learning_rate_options, smote_k_neighbors_options=smote_k_neighbors_options, dropout_options=dropout_options, fast_dev_run=fast_dev_run, active_label=active_label, max_epochs=max_epochs, disabled_embeddings=[], use_logger=True, logger_save_dir=logger_save_dir, logger_name=f'{logger_name}_{split_type}_cv_model', enable_checkpointing=True, ) # Retrain N models with the best hyperparameters (measure model uncertainty) best_models = [] test_report = [] test_preds = [] dfs_stats = get_dataframe_stats(train_val_df, test_df=test_df, active_label=active_label) for i in range(n_models_for_test): pl.seed_everything(42 + i + 1) model, trainer, metrics, test_pred = train_model( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_val_df, val_df=test_df, fast_dev_run=fast_dev_run, active_label=active_label, max_epochs=max_epochs, disabled_embeddings=[], use_logger=True, logger_save_dir=logger_save_dir, logger_name=f'{logger_name}_best_model_n{i}', enable_checkpointing=True, checkpoint_model_name=f'best_model_n{i}_{split_type}', return_predictions=True, batch_size=128, apply_scaling=True, **study.best_params, ) # Rename the keys in the metrics dictionary metrics = {k.replace('val_', 'test_'): v for k, v in metrics.items()} metrics['model_type'] = 'Pytorch' metrics['test_model_id'] = i metrics.update(dfs_stats) test_report.append(metrics.copy()) test_preds.append(test_pred) best_models.append({'model': model, 'trainer': trainer}) test_report = pd.DataFrame(test_report) # Get the majority vote for the test predictions if not fast_dev_run: majority_vote_metrics = get_majority_vote_metrics(test_preds, test_df, active_label) majority_vote_metrics.update(get_dataframe_stats(train_val_df, test_df=test_df, active_label=active_label)) majority_vote_metrics_cv = study.best_trial.user_attrs['majority_vote_metrics'] majority_vote_metrics_cv['cv_models'] = True majority_vote_report = pd.DataFrame([ majority_vote_metrics, majority_vote_metrics_cv, ]) majority_vote_report['model_type'] = 'Pytorch' majority_vote_report['split_type'] = split_type # Ablation study: disable embeddings at a time ablation_report = [] dfs_stats = get_dataframe_stats(train_val_df, test_df=test_df, active_label=active_label) disabled_embeddings_combinations = [ ['e3'], ['poi'], ['cell'], ['smiles'], ['e3', 'cell'], ['poi', 'e3'], ['poi', 'e3', 'cell'], ] for disabled_embeddings in disabled_embeddings_combinations:'-' * 100)'Ablation study with disabled embeddings: {disabled_embeddings}')'-' * 100) disabled_embeddings_str = 'disabled ' + ' '.join(disabled_embeddings) test_preds = [] for i, model_trainer in enumerate(best_models):'Evaluating model n.{i} on {disabled_embeddings_str}.') model = model_trainer['model'] trainer = model_trainer['trainer'] _, test_ds, _ = get_datasets( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_val_df, val_df=test_df, disabled_embeddings=disabled_embeddings, active_label=active_label, scaler=model.scalers, use_single_scaler=model.join_embeddings == 'beginning', ) ret = evaluate_model(model, trainer, test_ds, batch_size=128) # NOTE: We are passing the test set as the validation set argument # Rename the keys in the metrics dictionary test_preds.append(ret['val_pred']) ret['val_metrics'] = {k.replace('val_', 'test_'): v for k, v in ret['val_metrics'].items()} ret['val_metrics'].update(dfs_stats) ret['val_metrics']['majority_vote'] = False ret['val_metrics']['model_type'] = 'Pytorch' ret['val_metrics']['disabled_embeddings'] = disabled_embeddings_str ablation_report.append(ret['val_metrics'].copy()) # Get the majority vote for the test predictions if not fast_dev_run: majority_vote_metrics = get_majority_vote_metrics(test_preds, test_df, active_label) majority_vote_metrics.update(dfs_stats) majority_vote_metrics['majority_vote'] = True majority_vote_metrics['model_type'] = 'Pytorch' majority_vote_metrics['disabled_embeddings'] = disabled_embeddings_str ablation_report.append(majority_vote_metrics.copy()) # _, _, metrics = train_model( # protein2embedding=protein2embedding, # cell2embedding=cell2embedding, # smiles2fp=smiles2fp, # train_df=train_val_df, # val_df=test_df, # fast_dev_run=fast_dev_run, # active_label=active_label, # max_epochs=max_epochs, # use_logger=False, # logger_save_dir=logger_save_dir, # logger_name=f'{logger_name}_disabled-{"-".join(disabled_embeddings)}', # disabled_embeddings=disabled_embeddings, # batch_size=128, # apply_scaling=True, # **study.best_params, # ) # # Rename the keys in the metrics dictionary # metrics = {k.replace('val_', 'test_'): v for k, v in metrics.items()} # metrics['disabled_embeddings'] = disabled_embeddings_str # metrics['model_type'] = 'Pytorch' # metrics.update(dfs_stats) # # Add the training metrics # train_metrics = {m: v.item() for m, v in trainer.callback_metrics.items() if 'train' in m} # metrics.update(train_metrics) # ablation_report.append(metrics.copy()) ablation_report = pd.DataFrame(ablation_report) # Add