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Create app.py
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# app.py
import streamlit as st
import chromadb
from chromadb import Client
from chromadb.config import Settings
# Initialize ChromaDB client
client = Client(Settings(chroma_db_impl="duckdb+parquet", persist_directory="chroma_db"))
# Create collections for patient reports and daily habits
reports_collection = client.create_collection("patient_reports")
habits_collection = client.create_collection("daily_habits")
# Streamlit app layout
st.title("Patient Report and Daily Habits Tracker")
# Input form for patient reports
with st.form("patient_report_form"):
patient_name = st.text_input("Patient Name")
report_date = st.date_input("Report Date")
report_text = st.text_area("Report Text")
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit Report")
if submitted:
metadatas=[{"patient_name": patient_name, "report_date": str(report_date)}],
ids=[f"report_{len(reports_collection.documents) + 1}"]
st.success("Report submitted successfully!")
# Input form for daily habits
with st.form("daily_habit_form"):
patient_name_habit = st.text_input("Patient Name for Habit")
date_habit = st.date_input("Date for Habit")
habit = st.text_input("Habit Description")
submitted_habit = st.form_submit_button("Submit Habit")
if submitted_habit:
metadatas=[{"patient_name": patient_name_habit, "date": str(date_habit)}],
ids=[f"habit_{len(habits_collection.documents) + 1}"]
st.success("Habit submitted successfully!")
# Function to display reports
if st.button("View Reports"):
reports = reports_collection.get()
# Function to display habits
if st.button("View Habits"):
habits = habits_collection.get()