from streamlit_webrtc import webrtc_streamer, WebRtcMode from sentiment_analysis import analyze_sentiment, transcribe_with_chunks from product_recommender import ProductRecommender from objection_handler import ObjectionHandler from google_sheets import fetch_call_data, store_data_in_sheet from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from env_setup import config import re import uuid import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st import numpy as np from io import BytesIO import wave import threading import queue # Initialize components objection_handler = ObjectionHandler("objections.csv") # Use relative path product_recommender = ProductRecommender("recommendations.csv") # Use relative path model = SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') # Queue to hold transcribed text transcription_queue = queue.Queue() def generate_comprehensive_summary(chunks): """ Generate a comprehensive summary from conversation chunks """ # Extract full text from chunks full_text = " ".join([chunk[0] for chunk in chunks]) # Perform basic analysis total_chunks = len(chunks) sentiments = [chunk[1] for chunk in chunks] # Determine overall conversation context context_keywords = { 'product_inquiry': ['dress', 'product', 'price', 'stock'], 'pricing': ['cost', 'price', 'budget'], 'negotiation': ['installment', 'payment', 'manage'] } # Detect conversation themes themes = [] for keyword_type, keywords in context_keywords.items(): if any(keyword.lower() in full_text.lower() for keyword in keywords): themes.append(keyword_type) # Basic sentiment analysis positive_count = sentiments.count('POSITIVE') negative_count = sentiments.count('NEGATIVE') neutral_count = sentiments.count('NEUTRAL') # Key interaction highlights key_interactions = [] for chunk in chunks: if any(keyword.lower() in chunk[0].lower() for keyword in ['price', 'dress', 'stock', 'installment']): key_interactions.append(chunk[0]) # Construct summary summary = f"Conversation Summary:\n" # Context and themes if 'product_inquiry' in themes: summary += "• Customer initiated a product inquiry about items.\n" if 'pricing' in themes: summary += "• Price and budget considerations were discussed.\n" if 'negotiation' in themes: summary += "• Customer and seller explored flexible payment options.\n" # Sentiment insights summary += f"\nConversation Sentiment:\n" summary += f"• Positive Interactions: {positive_count}\n" summary += f"• Negative Interactions: {negative_count}\n" summary += f"• Neutral Interactions: {neutral_count}\n" # Key highlights summary += "\nKey Conversation Points:\n" for interaction in key_interactions[:3]: # Limit to top 3 key points summary += f"• {interaction}\n" # Conversation outcome if positive_count > negative_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Constructive and potentially successful interaction." elif negative_count > positive_count: summary += "\nOutcome: Interaction may require further follow-up." else: summary += "\nOutcome: Neutral interaction with potential for future engagement." return summary def is_valid_input(text): text = text.strip().lower() if len(text) < 3 or re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z\s]*$', text) is None: return False return True def is_relevant_sentiment(sentiment_score): return sentiment_score > 0.4 def calculate_overall_sentiment(sentiment_scores): if sentiment_scores: average_sentiment = sum(sentiment_scores) / len(sentiment_scores) overall_sentiment = ( "POSITIVE" if average_sentiment > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if average_sentiment < 0 else "NEUTRAL" ) else: overall_sentiment = "NEUTRAL" return overall_sentiment def handle_objection(text): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: # Adjust similarity threshold as needed responses = objection_handler.handle_objection(text) return "\n".join(responses) if responses else "No objection response found." return "No objection response found." def transcribe_audio(audio_bytes, sample_rate=16000): """Transcribe audio using the transcribe_with_chunks function from""" try: # Save audio bytes to a temporary WAV file with BytesIO() as wav_buffer: with, 'wb') as wf: wf.setnchannels(1) # Mono audio wf.setsampwidth(2) # 2 bytes for int16 wf.setframerate(sample_rate) # Sample rate wf.writeframes(audio_bytes) # Use the transcribe_with_chunks function from chunks = transcribe_with_chunks({}) # Pass an empty objections_dict for now if chunks: return chunks[-1][0] # Return the latest transcribed