a column with the split_type to all reports for report in [cv_report, hparam_report, test_report, ablation_report]: report['split_type'] = split_type # Return the reports ret = { 'cv_report': cv_report, 'hparam_report': hparam_report, 'test_report': test_report, 'ablation_report': ablation_report, } if not fast_dev_run: ret['majority_vote_report'] = majority_vote_report return ret def sklearn_model_objective( trial: optuna.Trial, protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_df: pd.DataFrame, val_df: pd.DataFrame, model_type: Literal['RandomForest', 'SVC', 'LogisticRegression', 'GradientBoosting'] = 'RandomForest', active_label: str = 'Active', ) -> float: """ Objective function for hyperparameter optimization. Args: trial (optuna.Trial): The Optuna trial object. train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training set. val_df (pd.DataFrame): The validation set. model_type (str): The model type. hyperparameters (Dict): The hyperparameters for the model. fast_dev_run (bool): Whether to run a fast development run. active_label (str): The active label column. """ # Generate the hyperparameters use_single_scaler = trial.suggest_categorical('use_single_scaler', [True, False]) if model_type == 'RandomForest': clf = suggest_random_forest(trial) elif model_type == 'SVC': clf = suggest_svc(trial) elif model_type == 'LogisticRegression': clf = suggest_logistic_regression(trial) elif model_type == 'GradientBoosting': clf = suggest_gradient_boosting(trial) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid model type: {model_type}. Available: RandomForest, SVC, LogisticRegression, GradientBoosting.') # Train the model with the current set of hyperparameters _, metrics = train_sklearn_model( clf=clf, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, active_label=active_label, use_single_scaler=use_single_scaler, ) # Metrics is a dictionary containing at least the validation loss val_acc = metrics['val_acc'] val_roc_auc = metrics['val_roc_auc'] # Optuna aims to minimize the sklearn_model_objective return - val_acc - val_roc_auc def hyperparameter_tuning_and_training_sklearn( protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_df: pd.DataFrame, val_df: pd.DataFrame, test_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, model_type: Literal['RandomForest', 'SVC', 'LogisticRegression', 'GradientBoosting'] = 'RandomForest', active_label: str = 'Active', n_trials: int = 50, logger_name: str = 'protac_hparam_search_sklearn', study_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple: """ Hyperparameter tuning and training of a PROTAC model. Args: train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training set. val_df (pd.DataFrame): The validation set. test_df (pd.DataFrame): The test set. model_type (str): The model type. n_trials (int): The number of hyperparameter optimization trials. logger_name (str): The name of the logger. Unused, for compatibility with hyperparameter_tuning_and_training. active_label (str): The active label column. Returns: tuple: The trained model and the best metrics. """ # Set the verbosity of Optuna optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.WARNING) # Create an Optuna study object sampler = TPESampler(seed=42, multivariate=True) study = optuna.create_study(direction='minimize', sampler=sampler) study_loaded = False if study_filename: if os.path.exists(study_filename): study = joblib.load(study_filename) study_loaded = True'Loaded study from {study_filename}') if not study_loaded: study.optimize( lambda trial: sklearn_model_objective( trial=trial, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, model_type=model_type, active_label=active_label, ), n_trials=n_trials, ) if study_filename: joblib.dump(study, study_filename) # Retrain the model with the best hyperparameters best_hyperparameters = {k.replace('model_', ''): v for k, v in study.best_params.items() if k.startswith('model_')} if model_type == 'RandomForest': clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, **best_hyperparameters) elif model_type == 'SVC': clf = SVC(random_state=42, probability=True, **best_hyperparameters) elif model_type == 'LogisticRegression': clf = LogisticRegression(random_state=42, max_iter=1000, **best_hyperparameters) elif model_type == 'GradientBoosting': clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=42, **best_hyperparameters) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid model type: {model_type}. Available: RandomForest, SVC, LogisticRegression, GradientBoosting.') model, metrics = train_sklearn_model( clf=clf, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, test_df=test_df, active_label=active_label, use_single_scaler=study.best_params['use_single_scaler'], ) # Report the best hyperparameters found metrics.update({f'hparam_{k}': v for k, v in study.best_params.items()}) # Return the best metrics return model, metrics