import os import cv2 import gradio as gr import numpy as np from ultralytics import YOLO import easyocr import pytesseract import keras_ocr import pandas as pd from PIL import Image import io import re from typing import List, Tuple, Union from datetime import datetime from transformers import TrOCRProcessor, VisionEncoderDecoderModel import torch from datetime import datetime import time from paddleocr import PaddleOCR # Initialisation of models def load_models(): global model_vehicle, model_plate, reader_easyocr, pipeline_kerasocr, processor_trocr, model_trocr, ocr_paddle model_vehicle = YOLO('models/') model_plate = YOLO('models/') reader_easyocr = easyocr.Reader(['en'], gpu=False) pipeline_kerasocr = keras_ocr.pipeline.Pipeline() processor_trocr = TrOCRProcessor.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-base-handwritten') model_trocr = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-base-handwritten') ocr_paddle = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=True, lang='en', use_gpu=False) load_models() # patterns plate layouts europe EUROPEAN_PATTERNS = { 'FR': r'^(?:[A-Z]{2}-\d{3}-[A-Z]{2}|\d{2,4}\s?[A-Z]{2,3}\s?\d{2,4})$', # France 'DE': r'^[A-Z]{1,3}-[A-Z]{1,2}\s?\d{1,4}[EH]?$', # Germany 'ES': r'^(\d{4}[A-Z]{3}|[A-Z]{1,2}\d{4}[A-Z]{2,3})$', # Spain 'IT': r'^[A-Z]{2}\s?\d{3}\s?[A-Z]{2}$', # Italy 'GB': r'^[A-Z]{2}\d{2}\s?[A-Z]{3}$', # Great-Britain 'NL': r'^[A-Z]{2}-\d{3}-[A-Z]$', # Netherlands 'BE': r'^(1-[A-Z]{3}-\d{3}|\d-[A-Z]{3}-\d{3})$', # Belgium 'PL': r'^[A-Z]{2,3}\s?\d{4,5}$', # Poland 'SE': r'^[A-Z]{3}\s?\d{3}$', # Sweden 'NO': r'^[A-Z]{2}\s?\d{5}$', # Norway 'FI': r'^[A-Z]{3}-\d{3}$', # Finland 'DK': r'^[A-Z]{2}\s?\d{2}\s?\d{3}$', # Denmark 'CH': r'^[A-Z]{2}\s?\d{1,6}$', # Switzerland 'AT': r'^[A-Z]{1,2}\s?\d{1,5}[A-Z]$', # Austria 'PT': r'^[A-Z]{2}-\d{2}-[A-Z]{2}$', # Portugal 'EU': r'^[A-Z0-9]{2,4}[-\s]?[A-Z0-9]{1,4}[-\s]?[A-Z0-9]{1,4}$' # Generic European plate } def preprocess_image(image): gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (5, 5), 0) thresh = cv2.threshold(blur, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1] return cv2.cvtColor(thresh, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) @torch.no_grad() def trocr_ocr(image): pixel_values = processor_trocr(image, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values generated_ids = model_trocr.generate(pixel_values) return processor_trocr.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] def read_license_plate(license_plate_crop, ocr_engine='easyocr'): if ocr_engine == 'easyocr': detections_raw = reader_easyocr.readtext(license_plate_crop) detections_preprocessed = reader_easyocr.readtext(preprocess_image(license_plate_crop)) elif ocr_engine == 'pytesseract': text_raw = pytesseract.image_to_string(license_plate_crop, config='--psm 8') text_preprocessed = pytesseract.image_to_string(preprocess_image(license_plate_crop), config='--psm 8') detections_raw = [(None, text_raw.strip(), None)] detections_preprocessed = [(None, text_preprocessed.strip(), None)] elif ocr_engine == 'kerasocr': if len(license_plate_crop.shape) == 2 or license_plate_crop.shape[2] == 1: license_plate_crop = cv2.cvtColor(license_plate_crop, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) detection_results_raw = pipeline_kerasocr.recognize([license_plate_crop])[0] detection_results_preprocessed = pipeline_kerasocr.recognize([preprocess_image(license_plate_crop)])[0] detections_raw = [(None, ''.join([text for text, box in detection_results_raw]), None)] detections_preprocessed = [(None, ''.join([text for text, box in detection_results_preprocessed]), None)] elif ocr_engine == 'trocr': text_raw = trocr_ocr(license_plate_crop) text_preprocessed = trocr_ocr(preprocess_image(license_plate_crop)) detections_raw = [(None, text_raw.strip(), None)] detections_preprocessed = [(None, text_preprocessed.strip(), None)] elif ocr_engine == 'paddleocr': preprocessed_image = preprocess_image(license_plate_crop) # Assurez-vous que cette ligne est incluse result_raw = ocr_paddle.ocr(license_plate_crop) result_preprocessed = ocr_paddle.ocr(preprocessed_image) # Vérifiez si les résultats ne sont pas vides avant de les utiliser if result_raw and result_raw[0]: detections_raw = [(None, result_raw[0][0][1][0], result_raw[0][0][1][1])] else: detections_raw = [(None, '', 0.0)] if result_preprocessed and result_preprocessed[0]: detections_preprocessed = [(None, result_preprocessed[0][0][1][0], result_preprocessed[0][0][1][1])] else: detections_preprocessed = [(None, '', 0.0)] else: raise ValueError(f"OCR