text except Exception as e: print(f"Error transcribing audio: {e}") return None def audio_processing_thread(audio_frame): """Thread function to process audio frames.""" # Convert audio frame to bytes audio_data = audio_frame.to_ndarray() print(f"Audio data shape: {audio_data.shape}") # Debug: Check audio data shape print(f"Audio data sample: {audio_data[:10]}") # Debug: Check first 10 samples audio_bytes = (audio_data * 32767).astype(np.int16).tobytes() # Convert to int16 format # Transcribe the audio text = transcribe_audio(audio_bytes) if text: transcription_queue.put(text) # Add transcribed text to the queue def real_time_analysis():"Listening... Say 'stop' to end the process.") def audio_frame_callback(audio_frame): # Start a new thread to process the audio frame threading.Thread(target=audio_processing_thread, args=(audio_frame,)).start() return audio_frame # Start WebRTC audio stream webrtc_ctx = webrtc_streamer( key="real-time-audio", mode=WebRtcMode.SENDONLY, audio_frame_callback=audio_frame_callback, media_stream_constraints={"audio": True, "video": False}, ) # Display transcribed text from the queue while not transcription_queue.empty(): text = transcription_queue.get() st.write(f"*Recognized Text:* {text}") # Analyze sentiment sentiment, score = analyze_sentiment(text) st.write(f"*Sentiment:* {sentiment} (Score: {score})") # Handle objection objection_response = handle_objection(text) st.write(f"*Objection Response:* {objection_response}") # Get product recommendation recommendations = [] if is_valid_input(text) and is_relevant_sentiment(score): query_embedding = model.encode([text]) distances, indices =, 1) if distances[0][0] < 1.5: # Similarity threshold recommendations = product_recommender.get_recommendations(text) if recommendations: st.write("*Product Recommendations:*") for rec in recommendations: st.write(rec) def run_app(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Sales Call Assistant", layout="wide") st.title("AI Sales Call Assistant") st.sidebar.title("Navigation") app_mode ="Choose a mode:", ["Real-Time Call Analysis", "Dashboard"]) if app_mode == "Real-Time Call Analysis": st.header("Real-Time Sales Call Analysis") real_time_analysis() elif app_mode == "Dashboard": st.header("Call Summaries and Sentiment Analysis") try: data = fetch_call_data(config["google_sheet_id"]) if data.empty: st.warning("No data available in the Google Sheet.") else: # Sentiment Visualizations sentiment_counts = data['Sentiment'].value_counts() # Pie Chart col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Sentiment Distribution") fig_pie = px.pie( values=sentiment_counts.values, names=sentiment_counts.index, title='Call Sentiment Breakdown', color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'blue' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_pie) # Bar Chart with col2: st.subheader("Sentiment Counts") fig_bar = x=sentiment_counts.index, y=sentiment_counts.values, title='Number of Calls by Sentiment', labels={'x': 'Sentiment', 'y': 'Number of Calls'}, color=sentiment_counts.index, color_discrete_map={ 'POSITIVE': 'green', 'NEGATIVE': 'red', 'NEUTRAL': 'blue' } ) st.plotly_chart(fig_bar) # Existing Call Details Section st.subheader("All Calls") display_data = data.copy() display_data['Summary Preview'] = display_data['Summary'].str[:100] + '...' st.dataframe(display_data[['Call ID', 'Chunk', 'Sentiment', 'Summary Preview', 'Overall Sentiment']]) # Dropdown to select Call ID unique_call_ids = data[data['Call ID'] != '']['Call ID'].unique() call_id = st.selectbox("Select a Call ID to view details:", unique_call_ids) # Display selected Call ID details call_details = data[data['Call ID'] == call_id] if not call_details.empty: st.subheader("Detailed Call Information") st.write(f"**Call ID:** {call_id}") st.write(f"**Overall Sentiment:** {call_details.iloc[0]['Overall Sentiment']}") # Expand summary section st.subheader("Full Call Summary") st.text_area("Summary:", value=call_details.iloc[0]['Summary'], height=200, disabled=True) # Show all chunks for the selected call st.subheader("Conversation Chunks") for _, row in call_details.iterrows(): if pd.notna(row['Chunk']): st.write(f"**Chunk:** {row['Chunk']}") st.write(f"**Sentiment:** {row['Sentiment']}") st.write("---") # Separator between chunks else: st.error("No details available for the selected Call ID.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading dashboard: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": run_app()