Yelorix's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
5d077e1 verified
import datetime as dt
import gradio as gr
import json
import numpy as np
import os
from datetime import timedelta, date, datetime
from gradio_vistimeline import VisTimeline, VisTimelineData
# --- Region: Handlers for demo tab 1 ---
def pull_from_timeline(timeline):
"""Convert timeline data to JSON string for display"""
if hasattr(timeline, "model_dump"):
data = timeline.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
data = timeline
return json.dumps(data, indent=2)
def push_to_timeline(json_str):
"""Convert JSON string to timeline data"""
return VisTimelineData.model_validate_json(json_str)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error parsing JSON: {e}")
return VisTimelineData(groups=[], items=[])
def on_timeline_change():
return f"Most recent value change event:\n{get_now()}"
def on_timeline_input(event_data: gr.EventData):
return f"Most recent input event:\nAction: '{event_data._data}' at {get_now()}"
def on_timeline_select():
return f"Most recent timeline selected event::\n{get_now()}"
def on_item_select(timeline, event_data: gr.EventData):
selected_ids = event_data._data # A collection of selected item IDs that can be str or int: ["example", 0, "example2"]
items = timeline.items
if selected_ids:
first_id = selected_ids[0]
for item in items:
if == first_id:
content = getattr(item, 'content', 'Unknown')
return f"Currently selected item:\nContent: \"{content}\"\nID: \"{first_id}\""
return "Currently selected item:\nNone"
# --- Region: Handlers for demo tab 1 ---
def update_table(timeline):
if hasattr(timeline, "model_dump"):
data = timeline.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
data = timeline
items = data["items"]
track_length_ms = get_grouped_item_end_in_ms(items, "track-length")
rows = []
for item in items:
if item["content"] != "":
duration = calculate_and_format_duration(item["start"], item.get("end"), track_length_ms)
return gr.DataFrame(
headers=["Item Name", "Start Time", "Duration"]
# --- Region: Handlers for demo tab 2 ---
def update_audio(timeline):
Handler function for generating audio from timeline data.
Returns audio data in format expected by Gradio's Audio component.
audio_data, sample_rate = generate_audio_from_timeline(timeline)
# Convert to correct shape and data type for Gradio Audio
# Gradio expects a 2D array with shape (samples, channels)
audio_data = audio_data.reshape(-1, 1) # Make it 2D with 1 channel
return (sample_rate, audio_data)
def generate_audio_from_timeline(timeline_data, sample_rate=44100):
Generate audio from timeline items containing frequency information.
timeline_data: Timeline data containing items with start/end times in milliseconds
sample_rate: Audio sample rate in Hz (default 44100)
Tuple of (audio_data: np.ndarray, sample_rate: int)
# Get all items from the timeline
if hasattr(timeline_data, "model_dump"):
data = timeline_data.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
data = timeline_data
items = data["items"]
# Find the track length from the background item
track_length_ms = get_grouped_item_end_in_ms(items, "track-length")
# Convert milliseconds to samples
total_samples = int((track_length_ms / 1000) * sample_rate)
# Initialize empty audio buffer
audio_buffer = np.zeros(total_samples)
# Frequency mapping
freq_map = {
1: 440.0,
2: 554.37,
3: 659.26
# Generate sine waves for each item
for item in items:
id = item.get("id", 0)
start_time = parse_date_to_milliseconds(item["start"])
end_time = parse_date_to_milliseconds(item["end"])
# Skip items that are completely outside the valid range
if end_time <= 0 or start_time >= track_length_ms or start_time >= end_time:
# Clamp times to valid range
start_time = max(0, min(start_time, track_length_ms))
end_time = max(0, min(end_time, track_length_ms))
if id in freq_map:
freq = freq_map[id]
# Convert millisecond timestamps to sample indices
start_sample = int((start_time / 1000) * sample_rate)
end_sample = int((end_time / 1000) * sample_rate)
# Generate time array for this segment
t = np.arange(start_sample, end_sample)
# Generate sine wave
duration = end_sample - start_sample
envelope = np.ones(duration)
fade_samples = min(int(0.10 * sample_rate), duration // 2) # 100ms fade or half duration
envelope[:fade_samples] = np.linspace(0, 1, fade_samples)
envelope[-fade_samples:] = np.linspace(1, 0, fade_samples)
wave = 0.2 * envelope * np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t / sample_rate)
# Add to buffer
audio_buffer[start_sample:end_sample] += wave
# Normalize to prevent clipping
max_val = np.max(np.abs(audio_buffer))
if max_val > 0:
audio_buffer = audio_buffer / max_val
return (audio_buffer, sample_rate)
# Helper function to get hard-coded track-length from timeline value
def get_grouped_item_end_in_ms(items, group_id):
default_length = 6000
for item in items:
if item.get("group") == group_id:
return parse_date_to_milliseconds(item.get("end", default_length))
return default_length
# --- Region: Demo specific datetime helper functions ---
def calculate_and_format_duration(start_date, end_date, max_range):
"""Calculate the seconds between two datetime inputs and format the result with up to 2 decimals."""
