import gradio as gr from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageSequence import numpy as np import cv2 import os import tempfile global stored_frames def load_and_store_frames(image_file, grid_x, grid_y): global stored_frames # Make sure file exists if image_file is None: return "File not found", "" print("Loading frames for {}".format( if'.mp4'): frames = extract_frames_from_video( video_path = else: # it's a gif img = frames = [] for i in range(0, img.n_frames): frames.append(img.copy()) # Convert GIF to MP4 for preview fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp4") video_path = convert_gif_to_video(,, 1 / ('duration', 100) / 1000.0)) stored_frames = frames # Store the frames for later use total_frames = len(frames) selected_frames_count = grid_x * grid_y details = f"**Total Frames:** {len(frames)}\n\n" output_info = f"Grid size: {grid_x} x {grid_y}\n\nSelected Frames: {selected_frames_count} / {total_frames} ({selected_frames_count / total_frames * 100:.2f}%)" return f"Frames loaded successfully\n\n{details}\n\n{output_info}", video_path def generate_grid(grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color): global stored_frames # print(f"Processing grid with {grid_x} x {grid_y} grid size, font size {font_size}, font color {font_color}, position {position}, border size {border_size}, border color {border_color}") if stored_frames is None: load_and_store_frames() grid_img, output_info = create_grid(stored_frames, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color) details = f"Total Frames: {len(stored_frames)}\n\n{output_info}" return grid_img, details def create_grid(frames, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color): total_frames = len(frames) selected_frames_count = grid_x * grid_y # Select evenly spaced frames selected_frames_indices = np.linspace(0, total_frames - 1, selected_frames_count).astype(int) selected_frames = [frames[i] for i in selected_frames_indices] # Modify frames by adding border and number modified_frames = [] try: font = ImageFont.truetype("Lato-Regular.ttf", font_size) except IOError: print("Font not found, using default font.") font = ImageFont.load_default() positions = { "Top Left": (20, 20), "Top Right": (frames[0].width - 20 - font_size, 20), "Bottom Left": (20, frames[0].height - 20 - font_size), "Bottom Right": (frames[0].width - 20 - font_size, frames[0].height - 20 - font_size) } for i, frame in enumerate(selected_frames): # Add border border_width = border_size frame_with_border ='RGB', (frame.width + 2*border_width, frame.height + 2*border_width), border_color.lower()) frame_with_border.paste(frame, (border_width, border_width)) # Add number draw = ImageDraw.Draw(frame_with_border) text = str(i + 1) text_position = (border_width + positions[position][0], border_width + positions[position][1]) draw.text(text_position, text, font=font, fill=font_color) modified_frames.append(frame_with_border) # Combine modified frames into a grid grid_width = modified_frames[0].width * grid_x grid_height = modified_frames[0].height * grid_y grid_img ='RGB', (grid_width, grid_height), border_color.lower()) for i, frame in enumerate(modified_frames): x_offset = (i % grid_x) * frame.width y_offset = (i // grid_x) * frame.height grid_img.paste(frame, (x_offset, y_offset)) output_info = f"Grid size: {grid_x} x {grid_y}\n\nSelected Frames: {selected_frames_count} / {total_frames} ({selected_frames_count / total_frames * 100:.2f}%)" return grid_img, output_info def extract_frames_from_video(video_file): """Extract frames from an MP4 video.""" frames = [] cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file) while True: ret, frame = if not ret: break # Convert BGR format (used by OpenCV) to RGB frame_rgb = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frames.append(Image.fromarray(frame_rgb)) cap.release() return frames def convert_gif_to_video(gif_path, output_video_path, frame_rate): # Load the gif gif = # Define the codec and create VideoWriter object fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_video_path, fourcc, frame_rate, (gif.width, gif.height)) # Iterate over the frames of the gif for frame_index in range(gif.n_frames): # Convert the PIL Image to an array frame_arr = np.array(gif.convert("RGB")) # Convert RGB to BGR format frame_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(frame_arr, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Write the frame to the video out.write(frame_bgr) out.release() def gif_or_video_info(image_file, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color): video_path = "" if'.mp4'): video_path = cap = cv2.VideoCapture( frame_rate = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # Get the actual frame rate of the video frames = extract_frames_from_video( total_frames = len(frames) cap.release() else: # it's a gif img = frames = [] for i in range(0, img.n_frames): frames.append(img.copy()) total_frames = img.n_frames frame_rate = 1 / ('duration', 100) / 1000.0) # Convert to seconds # Convert GIF to MP4 and save it to a temp path fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp4") video_path = convert_gif_to_video(,, frame_rate) grid_img, output_info = create_grid(frames, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color) details = f"**Total Frames:** {total_frames}\n\n**Frame Rate:** {frame_rate} frames/sec\n\n{output_info}" return grid_img, details, video_path def gif_info(image_file, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color): return gif_or_video_info(image_file, grid_x, grid_y, font_size, font_color, position, border_size, border_color) def mirror(x): return x with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown('## vid2grid Generator') gr.Markdown('Upload a GIF or MP4 to generate a grid from its frames. Use the sliders to adjust the grid size and text settings.\n\nThis is particularly useful for use with multi modal models such as GPT-4V to retrieve descriptions of short videos or gifs, [example here.](\n\n **Note:** The grid will be generated only after clicking the "Generate Grid" button.') with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): control_image = gr.File(label="Upload a short MP4 or GIF", type="file", elem_id="file_upload", file_types=[".gif", ".mp4"]) video_preview = gr.Video(interactive=False, label="Preview", format="mp4") gif_details = gr.Markdown("No file found.") # gr.Examples( # examples=[os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "demo.mp4")], # inputs=[control_image], # outputs=[gif_details, video_preview], # fn=load_and_store_frames, # cache_examples=True, # ) process_button = gr.Button("Generate Grid") # New button to trigger the heavy computation grid_x_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=3, label="Grid X Size") grid_y_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=10, step=1, value=3, label="Grid Y Size") font_color_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Black", "White", "Red", "Green", "Blue"], value="White", label="Numbering Color") position_radio = gr.Radio(choices=["Top Left", "Top Right", "Bottom Left", "Bottom Right"], value="Top Left", label="Numbering Position") font_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=10, maximum=100, step=5, value=40, label="Font Size") border_color_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Black", "White", "Red", "Green", "Blue"], value="White", label="Border Color") border_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=100, step=5, value=10, label="Border Size") with gr.Column(): result_image = gr.Image(label="Generated Grid", value="") # Use .change() method to listen for changes in any of the controls control_image.upload(load_and_store_frames, inputs=[control_image, grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider], outputs=[gif_details, video_preview]) # grid_x_slider.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details, video_preview]) # grid_y_slider.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) # font_size_slider.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) # font_color_dropdown.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) # position_radio.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) # border_size_slider.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) # border_color_dropdown.change(generate_grid, inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]), inputs=[grid_x_slider, grid_y_slider, font_size_slider, font_color_dropdown, position_radio, border_size_slider, border_color_dropdown], outputs=[result_image, gif_details]) if __name__ == "__main__": stored_frames = None app.launch()