import os import cv2 import numpy as np import torch import gradio as gr import spaces from glob import glob from typing import Tuple from PIL import Image from gradio_imageslider import ImageSlider from transformers import AutoModelForImageSegmentation from torchvision import transforms import requests from io import BytesIO import zipfile torch.set_float32_matmul_precision('high') torch.jit.script = lambda f: f device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" ### def refine_foreground(image, mask, r=90): if mask.size != image.size: mask = mask.resize(image.size) image = np.array(image) / 255.0 mask = np.array(mask) / 255.0 estimated_foreground = FB_blur_fusion_foreground_estimator_2(image, mask, r=r) image_masked = Image.fromarray((estimated_foreground * 255.0).astype(np.uint8)) return image_masked def FB_blur_fusion_foreground_estimator_2(image, alpha, r=90): # Thanks to the source: alpha = alpha[:, :, None] F, blur_B = FB_blur_fusion_foreground_estimator( image, image, image, alpha, r) return FB_blur_fusion_foreground_estimator(image, F, blur_B, alpha, r=6)[0] def FB_blur_fusion_foreground_estimator(image, F, B, alpha, r=90): if isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = np.array(image) / 255.0 blurred_alpha = cv2.blur(alpha, (r, r))[:, :, None] blurred_FA = cv2.blur(F * alpha, (r, r)) blurred_F = blurred_FA / (blurred_alpha + 1e-5) blurred_B1A = cv2.blur(B * (1 - alpha), (r, r)) blurred_B = blurred_B1A / ((1 - blurred_alpha) + 1e-5) F = blurred_F + alpha * \ (image - alpha * blurred_F - (1 - alpha) * blurred_B) F = np.clip(F, 0, 1) return F, blurred_B class ImagePreprocessor(): def __init__(self, resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1024, 1024)) -> None: self.transform_image = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(resolution), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]) def proc(self, image: Image.Image) -> torch.Tensor: image = self.transform_image(image) return image usage_to_weights_file = { 'General': 'BiRefNet', 'General-Lite': 'BiRefNet_lite', 'General-Lite-2K': 'BiRefNet_lite-2K', 'Matting': 'BiRefNet-matting', 'Portrait': 'BiRefNet-portrait', 'DIS': 'BiRefNet-DIS5K', 'HRSOD': 'BiRefNet-HRSOD', 'COD': 'BiRefNet-COD', 'DIS-TR_TEs': 'BiRefNet-DIS5K-TR_TEs', 'General-legacy': 'BiRefNet-legacy' } birefnet = AutoModelForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained('/'.join(('zhengpeng7', usage_to_weights_file['General'])), trust_remote_code=True) birefnet.eval() @spaces.GPU def predict(images, resolution, weights_file): assert (images is not None), 'AssertionError: images cannot be None.' global birefnet # Load BiRefNet with chosen weights _weights_file = '/'.join(('zhengpeng7', usage_to_weights_file[weights_file] if weights_file is not None else usage_to_weights_file['General'])) print('Using weights: {}.'.format(_weights_file)) birefnet = AutoModelForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained(_weights_file, trust_remote_code=True) birefnet.eval() try: resolution = [int(int(reso)//32*32) for reso in resolution.strip().split('x')] except: resolution = (1024, 1024) if weights_file not in ['General-Lite-2K'] else (2560, 1440) print('Invalid resolution input. Automatically changed to 1024x1024 or 2K.') if isinstance(images, list): # For tab_batch save_paths = [] save_dir = 'preds-BiRefNet' if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) tab_is_batch = True else: images = [images] tab_is_batch = False for idx_image, image_src in enumerate(images): if isinstance(image_src, str): if os.path.isfile(image_src): image_ori = else: response = requests.get(image_src) image_data = BytesIO(response.content) image_ori = else: image_ori = Image.fromarray(image_src) image = image_ori.convert('RGB') # Preprocess the image image_preprocessor = ImagePreprocessor(resolution=tuple(resolution)) image_proc = image_preprocessor.proc(image) image_proc = image_proc.unsqueeze(0) # Prediction with torch.no_grad(): preds = birefnet([-1].sigmoid().cpu() pred = preds[0].squeeze() # Show Results pred_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()(pred) image_masked = refine_foreground(image, pred_pil) image_masked.putalpha(pred_pil.resize(image.size)) torch.cuda.empty_cache() if tab_is_batch: save_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "{}.png".format(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(image_src))[0])) save_paths.append(save_file_path) if tab_is_batch: zip_file_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "{}.zip".format(save_dir)) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, 'w') as zipf: for file in save_paths: zipf.write(file, os.path.basename(file)) return save_paths, zip_file_path else: return (image_masked, image_ori) examples = [[_] for _ in glob('examples/*')][:] # Add the option of resolution in a text box. for idx_example, example in enumerate(examples): examples[idx_example].append('1024x1024') examples.append(examples[-1].copy()) examples[-1][1] = '512x512' examples_url = [ [''], ] for idx_example_url, example_url in enumerate(examples_url): examples_url[idx_example_url].append('1024x1024') descriptions = ('Upload a picture, our model will extract a highly accurate segmentation of the subject in it.\n)' ' The resolution used in our training was `1024x1024`, thus the suggested resolution to obtain good results!\n' ' Our codes can be found at\n' ' We also maintain the HF model of BiRefNet at for easier access.') tab_image = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.Image(label='Upload an image'), gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Type the resolution (`WxH`) you want, e.g., `1024x1024`.", label="Resolution"), gr.Radio(list(usage_to_weights_file.keys()), value='General', label="Weights", info="Choose the weights you want.") ], outputs=ImageSlider(label="BiRefNet's prediction", type="pil"), examples=examples, api_name="image", description=descriptions, ) tab_text = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="Paste an image URL"), gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Type the resolution (`WxH`) you want, e.g., `1024x1024`.", label="Resolution"), gr.Radio(list(usage_to_weights_file.keys()), value='General', label="Weights", info="Choose the weights you want.") ], outputs=ImageSlider(label="BiRefNet's prediction", type="pil"), examples=examples_url, api_name="text", description=descriptions+'\nTab-URL is partially modified from, thanks to this great work!', ) tab_batch = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[ gr.File(label="Upload multiple images", type="filepath", file_count="multiple"), gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Type the resolution (`WxH`) you want, e.g., `1024x1024`.", label="Resolution"), gr.Radio(list(usage_to_weights_file.keys()), value='General', label="Weights", info="Choose the weights you want.") ], outputs=[gr.Gallery(label="BiRefNet's predictions"), gr.File(label="Download masked images.")], api_name="batch", description=descriptions+'\nTab-batch is partially modified from, thanks to this great work!', ) demo = gr.TabbedInterface( [tab_image, tab_text, tab_batch], ['image', 'text', 'batch'], title="BiRefNet demo for subject extraction (general / matting / salient / camouflaged / portrait).", ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(debug=True)