import cv2, math import json, os, torch import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer from align import align_filter def merge_intervals_with_breaks(time_intervals, errors, max_break=1.5): print(f"时间区间: {time_intervals}") print(f"错误: {errors}") if not time_intervals: return [] # Sort intervals based on starting times (not necessary here as input is sorted but good practice) sorted_intervals = sorted(zip(time_intervals, errors), key=lambda x: x[0][0]) merged_intervals = [] current_interval, current_error = sorted_intervals[0] for (start, end), error in sorted_intervals[1:]: # Check if the current interval error is the same and the break between intervals is <= 1.5 seconds if error == current_error and start - current_interval[1] <= max_break: # Merge intervals current_interval = (round(current_interval[0]), round(max(current_interval[1], end))) else: # Save the completed interval merged_intervals.append(((round(current_interval[0]), round(current_interval[1])), current_error)) # merged_intervals.append((current_interval, current_error)) # Start a new interval current_interval, current_error = (round(start), round(end)), error # Add the last interval merged_intervals.append((current_interval, current_error)) return merged_intervals def findcos_single(k1, k2): u1 = np.array(k1).reshape(-1, 1) u2 = np.array(k2).reshape(-1, 1) source_representation, test_representation = u1, u2 a = np.matmul(np.transpose(source_representation), test_representation) b = np.sum(np.multiply(source_representation, source_representation)) c = np.sum(np.multiply(test_representation, test_representation)) # return 1 - (a / (np.sqrt(b) * np.sqrt(c))) cosine_similarity = a / (np.sqrt(b) * np.sqrt(c)) return 100 * (1 - (1 - cosine_similarity) / 2), 0 def findCosineSimilarity_1(keypoints1, keypoints2): # transformer = Normalizer().fit(keypoints1) # keypoints1 = transformer.transform(keypoints1) user1 = np.concatenate((keypoints1[5:13], keypoints1[91:133]), axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) # transformer = Normalizer().fit(keypoints2) # keypoints2 = transformer.transform(keypoints2) user2 = np.concatenate((keypoints2[5:13], keypoints2[91:133]), axis=0).reshape(-1, 1) ####ZIYU source_representation, test_representation = user1, user2 a = np.matmul(np.transpose(source_representation), test_representation) b = np.sum(np.multiply(source_representation, source_representation)) c = np.sum(np.multiply(test_representation, test_representation)) # return 1 - (a / (np.sqrt(b) * np.sqrt(c))) cosine_similarity = a / (np.sqrt(b) * np.sqrt(c)) return 100 * (1 - (1 - cosine_similarity) / 2), 0 def load_json(path): with open(path, 'r') as file: return json.load(file) def eval(test, standard, tmpdir): test_p = tmpdir + "/user.mp4" standard_p = tmpdir + "/standard.mp4" os.system('python ' + test_p + ' --pred-out-dir ' + tmpdir) # produce user.json scores = [] align_filter(tmpdir + '/standard', tmpdir + '/user', tmpdir) # 帧对齐 produce aligned vedios data_00 = load_json(tmpdir + '/standard.json') data_01 = load_json(tmpdir + '/user.json') cap_00 = cv2.VideoCapture(standard_p) cap_01 = cv2.VideoCapture(test_p) # Define keypoint connections for both videos (example indices, you'll need to customize) connections1 = [(9,11), (7,9), (6,7), (6,8), (8,10), (7,13), (6,12), (12,13)] connections2 = [(130,133), (126,129), (122,125), (118,121), (114,117), (93,96), (97,100), (101,104), (105,108), (109,112)] # Determine the minimum length of JSON data to use min_length = min(len(data_00), len(data_01)) frame_width = int(cap_00.