engine '{ocr_engine}' not supported.") def extract_text(detections): plate = [] for detection in detections: _, text, _ = detection text = text.upper().replace(' ', '') plate.append(text) return " ".join(plate) if plate else None return extract_text(detections_raw), extract_text(detections_preprocessed) def clean_plate_text(text): if text is None: return '' cleaned = re.sub(r'[^A-Z0-9\-\s]', '', text.upper()) cleaned = re.sub(r'\s+', '', cleaned).strip() return cleaned def validate_european_plate(text): for country, pattern in EUROPEAN_PATTERNS.items(): if re.match(pattern, text): return text, country return None, None def post_process_ocr(raw_text, preprocessed_text): cleaned_raw = clean_plate_text(raw_text) validated_raw, country_raw = validate_european_plate(cleaned_raw) cleaned_preprocessed = clean_plate_text(preprocessed_text) validated_preprocessed, country_preprocessed = validate_european_plate(cleaned_preprocessed) if validated_raw: return validated_raw, country_raw, True elif validated_preprocessed: return validated_preprocessed, country_preprocessed, True return cleaned_raw, 'Unknown', False def detect_and_recognize_plates(image, ocr_engine='easyocr', confidence_threshold=0.5): results_vehicle = model_vehicle(image) plates_detected = [] cropped_plates = [] vehicles_found = False for result in results_vehicle: for bbox in x1, y1, x2, y2, score, class_id = bbox if score < confidence_threshold: continue # Skip detections below the confidence threshold if int(class_id) == 2: # Class ID 2 represents cars in COCO dataset vehicles_found = True vehicle = image[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1):int(x2)] results_plate = model_plate(vehicle) for result_plate in results_plate: for bbox_plate in px1, py1, px2, py2, pscore, pclass_id = bbox_plate if pscore < confidence_threshold: continue # Skip detections below the confidence threshold plate = vehicle[int(py1):int(py2), int(px1):int(px2)] cropped_plates.append(plate) # Save the cropped plate raw_result, preprocessed_result = read_license_plate(plate, ocr_engine=ocr_engine) if raw_result or preprocessed_result: validated_text, country, is_valid = post_process_ocr(raw_result, preprocessed_result) plates_detected.append({ 'raw_text': raw_result, 'preprocessed_text': preprocessed_result, 'validated_text': validated_text, 'country': country, 'is_valid': is_valid, 'bbox': [int(x1+px1), int(y1+py1), int(x1+px2), int(y1+py2)] }) # Annotate the image cv2.rectangle(image, (int(x1+px1), int(y1+py1)), (int(x1+px2), int(y1+py2)), (0, 255, 0), 2) if validated_text: cv2.putText(image, f"{validated_text} ({country})", (int(x1+px1), int(y1+py1)-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 255, 0), 2) if not vehicles_found: results_plate = model_plate(image) for result_plate in results_plate: for bbox_plate in px1, py1, px2, py2, pscore, pclass_id = bbox_plate if pscore < confidence_threshold: continue # Skip detections below the confidence threshold plate = image[int(py1):int(py2), int(px1):int(px2)] cropped_plates.append(plate) # Save the cropped plate raw_result, preprocessed_result = read_license_plate(plate, ocr_engine=ocr_engine) if raw_result or preprocessed_result: validated_text, country, is_valid = post_process_ocr(raw_result, preprocessed_result) plates_detected.append({ 'raw_text': raw_result, 'preprocessed_text': preprocessed_result, 'validated_text': validated_text, 'country': country, 'is_valid': is_valid, 'bbox': [int(px1), int(py1), int(px2), int(py2)] }) # Annotate the image cv2.rectangle(image, (int(px1), int(py1)), (int(px2), int(py2)), (0, 255, 0), 2) if validated_text: cv2.putText(image, f"{validated_text} ({country})", (int(px1), int(py1)-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.9, (0, 255, 0), 2) return image, plates_detected, cropped_plates def process_image(input_image, ocr_engine='easyocr', confidence_threshold=0.5) -> Tuple[Union[np.ndarray, None], pd.DataFrame, List[np.ndarray]]: try: # Convert Gradio image to numpy array if isinstance(input_image, np.ndarray): image_np = input_image elif isinstance(input_image, Image.Image): image_np = np.array(input_image) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported image type") # Detect and recognize plates annotated_image, plates, cropped_plates = detect_and_recognize_plates(image_np, ocr_engine=ocr_engine, confidence_threshold=confidence_threshold) # Prepare the result as a pandas DataFrame results = [] for i, plate in enumerate(plates): results.append({ "Plate Number": i + 1, "Validated