import re import json import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap from optree import tree_map # wide streamlit display st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Function # Logo cols = st.columns([1, 7, 1]) with cols[0]: st.image("Final_IITGN-Logo-symmetric-Color.png") with cols[-1]: st.image("IFS.jpg") # Title # make title in center with cols[1]: st.markdown( f"""

Bhuvan (भुवन): Interactive KML/GeoJSON Viewer

""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) file_url = st.query_params.get("file_url", None) print(f"{file_url=}") if file_url: if ("file_url" in st.session_state) and (st.session_state.file_url == file_url): # st.toast("Using cached data") input_gdf = st.session_state.input_gdf else: st.session_state.file_url = file_url if file_url.startswith(""): ID = file_url.replace("", "").split("/")[0] file_url = f"{ID}" elif file_url.startswith(""): ID = file_url.replace("", "") file_url = f"{ID}" input_gdf = gpd.read_file(file_url) input_gdf = input_gdf.to_crs(epsg=7761) # Gujarat zone st.session_state.input_gdf = input_gdf # st.toast("Data loaded and cached") def format_fn(x): return input_gdf.drop(columns=["geometry"]).loc[x].to_dict() with st.expander("Advanced Controls", expanded=False): input_geometry_idx = st.selectbox("Select the geometry", input_gdf.index, format_func=format_fn) map_type = "", ["Esri Satellite Map", "Google Hybrid Map (displays place names)", "Google Satellite Map"], horizontal=True, ) height = st.number_input("Map height (px)", 1, 10000, 600, 1) geometry_gdf = input_gdf[input_gdf.index == input_geometry_idx] m = leafmap.Map() st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) if map_type == "Google Hybrid Map (displays place names)": st.write( "

Google Hybrid (displays place names)

", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) m.add_basemap("HYBRID") elif map_type == "Google Satellite Map": st.write("

Google Satellite

", unsafe_allow_html=True) m.add_basemap("SATELLITE") elif map_type == "Esri Satellite Map": st.write("

Esri - 2024/10/10

", unsafe_allow_html=True) m.add_wms_layer( "{z}/{y}/{x}", layers="0", ) else: st.error("Invalid map type") st.stop() m.add_gdf( geometry_gdf.to_crs(epsg=4326), layer_name="Geometry", zoom_to_layer=True, style_function=lambda x: {"color": "red", "fillOpacity": 0.0}, ) m.to_streamlit(height=height) # Metrics stats_df = pd.DataFrame() stats_df["Points"] = json.loads(geometry_gdf.to_crs(4326).to_json())["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"] stats_df["Centroid"] = geometry_gdf.centroid.to_crs(4326).item() stats_df["Area (ha)"] = geometry_gdf.geometry.area.item() / 10000 stats_df["Perimeter (m)"] = geometry_gdf.geometry.length.item() st.write("

Geometry Metrics

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.markdown( # f"""| Metric | Value | # | --- | --- | # | Area (ha) | {stats_df['Area (ha)'].item():.2f} ha| # | Perimeter (m) | {stats_df['Perimeter (m)'].item():.2f} m |""" # unsafe_allow_html=True) centroid_x = stats_df["Centroid"].item().xy[0][0] centroid_y = stats_df["Centroid"].item().xy[1][0] st.markdown( f"""
Metric Value
Centroid ({centroid_x:.5f}, {centroid_y:.5f})
Area (ha) {stats_df['Area (ha)'].item():.2f} ha
Perimeter (m) {stats_df['Perimeter (m)'].item():.2f} m
""", unsafe_allow_html=True, ) print(stats_df["Points"].item()) print(type(stats_df["Points"].item())) csv = stats_df.T.to_csv(index=True) st.download_button( "Download Geometry Metrics", csv, f"{file_url}_metrics.csv", "text/csv", use_container_width=True ) else: st.warning("Please provide a KML or GeoJSON URL as a query parameter, e.g., `?file_url=`")