import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #import pytesseract as pt import os from transformers import TrOCRProcessor, VisionEncoderDecoderModel from PIL import Image import requests import torch import as px # LOAD YOLO MODEL INPUT_WIDTH = 640 INPUT_HEIGHT = 640 #onnx_file_path = os.path.abspath('./static/models/best.onnx') onnx_file_path = os.path.abspath(r'./static/model/best.onnx') print(f"Attempting to load ONNX file from: {onnx_file_path}") processor = TrOCRProcessor.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-small-printed') model = VisionEncoderDecoderModel.from_pretrained('microsoft/trocr-small-printed') if not os.path.exists(onnx_file_path): print(f"Error: ONNX file not found at {onnx_file_path}") else: try: net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromONNX(onnx_file_path) net.setPreferableBackend(cv2.dnn.DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV) net.setPreferableTarget(cv2.dnn.DNN_TARGET_CPU) except cv2.error as e: print(f"Error loading ONNX file: {onnx_file_path}") print(f"OpenCV error: {e}") raise # Re-raise the exception to halt the program def get_detections(img,net): # CONVERT IMAGE TO YOLO FORMAT image = img.copy() row, col, d = image.shape max_rc = max(row,col) input_image = np.zeros((max_rc,max_rc,3),dtype=np.uint8) input_image[0:row,0:col] = image # GET PREDICTION FROM YOLO MODEL blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(input_image,1/255,(INPUT_WIDTH,INPUT_HEIGHT),swapRB=True,crop=False) net.setInput(blob) preds = net.forward() detections = preds[0] return input_image, detections def non_maximum_supression(input_image,detections): # FILTER DETECTIONS BASED ON CONFIDENCE AND PROBABILIY SCORE # center x, center y, w , h, conf, proba boxes = [] confidences = [] image_w, image_h = input_image.shape[:2] x_factor = image_w/INPUT_WIDTH y_factor = image_h/INPUT_HEIGHT for i in range(len(detections)): row = detections[i] confidence = row[4] # confidence of detecting license plate if confidence > 0.4: class_score = row[5] # probability score of license plate if class_score > 0.25: cx, cy , w, h = row[0:4] left = int((cx - 0.5*w)*x_factor) top = int((cy-0.5*h)*y_factor) width = int(w*x_factor) height = int(h*y_factor) box = np.array([left,top,width,height]) confidences.append(confidence) boxes.append(box) # clean boxes_np = np.array(boxes).tolist() confidences_np = np.array(confidences).tolist() # NMS index = np.array(cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes_np,confidences_np,0.25,0.45)).flatten() return boxes_np, confidences_np, index def extract_text_py(image,bbox): x,y,w,h = bbox roi = image[y:y+h, x:x+w] if 0 in roi.shape: return '' else: roi_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(roi,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) gray = cv2.cvtColor(roi_bgr,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) magic_color = apply_brightness_contrast(gray,brightness=40,contrast=70) #text = pt.image_to_string(magic_color) text = pt.image_to_string(magic_color,lang='eng',config='--psm 6') text = text.strip() return text # extrating text def extract_text(image,bbox): x,y,w,h = bbox roi = image[y:y+h, x:x+w] #print("roi:",roi) # Use OpenCV to read the image img = roi.copy() print(img.shape) # Convert BGR to RGB img_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Create the Plotly Express figure #fig = px.imshow(img_rgb) # Update layout and show the figure #fig.update_layout(width=100, height=40, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, b=10, t=10)) #fig.update_xaxes(showticklabels=False).update_yaxes(showticklabels=False) image = img_rgb if 0 in roi.shape: return 'no number' else: pixel_values = processor(images=image, return_tensors="pt").pixel_values generated_ids = model.generate(pixel_values) text = processor.batch_decode(generated_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] text = filter_string(text) return text def filter_string(input_string): filtered_chars = [char for char in input_string if char.isalnum() and (char.isupper() or char.isdigit())] filtered_string = ''.join(filtered_chars) return filtered_string def drawings(image,boxes_np,confidences_np,index): # drawings text_list = [] for ind in index: x,y,w,h = boxes_np[ind] bb_conf = confidences_np[ind] conf_text = 'plate: {:.0f}%'.format(bb_conf*100) license_text = extract_text(image,boxes_np[ind]) cv2.rectangle(image,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,255),2) cv2.rectangle(image,(x,y-30),(x+w,y),(255,0,255),-1) cv2.rectangle(image,(x,y+h),(x+w,y+h+30),(0,0,0),-1) cv2.putText(image,conf_text,(x,y-10),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.7,(255,255,255),1) cv2.putText(image,license_text,(x,y+h+27),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.7,(0,255,0),1) text_list.append(license_text) return image, text_list # predictions def yolo_predictions(img,net): ## step-1: detections input_image, detections = get_detections(img,net) ## step-2: NMS boxes_np, confidences_np, index = non_maximum_supression(input_image, detections) ## step-3: Drawings result_img, text = drawings(img,boxes_np,confidences_np,index) return result_img, text def object_detection(path,filename): # read image image = cv2.imread(path) # PIL object image = np.array(image,dtype=np.uint8) # 8 bit array (0,255) result_img, text_list = yolo_predictions(image,net) cv2.imwrite('./static/predict/{}'.format(filename),result_img) return text_list # def OCR(path,filename): # img = np.array(load_img(path)) # cods = object_detection(path,filename) # xmin ,xmax,ymin,ymax = cods[0] # roi = img[ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax] # roi_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(roi,cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # gray = cv2.cvtColor(roi_bgr,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # magic_color = apply_brightness_contrast(gray,brightness=40,contrast=70) # cv2.imwrite('./static/roi/{}'.format(filename),roi_bgr) # print(text) # save_text(filename,text) # return text def apply_brightness_contrast(input_img, brightness = 0, contrast = 0): if brightness != 0: if brightness > 0: shadow = brightness highlight = 255 else: shadow = 0 highlight = 255 + brightness alpha_b = (highlight - shadow)/255 gamma_b = shadow buf = cv2.addWeighted(input_img, alpha_b, input_img, 0, gamma_b) else: buf = input_img.copy() if contrast != 0: f = 131*(contrast + 127)/(127*(131-contrast)) alpha_c = f gamma_c = 127*(1-f) buf = cv2.addWeighted(buf, alpha_c, buf, 0, gamma_c) return buf #