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) frame_height = int(cap_00.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) out = cv2.VideoWriter(tmpdir + '/output.mp4', cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'H264'), 5, (frame_width*2, frame_height*2)) cap_00.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) # 初始化视频从头开始读取 cap_01.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, 0) comments = -1 error_dict = {} cnt = 0 line_width = 1 if frame_width // 300 == 0 else frame_width // 300 # 开始逐帧处理两个视频 while True: ret_00, frame_00 = # 逐帧读取标准视频和用户视频的当前帧 ret_01, frame_01 = if not ret_00 and ret_01: comments = 0 #.append("请尝试加快手势的完成速度,并确保每个动作都清晰可见。") break # Stop if either video runs out of frames elif ret_00 and not ret_01: comments = 1 #.append("请尝试放慢手势的完成速度,确保每个动作都清晰可见。") break # Stop if either video runs out of frames elif not ret_00 and not ret_01: comments = 2 break combined_frame_ori = np.hstack((frame_00, frame_01)) # 获取视频当前的帧号 frame_id_00 = int(cap_00.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)) frame_id_01 = int(cap_01.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)) # 处理标准视频中的关键点,并绘制关键点连接 if frame_id_00 < min_length: keypoints_00 = data_00[frame_id_00]["instances"][0]["keypoints"] for (start, end) in connections1: start = start - 1 end = end - 1 if start < len(keypoints_00) and end < len(keypoints_00): start_point = (int(keypoints_00[start][0]), int(keypoints_00[start][1])) end_point = (int(keypoints_00[end][0]), int(keypoints_00[end][1])) cv2.line(frame_00, start_point, end_point, (255, 0, 0), line_width) # (BGR) Blue line for (start, end) in connections2: start = start - 1 end = end - 1 for i in range(start, end): if i < len(keypoints_00) and i + 1 < len(keypoints_00): start_point = (int(keypoints_00[i][0]), int(keypoints_00[i][1])) end_point = (int(keypoints_00[i + 1][0]), int(keypoints_00[i + 1][1])) cv2.line(frame_00, start_point, end_point, (255, 0, 0), line_width) # Blue line # 将部分关键点保存并绘制圆点,标记关键位置 keypoints_00_ori = keypoints_00 keypoints_00 = keypoints_00[5:13] + keypoints_00[91:133] for point in keypoints_00:, (int(point[0]), int(point[1])), 1, (0, 210, 0), -1) # 处理用户视频中的关键点,并进行误差分析 if frame_id_01 < min_length: error = [] bigerror = [] keypoints_01 = data_01[frame_id_01]["instances"][0]["keypoints"] for (start, end) in connections1: start = start - 1 end = end - 1 if start < len(keypoints_01) and end < len(keypoints_01): start_point = (int(keypoints_01[start][0]), int(keypoints_01[start][1])) end_point = (int(keypoints_01[end][0]), int(keypoints_01[end][1])) cur_score = findcos_single([[int(keypoints_01[start][0]), int(keypoints_01[start][1])], [int(keypoints_01[end][0]), int(keypoints_01[end][1])]], [[int(keypoints_00_ori[start][0]), int(keypoints_00_ori[start][1])], [int(keypoints_00_ori[end][0]), int(keypoints_00_ori[end][1])]]) # 如果当前相似度小于 99.3,认为有误差,并记录下来 if float(cur_score[0]) < 98.8 and start != 5: error.append(start) cv2.line(frame_01, start_point, end_point, (0, 0, 255), 2) # Red line # 如果相似度低于 98,记录为大误差 if float(cur_score[0]) < 97.8: bigerror.append(start) else: cv2.line(frame_01, start_point, end_point, (255, 0, 0), line_width) # Blue line for (start, end) in connections2: start = start - 1 end = end - 1 for i in range(start, end): if i < len(keypoints_01) and i + 1 < len(keypoints_01): start_point = (int(keypoints_01[i][0]), int(keypoints_01[i][1])) end_point = (int(keypoints_01[i + 1][0]), int(keypoints_01[i + 1][1])) cur_score = findcos_single([[int(keypoints_01[i][0]), int(keypoints_01[i][1])], [int(keypoints_01[i + 1][0]), int(keypoints_01[i + 1][1])]], [[int(keypoints_00_ori[i][0]), int(keypoints_00_ori[i][1])], [int(keypoints_00_ori[i + 1][0]), int(keypoints_00_ori[i + 1][1])]]) if float(cur_score[0]) < 98.8: error.append(start) cv2.line(frame_01, start_point, end_point, (0, 0, 255), 2) # Red line if float(cur_score[0]) < 97.8: bigerror.append(start) else: cv2.line(frame_01, start_point, end_point, (255, 0, 0), line_width) # Blue line # 将用户视频的关键点绘制为圆点 keypoints_01 = keypoints_01[5:13] + keypoints_01[91:133] for point in keypoints_01:, (int(point[0]), int(point[1])), 1, (0, 210, 0), -1) # Concatenate the images horizontally to display side by side combined_frame = np.hstack((frame_00, frame_01)) if frame_id_00 < min_length and frame_id_01 < min_length: min_cos, min_idx = findCosineSimilarity_1(data_00[frame_id_00]["instances"][0]["keypoints"], data_01[frame_id_01]["instances"][0]["keypoints"]) # 如果存在误差,将误差部分对应的人体部位加入内容列表 if error != []: # print(error) content = [] for i in error: if i in [5,7]: content.append('Left Arm') if i in [6,8]: content.append('Right Arm') if i > 90 and i < 112: content.append('Left Hand') if i >= 112: content.append('Right Hand') part = "" # 在视频帧上显示检测到的误差部位 cv2.putText(combined_frame, "Please check: ", (int(frame_width*1.75), int(frame_height*0.2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, (0, 0, 255), 2) start_x = int(frame_width*1.75) + 10 #435 # 起始的 x 坐标 start_y = int(frame_height*0.2) + 50 # 45 line_height = 50 # 每一行文字的高度 # 将每一个部位的内容绘制到帧上 for i, item in enumerate(list(set(content))): text = "- " + item y_position = start_y + i * line_height cv2.putText(combined_frame, text, (start_x, y_position), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.2, (0, 0, 255), 2) # big if bigerror != []: bigcontent = [] for i in bigerror: if i in [5,7]: bigcontent.append('Left Arm') if i in [6,8]: bigcontent.append('Right Arm') if i > 90 and i < 112: bigcontent.append('Left Hand') if i >= 112: bigcontent.append('Right Hand') # 记录当前帧的严重误差部位,存入 error_dict 中 error_dict[cnt] = list(set(bigcontent)) cnt += 1 combined_frame = np.vstack((combined_frame_ori, combined_frame)) out.write(combined_frame) scores.append(float(min_cos)) # 记录每一帧的相似度得分 fps = 5 # Frames per second frame_numbers = list(error_dict.keys()) # List of frame numbers 获取含有严重误差的帧号列表 time_intervals = [(frame / fps, (frame + 1) / fps) for frame in frame_numbers] # 将帧号转换为时间区间(秒) errors = [error_dict[frame] for frame in frame_numbers] # 每一帧对应的严重误差部位 final_merged_intervals = merge_intervals_with_breaks(time_intervals, errors) # 合并相邻或相近的时间区间,并记录对应的误差部位 out.release() # 返回三个结果: # 1. scores 的平均值,作为整体手势相似度的评分 # 2. final_merged_intervals,合并后的误差时间区间及其对应的误差信息 # 3. comments,用于给用户的速度建议(加快或放慢手势) return sum(scores) / len(scores), final_merged_intervals, comments def install(): if torch.cuda.is_available(): cu_version = torch.version.cuda cu_version = f"cu{cu_version.replace('.', '')}" # Format it as 'cuXX' (e.g., 'cu113') else: cu_version = "cpu" # Fallback to CPU if no CUDA is available torch_version = torch.__version__.split('+')[0] # Get PyTorch version without build info pip_command = f'pip install mmcv-full -f{cu_version}/{torch_version}/index.html' os.system(pip_command) os.system('mim install mmengine') # # os.system('mim install "mmcv>=2.0.1"') os.system('mim install "mmdet>=3.1.0"') os.system('git clone') os.chdir('mmpose') os.system('pip install -r requirements.txt') os.system('pip install -v -e .')