if not end_date:
return "0s"
# Convert dates to milliseconds
start_ms = max(0, parse_date_to_milliseconds(start_date))
end_ms = min(max_range, parse_date_to_milliseconds(end_date))
if end_ms < start_ms:
return "0s"
# Calculate duration in seconds
duration = (end_ms - start_ms) / 1000
# Format to remove trailing zeroes after rounding to 2 decimal places
formatted_duration = f"{duration:.2f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
return f"{formatted_duration}s"
def format_date_to_milliseconds(date):
"""Format input (ISO8601 string or milliseconds) to mm:ss.SSS."""
date_in_milliseconds = max(0, parse_date_to_milliseconds(date))
time = timedelta(milliseconds=date_in_milliseconds)
# Format timedelta into mm:ss.SSS
minutes, seconds = divmod(time.seconds, 60)
milliseconds_part = time.microseconds // 1000
return f"{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}.{milliseconds_part:03}"
def parse_date_to_milliseconds(date):
"""Convert input (ISO8601 string or milliseconds) milliseconds"""
if isinstance(date, int): # Input is already in milliseconds (Unix timestamp)
return date
elif isinstance(date, str): # Input is ISO8601 datetime string
dt = datetime.fromisoformat(date.replace("Z", "+00:00"))
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.tzinfo) # Calculate difference from Unix epoch
return int((dt - epoch).total_seconds() * 1000)
return 0 # Fallback for unsupported types
def get_now():
"""Returns current time in HH:MM:SS format"""
TIMELINE_ID = "dateless_timeline"
AUDIO_ID = "timeline-audio"
# Example for how to access the timeline through JavaScript
# In this case, to bind the custom time bar of the timeline to be in sync with the audio component
# Read the JavaScript file
js_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'custom_time_control.js')
with open(js_path, 'r') as f:
js_content =
script = f"""<script>{js_content}</script>"""
style = f"""<style>.vis-custom-time.{TIMELINE_ID} {{pointer-events: none !important;}}</style>"""
head = script + style
# --- Region: Gradio ---
with gr.Blocks(head=head) as demo:
today =
day_offset = lambda days: (today + dt.timedelta(days=days)).isoformat()
gr.Markdown("# Vis.js Timeline Component Demo")
with gr.Tabs():
# --- Tab 1: Basic Timeline with Events ---
with gr.Tab("Basic Timeline Demo"):
# Timeline component
basic_timeline = VisTimeline(
"groups": [{"id": 0, "content": ""}],
"items": []
options= {
"start": day_offset(-1),
"end": day_offset(20),
"editable": True,
"format": { # You don't need to define this as these are the default values, but for this demo it is necessary because of two timelines with different formats on one page
"minorLabels": {
"millisecond": "SSS",
"second": "ss",
"minute": "HH:mm",
"hour": "HH:mm",
label="Interactive Timeline",
gr.Markdown("### Events")
# Event listener outputs
with gr.Row():
change_textbox = gr.Textbox(value="Most recent value change event:", label="Change:", lines=3, interactive=False)
input_textbox = gr.Textbox(value="Most recent user input event:", label="Input:", lines=3, interactive=False)
select_textbox = gr.Textbox(value="Most recent timeline selected event:", label="Select:", lines=3, interactive=False)
item_select_textbox = gr.Textbox(value="Currently selected item:\nNone", label="Currently selected item:", lines=3, interactive=False)
# Examples and JSON area in two columns
with gr.Row():
# Left column: Examples
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("### Timeline Examples")
"groups": [{"id": 0, "content": ""}],
"items": [
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(1), "end": day_offset(5)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(7)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(7), "end": day_offset(11)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(11), "end": day_offset(13)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(13), "end": day_offset(17)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(17), "end": day_offset(19)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(19), "end": day_offset(23)},
"description": "DateTime ranges"
"groups": [{"id": 0, "content": "Group"}],
"items": [
{"id": 0, "content": "Simple item", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(9)}
"groups": [{"id": 0, "content": "Worker 1"}, {"id": 1, "content": "Worker 2"}],
"items": [
