smilecheck / templates /password.html
abhicodes's picture
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{% extends 'layout.html' %}
{% block title %} Change Password {% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="success">
<div id="success-svg-pass">
<svg xmlns="" shape-rendering="geometricPrecision" text-rendering="geometricPrecision" image-rendering="optimizeQuality" fill-rule="evenodd" fill="green" clip-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 512 484.17"><path d="M0 446.17c9.71-125.69 52.78-92.22 151.07-153.72 30.36 63.34 153.75 67.95 179.05 0 11.24 7.18 22.12 12.88 32.55 17.65-4.75 3.44-9.22 7.24-13.36 11.38-19.83 19.83-32.1 47.23-32.1 77.47 0 16.91 3.84 32.92 10.68 47.22H0zm426.78-132.43c47.06 0 85.22 38.16 85.22 85.21 0 47.06-38.16 85.22-85.22 85.22-47.05 0-85.21-38.16-85.21-85.22 0-47.05 38.16-85.21 85.21-85.21zm-24.55 71.88 14.42 13.62 32.69-33.72c2.83-2.86 4.6-5.16 8.08-1.58l11.3 11.58c3.7 3.66 3.52 5.82.02 9.23l-45.64 45.44c-7.38 7.23-6.1 7.67-13.57.25l-26.31-26.17c-1.56-1.67-1.4-3.38.31-5.07l13.11-13.59c1.98-2.1 3.57-1.92 5.59.01zm-227.99-98.17c-1.31-1.7 3.43-13.36 4.55-15.25-12.84-11.43-22.99-22.96-25.15-46.68l-1.38.02c-3.18-.04-6.25-.77-9.12-2.4-4.6-2.62-7.83-7.11-10.01-12.17-4.63-10.63-19.86-45.89 3.35-43.1-12.98-24.24 16.39-65.64-34.26-80.95 41.56-52.63 129.24-133.78 193.49-52.38 70.34 6.82 92.28 90.4 44.92 136.18 2.77.1 5.39.75 7.7 1.98 8.81 4.72 9.09 14.95 6.78 23.54-2.29 7.18-5.2 12.03-7.94 19.02-3.33 9.44-8.21 11.2-17.63 10.18-.47 23.34-11.26 34.8-25.78 48.51l3.97 13.46c-19.46 41.29-100.33 42.96-133.49.04z"/></svg>
<h2>Verification Successfull.<wbr> You will be auto-redirected in 5 seconds.</h2>
<div id="failure">
<img id="failure-svg-pass" src="/static/rejected.png">
<h2>Verification Unsuccessfull.<wbr> You will be auto-redirected in 5 seconds.</h2>
<button class="homelink" onclick="window.location.href=''" style="margin: 20px auto; padding: 20px;">Go To HomePage <span class="arrow"><i class="uil uil-arrow-right"></i></span></button>
var error = {{message}};
if (error == 111) {
document.getElementById("success").style.display = "block";
} else if (error == 999) {
document.getElementById("failure").style.display = "block";
setTimeout(function() {
window.location.href = "/{{ redirect_url }}";
}, 5000);
{% endblock %}