# app.py import csv import datetime # from datetime import datetime import io import json import logging import os from typing import Any, List, Tuple import gradio as gr import openai from cachetools import LRUCache from dotenv import load_dotenv from slugify import slugify from config import OPENAI_API_KEY, STUDY_FILES from interface import create_chat_interface from rag.rag_pipeline import RAGPipeline from utils.db import ( add_study_files_to_db, create_db_and_tables, get_all_study_files, get_study_file_by_name, get_study_files_by_library_id, ) from utils.helpers import ( add_study_files_to_chromadb, append_to_study_files, chromadb_client, create_directory, ) from utils.pdf_processor import PDFProcessor from utils.prompts import evidence_based_prompt, highlight_prompt from utils.zotero_manager import ZoteroManager data_directory = "data" create_directory(data_directory) # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) load_dotenv() openai.api_key = OPENAI_API_KEY # Initialize ChromaDB with study files add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Create sqlite study file data table create_db_and_tables() # Cache for RAG pipelines rag_cache = {} cache = LRUCache(maxsize=100) def get_cache_value(key): return cache.get(key) zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id cache: {zotero_library_id}") def get_rag_pipeline(study_name: str) -> RAGPipeline: """Get or create a RAGPipeline instance for the given study by querying ChromaDB.""" if study_name not in rag_cache: study = get_study_file_by_name(study_name) if not study: raise ValueError(f"Invalid study name: {study_name}") study_file = study.file_path logger.info(f"study_file: {study_file}") if not study_file: raise ValueError(f"File path not found for study name: {study_name}") rag_cache[study_name] = RAGPipeline(study_file) return rag_cache[study_name] def get_study_info(study_name: str | list) -> str: """Retrieve information about the specified study.""" if isinstance(study_name, list): study_name = study_name[0] if study_name else None if not study_name: return "No study selected" study = get_study_file_by_name(study_name) logger.info(f"Study: {study}") if not study: raise ValueError(f"Invalid study name: {study_name}") study_file = study.file_path logger.info(f"study_file: {study_file}") if not study_file: raise ValueError(f"File path not found for study name: {study_name}") with open(study_file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return f"### Number of documents: {len(data)}" def markdown_table_to_csv(markdown_text: str) -> str: """Convert a markdown table to CSV format.""" lines = [line.strip() for line in markdown_text.split("\n") if line.strip()] table_lines = [line for line in lines if line.startswith("|")] if not table_lines: return "" csv_data = [] for line in table_lines: if "---" in line: continue # Split by |, remove empty strings, and strip whitespace cells = [cell.strip() for cell in line.split("|") if cell.strip()] csv_data.append(cells) output = io.StringIO() writer = csv.writer(output) writer.writerows(csv_data) return output.getvalue() def cleanup_temp_files(): """Clean up old temporary files.""" try: current_time = datetime.datetime.now() for file in os.listdir(): if file.startswith("study_export_") and file.endswith(".csv"): file_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file)) # Calculate the time difference in seconds time_difference = (current_time - file_time).total_seconds() if time_difference > 20: # 5 minutes in seconds try: os.remove(file) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to remove temp file {file}: {e}") except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Error during cleanup: {e}") def chat_function(message: str, study_name: str, prompt_type: str) -> str: """Process a chat message and generate a response using the RAG pipeline.""" if not message.strip(): return "Please enter a valid query." rag = get_rag_pipeline(study_name) logger.info(f"rag: {rag}") prompt = { "Highlight": highlight_prompt, "Evidence-based": evidence_based_prompt, }.get(prompt_type) response, _ = rag.query(message, prompt_template=prompt) # Unpack the tuple return response def process_zotero_library_items( zotero_library_id_param: str, zotero_api_access_key: str ) -> str: global zotero_library_id if not zotero_library_id_param or not zotero_api_access_key: return "Please enter your zotero library Id and API Access Key" zotero_library_id = zotero_library_id_param cache["zotero_library_id"] = zotero_library_id zotero_library_type = "user" # or "group" zotero_api_access_key = zotero_api_access_key message = "" try: zotero_manager = ZoteroManager( zotero_library_id, zotero_library_type, zotero_api_access_key ) zotero_collections = zotero_manager.get_collections() zotero_collection_lists = zotero_manager.list_zotero_collections( zotero_collections ) filtered_zotero_collection_lists = ( zotero_manager.filter_and_return_collections_with_items( zotero_collection_lists ) ) study_files_data = {} # Dictionary to collect items for ChromaDB for collection in filtered_zotero_collection_lists: collection_name = collection.get("name") if collection_name not in STUDY_FILES: collection_key = collection.get("key") collection_items = zotero_manager.get_collection_items(collection_key) zotero_collection_items = ( zotero_manager.get_collection_zotero_items_by_key(collection_key) ) # Export zotero collection items to json zotero_items_json = zotero_manager.zotero_items_to_json( zotero_collection_items ) export_file = f"{slugify(collection_name)}_zotero_items.json" zotero_manager.write_zotero_items_to_json_file( zotero_items_json, f"data/{export_file}" ) append_to_study_files( "study_files.json", collection_name, f"data/{export_file}" ) # Collect for ChromaDB study_files_data[collection_name] = f"data/{export_file}" # Update in-memory STUDY_FILES for reference in current session STUDY_FILES.update({collection_name: f"data/{export_file}"}) logger.info(f"STUDY_FILES: {STUDY_FILES}") # After loop, add all collected data to ChromaDB add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Add collected data to sqlite add_study_files_to_db("study_files.json", zotero_library_id) # Dynamically update study choices global