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(1), "end": day_offset(5)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(7)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(7), "end": day_offset(11)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(11), "end": day_offset(13)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(13), "end": day_offset(17)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(17), "end": day_offset(19)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 0, "start": day_offset(19), "end": day_offset(23)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(-3), "end": day_offset(2)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(2), "end": day_offset(4)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(4), "end": day_offset(8)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(8), "end": day_offset(10)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(10), "end": day_offset(14)},
{"content": "Resting", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(14), "end": day_offset(16)},
{"content": "Working", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(16), "end": day_offset(20)}
"description": "DateTime ranges in groups"
"groups": [{"id": 1, "content": "Group 1"}, {"id": 2, "content": "Group 2"}],
"items": [
{"id": "A", "content": "Period A", "start": day_offset(1), "end": day_offset(7), "type": "background", "group": 1 },
{"id": "B", "content": "Period B", "start": day_offset(8), "end": day_offset(11), "type": "background", "group": 2 },
{"id": "C", "content": "Period C", "start": day_offset(12), "end": day_offset(17), "type": "background" },
{"content": "Range inside period A", "start": day_offset(2), "end": day_offset(6), "group": 1 },
{"content": "Item inside period C", "group": 2, "start": day_offset(14) }
"description": "Background type example"
"groups": [{"id": 1, "content": "Group 1"}, {"id": 2, "content": "Group 2"}],
"items": [
{"content": "Range item", "group": 1, "start": day_offset(7), "end": day_offset(14) },
{"content": "Point item", "group": 2, "start": day_offset(7), "type": "point" },
{"content": "Point item with a longer name", "group": 2, "start": day_offset(7), "type": "point" },
"description": "Point type example"
"groups": [{"id": 1, "content": "Group 1", "subgroupStack": {"A": True, "B": True}}, {"id": 2, "content": "Group 2" }],
"items": [
{"content": "Subgroup 2 Background", "start": day_offset(0), "end": day_offset(4), "type": "background", "group": 1, "subgroup": "A", "subgroupOrder": 0},
{"content": "Subgroup 2 Item", "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(7), "group": 1, "subgroup": "A", "subgroupOrder": 0},
{"content": "Subgroup 1 Background", "start": day_offset(0), "end": day_offset(4), "type": "background", "group": 1, "subgroup": "B", "subgroupOrder": 1},
{"content": "Subgroup 1 Item", "start": day_offset(8), "end": day_offset(10), "group": 1, "subgroup": "B", "subgroupOrder": 1},
{"content": "Full group background", "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(9), "type": "background", "group": 2},
{"content": "No subgroup item 1", "start": day_offset(10), "end": day_offset(12), "group": 2},
{"content": "No subgroup item 2", "start": day_offset(13), "end": day_offset(15), "group": 2}
"description": "Subgroups with backgrounds and items"
"groups": [{"id": 1, "content": "Group 1", "subgroupStack": {"A": True, "B": True}}, {"id": 2, "content": "Group 2" }],
"items": [
{"content": "Subgroup 2 background", "start": day_offset(0), "end": day_offset(4), "type": "background", "group": 1, "subgroup": "A", "subgroupOrder": 0},
{"content": "Subgroup 2 range", "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(7), "group": 1, "subgroup": "A", "subgroupOrder": 0},
{"content": "Subgroup 2 item", "start": day_offset(10), "group": 1, "subgroup": "A" },
{"content": "Subgroup 1 background", "start": day_offset(0), "end": day_offset(4), "type": "background", "group": 1, "subgroup": "B", "subgroupOrder": 1},
{"content": "Subgroup 1 range", "start": day_offset(8), "end": day_offset(10), "group": 1, "subgroup": "B", "subgroupOrder": 1},
{"content": "Subgroup 1 item", "start": day_offset(14), "group": 1, "subgroup": "B" },
{"content": "No subgroup item", "start": day_offset(12), "group": 1},