Text": plate['validated_text'], "Country": plate['country'], "Valid": "Yes" if plate['is_valid'] else "No", "Raw OCR": plate['raw_text'], "Preprocessed OCR": plate['preprocessed_text'], }) df = pd.DataFrame(results) if results else pd.DataFrame({"Message": ["No license plates detected"]}) return annotated_image, df, cropped_plates except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}") return None, pd.DataFrame({"Error": [str(e)]}), [] def compare_ocr_engines(image): ocr_engines = ['easyocr', 'pytesseract', 'kerasocr', 'trocr'] results = {} for engine in ocr_engines: start_time = time.time() _, df, _ = process_image(image, ocr_engine=engine) end_time = time.time() results[engine] = { 'processing_time': end_time - start_time, 'plates_detected': len(df) if 'Plate Number' in df.columns else 0, 'texts': df['Validated Text'].tolist() if 'Validated Text' in df.columns else [] } comparison_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'OCR Engine': ocr_engines, 'Processing Time (s)': [results[engine]['processing_time'] for engine in ocr_engines], 'Plates Detected': [results[engine]['plates_detected'] for engine in ocr_engines], 'Detected Texts': [', '.join(results[engine]['texts']) for engine in ocr_engines] }) return comparison_df # gradio app with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # 🚗 ALPR YOLOv8 and Multi-OCR 🚗 Test this ALPR solution using YOLOv8 and various OCR engines! > Better results with high quality images, plate aligned horizontally, clearly visible. """ ) with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("Single Image Processing"): with gr.Accordion("How It Works", open=False): gr.Markdown( """ This ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) system works in several steps: 1. Vehicle Detection: Uses YOLOv8 to detect vehicles in the image with pretrained model on MS-COCO dataset. 2. License Plate Detection: Applies a custom YOLOv8 model to locate license plates region within detected vehicles to crop it. 3. Add preprocessing on the cropped plate that can help to give better results in some situation. 4. OCR: Employs various OCR engines to read the text on the cropped license plates. 5. Post-processing: Cleans and validates the detected text against known license plate patterns. """ ) with gr.Accordion("OCR Engines", open=False): gr.Markdown( """ The system supports multiple OCR engines: - [EasyOCR]( General-purpose OCR library with good accuracy. - [Pytesseract]( Open-source OCR engine based on Tesseract. - [Keras-OCR]( Deep learning-based OCR solution. - [TrOCR]( Transformer-based OCR model for handwritten and printed text. Each engine has its strengths and may perform differently depending on the image quality and license plate style. """ ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): input_image = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Input image") ocr_selector = gr.Radio(choices=['easyocr', 'paddleocr', 'pytesseract', 'kerasocr', 'trocr'], value='easyocr', label="Select OCR Engine") confidence_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.5, step=0.01, label="Detection Confidence Threshold") submit_btn = gr.Button("Detect License Plates", variant="primary") with gr.Column(scale=1): output_image = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Annotated image") cropped_plate_gallery = gr.Gallery(label="Cropped plates") output_table = gr.Dataframe(label="Detection results") with gr.Accordion("Understanding the Results", open=False): gr.Markdown( """ The results table provides the following information: - Plate Number: Sequential number assigned to each detected plate. - Validated Text: The final, cleaned, and validated license plate text. - Country: Estimated country of origin based on the plate format. - Valid: Indicates whether the plate matches a known format. - Raw OCR: The initial text detected by the OCR engine. - Preprocessed OCR: Text detected after image preprocessing. The confidence threshold determines the minimum confidence score for a detection to be considered valid. """ ) with gr.TabItem("OCR Engine Comparison"): with gr.Row(): comparison_input = gr.Image(type="numpy", label="Input Image for Comparison") compare_btn = gr.Button("Compare OCR Engines") comparison_output = gr.Dataframe(label="OCR Engine Comparison Results") # Event handlers fn=process_image, inputs=[input_image, ocr_selector, confidence_slider], outputs=[output_image, output_table, cropped_plate_gallery] ) fn=compare_ocr_engines, inputs=[comparison_input], outputs=[comparison_output] ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()