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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# A script to run multinode training with submitit.
# --------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
import os
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import training.main as main
import submitit
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Submitit for openclip")
parser.add_argument("config_name", type=str, help="name of the config.")
parser.add_argument("weights_pretrained", type=str, help="path of the pretrained weights.")
parser.add_argument("logs_folder_name", type=str, help="name of the folder for saving logs.")
parser.add_argument("--max_job_time", default="0-24:00:00", type=str, help="Number of gpus to request on each node")
parser.add_argument("--ngpus", default=None, type=int, help="Number of gpus to request on each node")
parser.add_argument("--nodes", default=None, type=int, help="Number of nodes to request")
parser.add_argument("--resume", default="", type=str, help="resume a checkpoint.")
parser.add_argument("--timeout", default=4320, type=int, help="Duration of the job")
parser.add_argument("--job_dir", default="", type=str, help="Job dir. Leave empty for automatic.")
parser.add_argument("--partition", default="learnlab", type=str, help="Partition where to submit")
parser.add_argument("--use_volta32", action='store_true', help="Request 32G V100 GPUs")
parser.add_argument('--comment', default="", type=str, help="Comment to pass to scheduler")
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def get_shared_folder() -> Path:
user = os.getenv("PWD")
if Path(user).is_dir():
p = Path(f"{user}/openclip")
return p
raise RuntimeError("No shared folder available")
def get_init_file():
# Init file must not exist, but it's parent dir must exist.
os.makedirs(str(get_shared_folder()), exist_ok=True)
init_file = get_shared_folder() / f"{uuid.uuid4().hex}_init"
if init_file.exists():
return init_file
class Trainer(object):
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args
self.args.config.dist_url = get_init_file().as_uri()
def __call__(self):
import sys
import training.main as main
def checkpoint(self):
import os
import submitit
self.args.config.dist_url = get_init_file().as_uri()
checkpoint_file = os.path.join(self.args.config.output_dir, "checkpoints", "")
if os.path.exists(checkpoint_file):
self.args.config.resume = checkpoint_file
print("Requeuing ", self.args)
empty_trainer = type(self)(self.args)
return submitit.helpers.DelayedSubmission(empty_trainer)
def _setup_gpu_args(self):
import submitit
from pathlib import Path
job_env = submitit.JobEnvironment()
if self.args.ngpus >= 1:
self.args.config.local_rank = job_env.local_rank
self.args.config.rank = job_env.global_rank
self.args.config.world_size = job_env.num_tasks
print(f"Process group: {job_env.num_tasks} tasks, rank: {job_env.global_rank}")
def main(args):
if args.job_dir == "":
args.job_dir = get_shared_folder()
assert args.job_dir != ""
if os.path.exists(args.job_dir) and len(args.resume) == 0 and not hasattr(args.config, "eval"):
raise ValueError(f"{args.job_dir} existed, rm -rf {args.job_dir} ?")
args.job_dir = Path(args.job_dir) / "%j"
# Note that the folder will depend on the job_id, to easily track experiments
executor = submitit.AutoExecutor(folder=args.job_dir, slurm_max_num_timeout=30)
num_gpus_per_node = args.ngpus
nodes = args.nodes
timeout_min = args.timeout
partition = args.partition
kwargs = {}
if args.use_volta32:
kwargs['slurm_constraint'] = 'volta32gb'
if args.comment:
kwargs['slurm_comment'] = args.comment
slurm_additional_parameters = {
"account": "# CHANGE ME (add your slurm account id)",
"gpus-per-node": f"A100:{num_gpus_per_node}",
"time": args.max_job_time
tasks_per_node=num_gpus_per_node, # one task per GPU
# Below are cluster dependent parameters
args.dist_url = get_init_file().as_uri()
args.output_dir = args.job_dir
trainer = Trainer(args)
job = executor.submit(trainer)
print("Submitted job_id:", job.job_id, "@", str(args.job_dir).replace("%j", job.job_id))
def submit():
args = parse_args()
from configs import search_config
from copy import deepcopy
config = search_config(args.config_name)
_args = deepcopy(args)
if len(args.resume):
checkpoint_file = os.path.join(config.output_dir, "checkpoints", args.resume)
args.resume = checkpoint_file
config.resume = checkpoint_file
if len(args.weights_pretrained):
config.logs = args.logs_folder_name
config.pretrained = args.weights_pretrained
setattr(_args, "config", config)
if args.ngpus is not None:
_args.ngpus = args.ngpus
elif hasattr(config, "ngpus"):
_args.ngpus = config.ngpus
raise ValueError("must specify ngpus in arg or config.")
if args.nodes is not None:
_args.nodes = args.nodes
elif hasattr(config, "nodes"):
_args.nodes = config.nodes
raise ValueError("must specify ngpus in arg or config.")
_args.job_dir = config.output_dir
if __name__ == "__main__":