#!/bin/bash # Variables CLUSTER_NAME="CS553" TASK_DEFINITION_NAME="CSS553_CaseStudy_4" CONTAINER_NAME="CaseStudy4Image" IMAGE_URI="venkateshroshan/mlops-cs4:latest" VCPU="0.5" MEMORY="2048" PORT="7860" SECURITY_GROUP_NAME="CS553-SG" echo "Starting ECS setup..." # Step 1: Create ECS Cluster echo "Creating ECS cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME..." aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME echo "ECS cluster $CLUSTER_NAME created successfully." # Step 2: Register Task Definition echo "Registering task definition: $TASK_DEFINITION_NAME..." aws ecs register-task-definition \ --family $TASK_DEFINITION_NAME \ --network-mode awsvpc \ --requires-compatibilities FARGATE \ --cpu $VCPU \ --memory $MEMORY \ --container-definitions "[ { \"name\": \"$CONTAINER_NAME\", \"image\": \"$IMAGE_URI\", \"portMappings\": [ { \"containerPort\": $PORT, \"protocol\": \"tcp\" } ], \"essential\": true } ]" echo "Task definition $TASK_DEFINITION_NAME registered successfully." # Step 3: Get Default VPC ID echo "Retrieving default VPC ID..." VPC_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-vpcs --filters "Name=isDefault,Values=true" --query "Vpcs[0].VpcId" --output text) if [ -z "$VPC_ID" ]; then echo "Error: Default VPC not found. Exiting." exit 1 fi echo "Default VPC ID: $VPC_ID." # Step 4: Create Security Group echo "Creating security group: $SECURITY_GROUP_NAME..." SECURITY_GROUP_ID=$(aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name $SECURITY_GROUP_NAME --description "Security group for CS553 task" --vpc-id $VPC_ID --query 'GroupId' --output text) echo "Security group created with ID: $SECURITY_GROUP_ID." # Step 5: Add Inbound Rule to Security Group echo "Adding inbound rule to security group for port $PORT..." aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress \ --group-id $SECURITY_GROUP_ID \ --protocol tcp \ --port $PORT \ --cidr echo "Inbound rule added successfully." # Step 6: Run ECS Task echo "Running ECS task in cluster $CLUSTER_NAME..." aws ecs run-task \ --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \ --launch-type FARGATE \ --network-configuration "awsvpcConfiguration={ subnets=[\"$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=$VPC_ID --query 'Subnets[0].SubnetId' --output text)\"], securityGroups=[\"$SECURITY_GROUP_ID\"], assignPublicIp=\"ENABLED\"}" \ --task-definition $TASK_DEFINITION_NAME echo "Task is running in cluster $CLUSTER_NAME." echo "ECS setup completed successfully."