import json import os from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional from dotenv import load_dotenv from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from pyzotero import zotero from slugify import slugify load_dotenv() class ZoteroItem(BaseModel): """ Represents metadata about a Zotero item. """ key: str = Field(..., description="Unique key of the item") title: str = Field(..., description="Title of the item") abstract: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Abstract or note of the item") full_text: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Full text of the item") authors: Optional[List[str]] = Field( None, description="List of authors" ) # Make optional doi: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Digital Object Identifier (DOI)") year: Optional[int] = Field(None, description="Publication year") item_type: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Type of the item (e.g., journalArticle)" ) # Make optional url: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="URL of the item") class ZoteroCollection(BaseModel): """ Represents a Zotero collection with metadata. """ key: str = Field(..., description="Unique identifier for the collection.") name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the collection.") number_of_items: int = Field( ..., description="Number of items contained in the collection." ) class ZoteroManager: ''' #### Example Usage #### zotero_library_id = os.getenv("ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID") zotero_library_type = "user" # or "group" zotero_api_access_key = os.getenv("ZOTERO_API_ACCESS_KEY") zotero_manager = ZoteroManager(zotero_library_id, zotero_library_type, zotero_api_access_key) #### GET Zotero topics (Collections) #### zotero_collections = zotero_manager.get_collections() # print(zotero_collections) #### Zotero collections parsed with pydantic #### zotero_collection_lists = zotero_manager.list_zotero_collections(zotero_collections) # print(zotero_collection_lists) """ [ ZoteroCollection(key='IXU5ZWRM', name='RR 10', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='G6AZZGPQ', name='RR 9', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='DZ45SJHF', name='RR 8', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='DM5FVG74', name='RR 7', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='43N5CI48', name='RR 6', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='2TCX6JC2', name='RR 5', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='QVSNAJWV', name='RR 4', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='96UJANPP', name='Ebola Virus', number_of_items=17), ZoteroCollection(key='UB7AEMB6', name='GeneXpert', number_of_items=31), ZoteroCollection(key='UDQ9JSD9', name='Vaccine coverage', number_of_items=22), ZoteroCollection(key='SGNLNIAT', name='Zotero Collection Pastan', number_of_items=227) ] """ #### Collections with items #### filtered_zotero_collection_lists = zotero_manager.filter_and_return_collections_with_items(zotero_collection_lists) # print(filtered_zotero_collection_lists) """ [ {'key': '96UJANPP', 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'number_of_items': 17}, {'key': 'UB7AEMB6', 'name': 'GeneXpert', 'number_of_items': 31}, {'key': 'UDQ9JSD9', 'name': 'Vaccine coverage', 'number_of_items': 22}, {'key': 'SGNLNIAT', 'name': 'Zotero Collection Pastan', 'number_of_items': 227} ] """ #### Collection by name from a list of zotero collections ebola_virus_collection = zotero_manager.find_zotero_collection_by_name(zotero_collection_lists, "Ebola Virus") # print(ebola_virus_collection) """ZoteroCollection(key='96UJANPP', name='Ebola Virus', number_of_items=17)""" # print(ebola_virus_collection.model_dump()) """{'key': '96UJANPP', 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'number_of_items': 17}""" #### Get single collection by key #### ebola_virus_collection_key = "96UJANPP" # Ebola Virus ebola_virus_collection = zotero_manager.get_collection_by_key(ebola_virus_collection_key) # print(ebola_virus_collection) """ { 'key': '96UJANPP', 'version': 72, 'library': {'type': 'user', 'id': 11201324, 'name': 'pjlus', 'links': {'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'text/html'}}}, 'links': {'self': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/json'}, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'text/html'}}, 'meta': {'numCollections': 0, 'numItems': 17}, 'data': {'key': '96UJANPP', 'version': 72, 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'parentCollection': False, 'relations': {}} } """ #### Get collection items by collection key #### ebora_virus_collection_items = zotero_manager.get_collection_items(ebola_virus_collection_key) print(len(ebora_virus_collection_items)) # print(ebora_virus_collection_items[:2]) #### Getting zotero collection items and full text # Here the collections have been parsed using the zotero item pydantic model defined in the zotero manager. #### ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items = zotero_manager.get_collection_zotero_items_by_key(ebola_virus_collection_key) # print(len(ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items)) # print(ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items[0]) #### Get item children (attachments) # Listed items in zotero are items together with their attachments (pdf content) #### zotero_manager.get_item_children("2Q7HFERL") #### Get an item full text #### zotero_manager.get_item_full_text("BMYMEW76")["content"] #### Save the item pdf content to disc #### ## Function to save a pdf file zotero_manager.save_item_file("BMYMEW76") #### Export zotero collection items to json #### ebora_virus_zotero_items_json = zotero_manager.zotero_items_to_json(ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items) print(len(ebora_virus_zotero_items_json)) # print(ebora_virus_zotero_items_json[0]) ## Save to disc zotero_manager.write_zotero_items_to_json_file(ebora_virus_zotero_items_json, "zotero_data/ebora_virus_zotero_items.json") ''' def __init__(self, library_id: str, library_type: str, api_key: str): self.zot = zotero.Zotero(library_id, library_type, api_key) def create_zotero_item_from_json(self, json_obj: Dict[str, Any]) -> ZoteroItem: """ Creates a ZoteroItem instance from a JSON object. Args: json_obj (Dict[str, Any]): A JSON object containing the Zotero item data. The JSON structure is expected to have a 'data' field which includes the metadata for the Zotero item. Returns: ZoteroItem: An instance of ZoteroItem populated with the data extracted from the JSON object. The fields include key, title, abstract, authors, doi, year, item_type, and url. """ data = json_obj.get("data", {}) # Extract item full text from it's attachement key = data.get("key") full_text = self.get_full_text_from_children(key) # Extract the list of authors authors = [ f"{creator.get('name', '')} {creator.get('firstName', '')} {creator.get('lastName', '')}".strip() for creator in data.get("creators", []) if creator.get("creatorType") == "author" ] # Create the ZoteroItem instance zotero_item = ZoteroItem( key=data.get("key"), title=data.get("title"), abstract=data.get("abstractNote"), full_text=full_text, authors=authors, doi=data.get("DOI"), # year=int(data.get('date', '').split('-')[0]) if data.get('date') else None, item_type=data.get("itemType"), url=data.get("url"), ) return zotero_item def create_zotero_collection( self, collection_dict: Dict[str, Any] ) -> ZoteroCollection: """ Converts a dictionary representing a Zotero collection into a ZoteroCollection instance. Args: collection_dict (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing data for a Zotero collection. The expected structure includes keys 'data' and 'meta' from which relevant fields such as 'key', 'name', and 'numItems' are extracted. Returns: ZoteroCollection: An instance of ZoteroCollection populated with the data extracted from the input dictionary. """ data = collection_dict.get("data", {}) meta = collection_dict.get("meta", {}) zotero_collection = ZoteroCollection( key=data.get("key"), name=data.get("name"), number_of_items=meta.get("numItems", 0), ) return zotero_collection def list_zotero_collections( self, collection_items: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> List[ZoteroCollection]: """ Converts a list of dictionaries representing Zotero collections into a list of ZoteroCollection instances. Args: collection_items (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of collection items, each containing data for a Zotero collection. Each dictionary is expected to have a 'data' key with nested 'key' and 'name' fields, and a 'meta' key with a 'numItems' field. Returns: List[ZoteroCollection]: A list of ZoteroCollection instances populated with the data extracted from the input dictionaries. """ collections = [ self.create_zotero_collection(collection_item) for collection_item in collection_items ] return collections def list_all_papers(self) -> List[ZoteroItem]: """ Lists all papers (journal articles) in your Zotero library. Returns: List of ZoteroItem objects representing the papers in your library. """ # print(self.zot.items()) results = self.zot.items(itemType="journalArticle") # print(f"results: {results}") papers = [] for item in results: zotero_item = self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) papers.append(zotero_item) return papers def list_items(self, limit: int = 5): return self.zot.items(limit=limit) def query_items(self, query: str, limit: int = 10) -> List[ZoteroItem]: """ Queries Zotero for items matching the given query. Args: query: The search query. limit: Maximum number of items to return. Returns: List of ZoteroItem objects representing the search results. """ results = self.zot.items(q=query, limit=limit) return [ self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) for item in results ] # Use ** to unpack the dictionary def get_item_by_key(self, key: str) -> ZoteroItem: """ Retrieves a Zotero item by its key. Args: key: The unique key of the item. Returns: ZoteroItem object representing the retrieved item. """ item = self.zot.item(key) return self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) def get_item_by_doi(self, doi: str) -> Optional[ZoteroItem]: """ Searches