from html import escape import re import streamlit as st import pandas as pd, numpy as np from transformers import CLIPProcessor, CLIPModel from st_clickable_images import clickable_images num_results=75 @st.cache( show_spinner=False, hash_funcs={ CLIPModel: lambda _: None, CLIPProcessor: lambda _: None, dict: lambda _: None, }, ) def load(): model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14") processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained("openai/clip-vit-large-patch14") df = {0: pd.read_csv("data.csv"), 1: pd.read_csv("data2.csv")} embeddings = {0: np.load("embeddings.npy"), 1: np.load("embeddings2.npy")} for k in [0, 1]: embeddings[k] = embeddings[k] / np.linalg.norm( embeddings[k], axis=1, keepdims=True ) return model, processor, df, embeddings model, processor, df, embeddings = load() source = {0: "\nSource: Unsplash", 1: "\nSource: The Movie Database (TMDB)"} def compute_text_embeddings(list_of_strings): inputs = processor(text=list_of_strings, return_tensors="pt", padding=True) result = model.get_text_features(**inputs).detach().numpy() return result / np.linalg.norm(result, axis=1, keepdims=True) def image_search(query, corpus, n_results=num_results): positive_embeddings = None def concatenate_embeddings(e1, e2): if e1 is None: return e2 else: return np.concatenate((e1, e2), axis=0) splitted_query = query.split("EXCLUDING ") dot_product = 0 k = 0 if corpus == "Unsplash" else 1 if len(splitted_query[0]) > 0: positive_queries = splitted_query[0].split(";") for positive_query in positive_queries: match = re.match(r"\[(Movies|Unsplash):(\d{1,5})\](.*)", positive_query) if match: corpus2, idx, remainder = match.groups() idx, remainder = int(idx), remainder.strip() k2 = 0 if corpus2 == "Unsplash" else 1 positive_embeddings = concatenate_embeddings( positive_embeddings, embeddings[k2][idx : idx + 1, :] ) if len(remainder) > 0: positive_embeddings = concatenate_embeddings( positive_embeddings, compute_text_embeddings([remainder]) ) else: positive_embeddings = concatenate_embeddings( positive_embeddings, compute_text_embeddings([positive_query]) ) dot_product = embeddings[k] @ positive_embeddings.T dot_product = dot_product - np.median(dot_product, axis=0) dot_product = dot_product / np.max(dot_product, axis=0, keepdims=True) dot_product = np.min(dot_product, axis=1) if len(splitted_query) > 1: negative_queries = (" ".join(splitted_query[1:])).split(";") negative_embeddings = compute_text_embeddings(negative_queries) dot_product2 = embeddings[k] @ negative_embeddings.T dot_product2 = dot_product2 - np.median(dot_product2, axis=0) dot_product2 = dot_product2 / np.max(dot_product2, axis=0, keepdims=True) dot_product -= np.max(np.maximum(dot_product2, 0), axis=1) results = np.argsort(dot_product)[-1 : -n_results - 1 : -1] return [ ( df[k].iloc[i]["path"], df[k].iloc[i]["tooltip"] + source[k], i, ) for i in results ] description = """ # ImgLib **Enter your query and hit enter** """ howto = """ - Click image to find similar images - Use "**;**" to combine multiple queries) - Use "**EXCLUDING**", to exclude a query """ def main(): st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.sidebar.markdown(description) with st.sidebar.expander("Advanced use"): st.markdown(howto) st.sidebar.markdown(f"Try these test prompts: Lord of the Rings, Interstellar, Back to the Future, Avengers, The Matrix, WALL·E, Castle , Dune, Blade Runner, Guardians of the Galaxy, Aliens, Her, Legend of the Ten Rings, Harry Potter, Logan, Dragon, Scissorhands, Captain, Deadpool, ThorArrivval, Wick, Peaks, Labyrinth, Terabithia, RoboCop, Wonder Woman, Meteor, NYC, Stork, Pink, Yellow, Orange, Blue, tulip, dog, Dragon, sunrise, kitten, Swimming, jellyfish, Beach, puppy, Coral") st.sidebar.markdown(f"Unsplash has categories that match: backgrounds, photos, nature, iphone, etc") st.sidebar.markdown(f"Unsplash images contain animals, apps, events, feelings, food, travel, nature, people, religion, sports, things, stock") st.sidebar.markdown(f"Unsplash things include flag, tree, clock, money, tattoo, arrow, book, car, fireworks, ghost, health, kiss, dance, balloon, crown, eye, house, music, airplane, lighthouse, typewriter, toys") st.sidebar.markdown(f"unsplash feelings include funny, heart, love, cool, congratulations, love, scary, cute, friendship, inspirational, hug, sad, cursed, beautiful, crazy, respect, transformation, peaceful, happy") st.sidebar.markdown(f"unsplash people contain baby, life, women, family, girls, pregnancy, society, old people, musician, attractive, bohemian") st.sidebar.markdown(f"imagenet queries include: photo of, photo of many, sculpture of, rendering of, graffiti of, tattoo of, embroidered, drawing of, plastic, black and white, painting, video game, doodle, origami, sketch, etc") st.sidebar.markdown(f"by Evgeniy Hristoforu") _, c, _ = st.columns((1, 3, 1)) if "query" in st.session_state: query = c.text_input("", value=st.session_state["query"]) else: query = c.text_input("", value="lighthouse") corpus ="", ["Unsplash"]) #corpus ="", ["Unsplash", "Movies"]) if len(query) > 0: results = image_search(query, corpus) clicked = clickable_images( [result[0] for result in results], titles=[result[1] for result in results], div_style={ "display": "flex", "justify-content": "center", "flex-wrap": "wrap", }, img_style={"margin": "2px", "height": "200px"}, ) if clicked >= 0: change_query = False if "last_clicked" not in st.session_state: change_query = True else: if clicked != st.session_state["last_clicked"]: change_query = True if change_query: st.session_state["query"] = f"[{corpus}:{results[clicked][2]}]" st.experimental_rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": main()