import os import librosa import numpy as np from tabulate import tabulate import soundfile as sf import scipy.ndimage import itertools from scipy.stats import pearsonr from tqdm import tqdm class AudioProcessor: def __init__(self, audio_file): self.path = audio_file = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_file))[0] self.format = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_file))[1] self.duration = librosa.get_duration(path=audio_file) self.sample_rate = librosa.get_samplerate(audio_file) self.changes = [] self.optimized_params = None self.load_details() # File information methods def load_details(self): """Save the attributes of the audio file.""" data = [ ["File Name",], ["File Format", self.format], ["Duration", f"{self.duration} seconds"], ["Sample Rate", f"{self.sample_rate} Hz"] ] table = tabulate(data, headers=["Attribute", "Value"], tablefmt="outline") self.changes.append(table) return table def display_details(self): """Display the details of the audio file.""" print(self.changes[-1]) def display_changes(self): """Display the changes made to the audio file side by side.""" self._clean_duplicates_changes() if len(self.changes) == 1: self.display_details() else: table1 = self.changes[0].split('\n') table2 = self.changes[-1].split('\n') combined_table = [] for line1, line2 in zip(table1, table2): combined_table.append([line1, '===>', line2]) print(tabulate(combined_table, tablefmt="plain")) def _clean_duplicates_changes(self): """Remove duplicate consecutive changes from the audio file.""" self.changes = [change for i, change in enumerate(self.changes) if i == 0 or change != self.changes[i-1]] # Audio processing methods def load_as_array(self, sample_rate: int = 16000) -> np.ndarray: """ Load an audio file and convert it into a NumPy array. Parameters ---------- sample_rate : int, optional The sample rate to which the audio will be resampled (default is 16000 Hz). Returns ------- np.ndarray A NumPy array containing the audio data. """ try: audio, sr = librosa.load(self.path, sr=sample_rate) self.sample_rate = sr return audio except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load audio file: {e}") def resample_wav(self) -> str: output_path = os.path.join('resampled_files', f'{}.wav') try: audio, sr = librosa.load(self.path) resampled_audio = librosa.resample(y=audio, orig_sr=sr, target_sr=16000) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) sf.write(output_path, resampled_audio, 16000) self._update_file_info(output_path) return output_path except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to resample audio file: {e}") def convert_to_wav(self): """ Converts an audio file to WAV format. Returns ------- str The path to the converted audio file. """ output_path = os.path.join('converted_files', f'{}.wav') try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) audio, sr = librosa.load(self.path, sr=16000) sf.write(output_path, audio, 16000) self._update_file_info(output_path) return output_path except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to convert audio file to WAV: {e}") def enhance_audio(self, noise_reduce_strength=0.5, voice_enhance_strength=1.5, volume_boost=1.2): """ Enhance audio quality by reducing noise and clarifying voices. """ try: y, sr = librosa.load(self.path, sr=16000) y_enhanced = self._enhance_audio_sample(y, noise_reduce_strength, voice_enhance_strength, volume_boost) output_path = os.path.join('enhanced_files', f'{}_enhanced.wav') os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) sf.write(output_path, y_enhanced, sr) self._update_file_info(output_path) return output_path except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to enhance audio: {e}") def optimize_enhancement_parameters(self, step=0.25, max_iterations=50, sample_duration=30): """ Find optimal parameters for audio enhancement using grid search on a sample. """ y_orig, sr = librosa.load(self.path, duration=sample_duration) param_ranges = [ np.arange(0.25, 1.5, step), # noise_reduce_strength np.arange(1.0, 3.0, step), # voice_enhance_strength np.arange(1.0, 2.0, step) # volume_boost ] best_score = float('-inf') best_params = None total_iterations = min(max_iterations, len(list(itertools.product(*param_ranges)))) for params in tqdm(itertools.islice(itertools.product(*param_ranges), max_iterations), total=total_iterations, desc="Searching for optimal parameters"): y_enhanced = self._enhance_audio_sample(y_orig, *params) min_length = min(len(y_orig), len(y_enhanced)) y_orig_trimmed = y_orig[:min_length] y_enhanced_trimmed = y_enhanced[:min_length] correlation, _ = pearsonr(y_orig_trimmed, y_enhanced_trimmed) S_orig = np.abs(librosa.stft(y_orig_trimmed)) S_enhanced = np.abs(librosa.stft(y_enhanced_trimmed)) contrast_improvement = np.mean(librosa.feature.spectral_contrast(S=S_enhanced)) - np.mean(librosa.feature.spectral_contrast(S=S_orig)) score = correlation + 0.5 * contrast_improvement if score > best_score: best_score = score best_params = params self.optimized_params = best_params return best_params def _enhance_audio_sample(self, y, noise_reduce_strength=0.5, voice_enhance_strength=1.5, volume_boost=1.2): S = librosa.stft(y) S_mag, S_phase = np.abs(S), np.angle(S) S_filtered = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(S_mag, size=(1, 31)) mask = np.clip((S_mag - S_filtered) / (S_mag + 1e-10), 0, 1) ** noise_reduce_strength S_denoised = S_mag * mask * np.exp(1j * S_phase) y_denoised = librosa.istft(S_denoised) y_harmonic, y_percussive = librosa.effects.hpss(y_denoised) y_enhanced = (y_harmonic * voice_enhance_strength + y_percussive) * volume_boost return librosa.util.normalize(y_enhanced, norm=np.inf, threshold=1.0) # Helper method def _update_file_info(self, new_path): """Update file information after processing.""" self.path = new_path self.sample_rate = librosa.get_samplerate(new_path) self.format = os.path.splitext(new_path)[1] self.duration = librosa.get_duration(path=new_path) self.load_details()