import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage import color, transform, io class processimage: def process_image(obs): #uncomment to see original image # plt.imshow(obs) # obs1 = obs.astype(np.uint8) obs_gray = color.rgb2gray(obs1) # obs_gray[abs(obs_gray - 0.60116) < 0.1] = 1 obs_gray[84:95,0:12] = 0 obs_gray[abs(obs_gray - 0.68616) < 0.0001] = 1 obs_gray[abs(obs_gray - 0.75630) < 0.0001] = 1 #uncomment to see pre processed image # plt.imshow(obs_gray, cmap='gray') # #Set values between -1 and 1 for input normalization return 2 * obs_gray - 1