for a Zotero item by its DOI. Args: doi: The DOI of the item. Returns: ZoteroItem object if found, otherwise None. """ results = self.zot.items(q=doi) for item in results: if item["data"].get("DOI") == doi: self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) return None def get_item_tags(self, item_key: str) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves the tags associated with a Zotero item. Args: item_key: The unique key of the item. Returns: List of strings representing the tags associated with the item. """ return self.zot.item_tags(item_key) def get_collections(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieves the list of collections in your Zotero library. Returns: List of dictionaries representing the collections. """ return self.zot.collections() def get_collection_by_key(self, collection_key: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Retrieves a collection by its key. Args: collection_key: The unique key of the collection. Returns: Dictionary representing the collection. """ return self.zot.collection(collection_key) def get_collection_items(self, collection_key: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieves the items in a collection. Args: collection_key: The unique key of the collection. Returns: List of dictionaries representing the items in the collection. """ return self.zot.collection_items(collection_key, itemType="journalArticle") def get_item_children(self, item_key: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Retrieves the children of a Zotero item. Args: item_key: The unique key of the item. Returns: List of dictionaries representing the children of the item. """ return self.zot.children(item_key) def get_collection_zotero_items_by_key( self, collection_key: str ) -> List[ZoteroItem]: """ Retrieves the items in a collection. Args: collection_key: The unique key of the collection. Returns: List of ZoteroItem objects representing the items in the collection. """ items = self.zot.collection_items(collection_key, itemType="journalArticle") return [self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) for item in items] def filter_and_return_collections_with_items( self, zotero_collections: List[ZoteroCollection] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Filters a list of ZoteroCollection instances to return only those with more than one item, and returns them as a list of dictionaries. Args: zotero_collections (List[CollectionModel]): A list of CollectionModel instances. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries representing collections with more than one item. """ filtered_collections = [ collection.model_dump() for collection in zotero_collections if collection.number_of_items > 0 ] return filtered_collections def find_zotero_collection_by_name( self, zotero_collections: List[ZoteroCollection], name: str ) -> ZoteroCollection: """ Finds and returns a ZoteroCollection instance by its name. Args: zotero_collections (List[CollectionModel]): A list of CollectionModel instances. name (str): The name of the collection to find. Returns: ZoteroCollection: The ZoteroCollection instance that matches the given name. Raises: ValueError: If no collection with the given name is found. """ for collection in zotero_collections: if == name: return collection raise ValueError(f"Collection with name '{name}' not found.") def zotero_items_to_json( self, zotero_items: List[ZoteroItem] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Converts a list of ZoteroItem instances into a JSON-compatible list of dictionaries. Args: zotero_items (List[ZoteroItem]): A list of ZoteroItem instances. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dictionaries representing the Zotero items. Each dictionary is a JSON-compatible representation of a ZoteroItem. """ items = [item for item in zotero_items if item.abstract or item.full_text] return [item.model_dump() for item in items] def write_zotero_items_to_json_file( self, zotero_items_json: List[Dict[str, Any]], file_path: str ) -> None: """ Writes a JSON object of Zotero items to a JSON file. Args: zotero_items_json (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A JSON-compatible list of dictionaries representing Zotero items. file_path (str): The file path where the JSON file should be written. Returns: None """ with open(file_path, "w") as json_file: json.dump(zotero_items_json, json_file, indent=2) def get_item_full_text(self, key: str) -> Optional[dict]: """ Retrieves an item by its key and dumps it file. Args: key: The unique key of the item. Returns: A dictionary containing the metadata for full text: """ try: return self.zot.fulltext_item(key) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {str(e)}") return None def get_full_text_from_children(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]: """ Retrieves an item by its key and dumps it file. Args: key: The unique key of the item. Returns: A text containing the metadata for full text: """ children_items = self.get_item_children(key) full_text = "" if children_items: for item in children_items: if item.get("data", {}).get("itemType") == "attachment": content_dict = self.get_item_full_text( item.get("data", {}).get("key", "") ) if content_dict is not None: content = content_dict.get("content", "") full_text += content + "\n" return full_text def save_item_file(self, key: str) -> None: """ Retrieves an item by its key and dumps it file. Args: key: The unique key of the item. """ item = self.zot.item(key) zotero_item = self.create_zotero_item_from_json(item) item_title = slugify(zotero_item.title) try: self.zot.dump(key, f"{item_title}.pdf", "zotero_data") except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {str(e)}") if __name__ == "__main__": """Sample driver code""" zotero_library_id = os.getenv("ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID") zotero_library_type = "user" # or "group" zotero_api_access_key = os.getenv("ZOTERO_API_ACCESS_KEY") zotero_manager = ZoteroManager( zotero_library_id, zotero_library_type, zotero_api_access_key ) #### GET Zotero topics (Collections) #### zotero_collections = zotero_manager.get_collections() # print(zotero_collections) #### Zotero collections parsed with pydantic #### zotero_collection_lists = zotero_manager.list_zotero_collections(zotero_collections) # print(zotero_collection_lists) """ [ ZoteroCollection(key='IXU5ZWRM', name='RR 10', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='G6AZZGPQ', name='RR 9', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='DZ45SJHF', name='RR 8', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='DM5FVG74', name='RR 7', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='43N5CI48', name='RR 6', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='2TCX6JC2', name='RR 5', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='QVSNAJWV', name='RR 4', number_of_items=0), ZoteroCollection(key='96UJANPP', name='Ebola Virus', number_of_items=17), ZoteroCollection(key='UB7AEMB6', name='GeneXpert', number_of_items=31), ZoteroCollection(key='UDQ9JSD9', name='Vaccine coverage', number_of_items=22), ZoteroCollection(key='SGNLNIAT', name='Zotero Collection Pastan', number_of_items=227) ] """ #### Collections with items #### filtered_zotero_collection_lists = ( zotero_manager.filter_and_return_collections_with_items(zotero_collection_lists) ) # print(filtered_zotero_collection_lists) """ [ {'key': '96UJANPP', 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'number_of_items': 17}, {'key': 'UB7AEMB6', 'name': 'GeneXpert', 'number_of_items': 31}, {'key': 'UDQ9JSD9', 'name': 'Vaccine coverage', 'number_of_items': 22}, {'key': 'SGNLNIAT', 'name': 'Zotero Collection Pastan', 'number_of_items': 227} ] """ #### Collection by name from a list of zotero collections ebola_virus_collection = zotero_manager.find_zotero_collection_by_name( zotero_collection_lists, "Ebola Virus" ) # print(ebola_virus_collection) """ZoteroCollection(key='96UJANPP', name='Ebola Virus', number_of_items=17)""" # print(ebola_virus_collection.model_dump()) """{'key': '96UJANPP', 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'number_of_items': 17}""" #### Get single collection by key #### ebola_virus_collection_key = "96UJANPP" # Ebola Virus ebola_virus_collection = zotero_manager.get_collection_by_key( ebola_virus_collection_key ) # print(ebola_virus_collection) """ { 'key': '96UJANPP', 'version': 72, 'library': {'type': 'user', 'id': 11201324, 'name': 'pjlus', 'links': {'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'text/html'}}}, 'links': {'self': {'href': '', 'type': 'application/json'}, 'alternate': {'href': '', 'type': 'text/html'}}, 'meta': {'numCollections': 0, 'numItems': 17}, 'data': {'key': '96UJANPP', 'version': 72, 'name': 'Ebola Virus', 'parentCollection': False, 'relations': {}} } """ #### Get collection items by collection key #### ebora_virus_collection_items = zotero_manager.get_collection_items( ebola_virus_collection_key ) print(len(ebora_virus_collection_items)) # print(ebora_virus_collection_items[:2]) #### Getting zotero collection items and full text # Here the collections have been parsed using the zotero item pydantic model defined in the zotero manager. #### ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items = ( zotero_manager.get_collection_zotero_items_by_key(ebola_virus_collection_key) ) # print(len(ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items)) # print(ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items[0]) #### Get item children (attachments) # Listed items in zotero are items together with their attachments (pdf content) #### zotero_manager.get_item_children("2Q7HFERL") #### Get an item full text #### zotero_manager.get_item_full_text("BMYMEW76")["content"] #### Save the item pdf content to disc #### ## Function to save a pdf file zotero_manager.save_item_file("BMYMEW76") #### Export zotero collection items to json #### ebora_virus_zotero_items_json = zotero_manager.zotero_items_to_json( ebora_virus_zotero_collection_items ) print(len(ebora_virus_zotero_items_json)) # print(ebora_virus_zotero_items_json[0]) ## Save to disc zotero_manager.write_zotero_items_to_json_file( ebora_virus_zotero_items_json, "zotero_data/ebora_virus_zotero_items.json" )