{"content": "Full group background", "start": day_offset(5), "end": day_offset(9), "type": "background", "group": 2},
{"content": "No subgroup range 1", "start": day_offset(11), "end": day_offset(13), "group": 2},
{"content": "No subgroup range 2", "start": day_offset(15), "end": day_offset(17), "group": 2},
{"content": "No subgroup point", "start": day_offset(1), "group": 2, "type": "point" }
"description": "Combination of item and group types"
# Right column: JSON staging area
with gr.Column():
gr.Markdown("### Serialized Timeline Value")
json_textbox = gr.Textbox(label="JSON", lines=4)
with gr.Row():
pull_button = gr.Button("Pull Timeline into JSON")
push_button = gr.Button("Push JSON onto Timeline", variant="primary")
# Event handlers
basic_timeline.change(fn=on_timeline_change, outputs=[change_textbox]) # Triggered when the value of the timeline changes by any means
basic_timeline.input(fn=on_timeline_input, outputs=[input_textbox]) # Triggered when the value of the timeline changes, caused directly by a user input on the component (dragging, adding & removing items), outputs=[select_textbox]) # Triggered when the timeline is clicked
basic_timeline.item_select(fn=on_item_select, inputs=[basic_timeline], outputs=[item_select_textbox]) # Triggered when items are selected or unselected, inputs=[basic_timeline], outputs=[json_textbox]) # Example of using the timeline as an input, inputs=[json_textbox], outputs=[basic_timeline]) # Example of using the timeline as an output
# --- Tab 2: Timeline without date ---
with gr.Tab("Timeline Without Date"):
audio_output = gr.Audio(label="Generated Audio", type="numpy", elem_id=AUDIO_ID)
dateless_timeline = VisTimeline(
"groups": [{"id": "track-length", "content": ""}, {"id": 1, "content": ""}, {"id": 2, "content": ""}, {"id": 3, "content": ""}],
"items": [
{"content": "", "group": "track-length", "selectable": False, "type": "background", "start": 0, "end": 6000, "className": "color-primary-600"},
{"id": 1, "content": "440.00Hz", "group": 1, "selectable": False, "start": 0, "end": 1500},
{"id": 2, "content": "554.37Hz", "group": 2, "selectable": False, "start": 2000, "end": 3500},
{"id": 3, "content": "659.26Hz", "group": 3, "selectable": False, "start": 4000, "end": 5500}
"moment": "+00:00", # Force the timeline into a certain UTC offset timezone
"showCurrentTime": False,
"editable": {
"add": False,
"remove": False,
"updateGroup": False,
"updateTime": True
"itemsAlwaysDraggable": { # So dragging does not require selection first
"item": True,
"range": True
"showMajorLabels": False, # This hides the month & year labels
"format": {
"minorLabels": { # Force the minor labels into a format that does not include weekdays or months
"millisecond": "mm:ss.SSS",
"second": "mm:ss",
"minute": "mm:ss",
"hour": "HH:mm:ss"
"start": 0, # Timeline will start at unix epoch
"end": 6000, # Initial timeline range will end at 1 minute (unix timestamp in milliseconds)
"min": 0, # Restrict timeline navigation, timeline can not be scrolled further to the left than 0 seconds
"max": 7000, # Restrict timeline navigation, timeline can not be scrolled further to the right than 70 seconds
"zoomMin": 1000, # Allow zoom in up until the entire timeline spans 1000 milliseconds
label="Timeline without date labels, with restrictions on navigation and zoom. You can drag and resize items without having to select them first.",
elem_id=TIMELINE_ID # This will also make the timeline instance accessible in JavaScript via 'window.visTimelineInstances["your elem_id"]'
table = gr.DataFrame(
headers=["Item Name", "Start Time", "Duration"],
label="Timeline Items",
generate_audio_button = gr.Button("Generate Audio")
# Event handlers
dateless_timeline.change(fn=update_table, inputs=[dateless_timeline], outputs=[table])
dateless_timeline.load(fn=update_table, inputs=[dateless_timeline], outputs=[table]), inputs=[dateless_timeline], outputs=[audio_output])
js=f'() => initAudioSync("{TIMELINE_ID}", "{AUDIO_ID}", 6000)'
# --- Tab 3: Links to documentation and examples ---
with gr.Tab("Documentation & More Examples"):
## Vis.js Timeline Examples
A collection of HTML/CSS/JavaScript snippets displaying various properties and use-cases:
## Vis.js Timeline Documentation
The official documentation of the timeline:
## Vis.js DataSet Documentation
The official documentation of the DataSet model:
if __name__ == "__main__":