study_choices study_choices = [ file.name for file in get_study_files_by_library_id([zotero_library_id]) ] message = "Successfully processed items in your zotero library" except Exception as e: message = f"Error process your zotero library: {str(e)}" return message process_zotero_library_items( os.getenv("ZOTERO_LIBRARY_ID"), os.getenv("ZOTERO_API_ACCESS_KEY") ) def refresh_study_choices(): """ Refresh study choices for a specific dropdown instance. :return: Updated Dropdown with current study choices """ global study_choices, zotero_library_id zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id refreshed: {zotero_library_id}") study_choices = [ file.name for file in get_study_files_by_library_id([zotero_library_id]) ] logger.info(f"Study choices refreshed: {study_choices}") return study_choices def new_study_choices(): """ Refresh study choices for a specific dropdown instance. """ study_choices = refresh_study_choices() study_choices = ", ".join(study_choices) return f"**Your studies are: {study_choices}**" def process_multi_input(text, study_name, prompt_type): # Split input based on commas and strip any extra spaces variable_list = [word.strip().upper() for word in text.split(",")] user_message = f"Extract and present in a tabular format the following variables for each {study_name} study: {', '.join(variable_list)}" logger.info(f"User message: {user_message}") response = chat_function(user_message, study_name, prompt_type) return [response, gr.update(visible=True)] def download_as_csv(markdown_content): """Convert markdown table to CSV and provide for download.""" if not markdown_content: return None csv_content = markdown_table_to_csv(markdown_content) if not csv_content: return None # Create temporary file with actual content timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") temp_path = f"study_export_{timestamp}.csv" with open(temp_path, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(csv_content) return temp_path # PDF Support def process_pdf_uploads(files: List[gr.File], collection_name: str) -> str: """Process uploaded PDF files and add them to the system.""" if not files or not collection_name: return "Please upload PDF files and provide a collection name" try: processor = PDFProcessor() # Save uploaded files temporarily file_paths = [] for file in files: # Get the actual file path from the Gradio File object if hasattr(file, "name"): # If it's already a path temp_path = file.name else: # If it needs to be saved temp_path = os.path.join(processor.upload_dir, file.orig_name) file.save(temp_path) file_paths.append(temp_path) # Process PDFs output_path = processor.process_pdfs(file_paths, collection_name) # Add to study files and ChromaDB collection_id = f"pdf_{slugify(collection_name)}" append_to_study_files("study_files.json", collection_id, output_path) add_study_files_to_chromadb("study_files.json", "study_files_collection") # Cleanup temporary files if they were created by us for path in file_paths: if path.startswith(processor.upload_dir): try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Failed to remove temporary file {path}: {e}") return f"Successfully processed PDFs into collection: {collection_id}" except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in process_pdf_uploads: {str(e)}") return f"Error processing PDF files: {str(e)}" def chat_response( message: str, history: List[Tuple[str, str]], study_name: str, pdf_processor: PDFProcessor, ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], str, Any]: """Generate chat response and update history.""" if not message.strip(): return history, None, None rag = get_rag_pipeline(study_name) response, source_info = rag.query(message) history.append((message, response)) # Generate PDF preview if source information is available preview_image = None if ( source_info and source_info.get("source_file") and source_info.get("page_numbers") ): try: # Get the first page number from the source page_num = source_info["page_numbers"][0] preview_image = pdf_processor.render_page( source_info["source_file"], int(page_num) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error generating PDF preview: {str(e)}") return history, preview_image def create_gr_interface() -> gr.Blocks: """Create and configure the Gradio interface for the RAG platform.""" global zotero_library_id with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Base()) as demo: gr.Markdown("# ACRES RAG Platform") with gr.Tabs() as tabs: # Tab 1: Original Study Analysis Interface with gr.Tab("Study Analysis"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): gr.Markdown("### Zotero Credentials") zotero_library_id_param = gr.Textbox( label="Zotero Library ID", type="password", placeholder="Enter Your Zotero Library ID here...", ) zotero_api_access_key = gr.Textbox( label="Zotero API Access Key", type="password", placeholder="Enter Your Zotero API Access Key...", ) process_zotero_btn = gr.Button("Process your Zotero Library") zotero_output = gr.Markdown(label="Zotero") local_storage_state = gr.BrowserState( {"zotero_library_id": "", "study_choices": []} ) gr.Markdown("### Study Information") zotero_library_id = zotero_library_id_param.value if zotero_library_id is None: zotero_library_id = get_cache_value("zotero_library_id") logger.info(f"zotero_library_id: =====> {zotero_library_id}") study_choices = refresh_study_choices() logger.info(f"study_choices_db: =====> {study_choices}") study_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( choices=study_choices, label="Select Study", value=(study_choices[0] if study_choices else None), allow_custom_value=True, ) # In Gradio interface setup refresh_button = gr.Button("Refresh Studies") study_info = gr.Markdown(label="Study Details") new_studies = gr.Markdown(label="Your Studies") prompt_type = gr.Radio( ["Default", "Highlight", "Evidence-based"], label="Prompt Type", value="Default", ) @demo.load( inputs=[local_storage_state], outputs=[zotero_library_id_param], ) def load_from_local_storage(saved_values): print("loading from local storage", saved_values) return saved_values.get("zotero_library_id") @gr.on( [ zotero_library_id_param.change, process_zotero_btn.click, refresh_button.click, ], inputs=[zotero_library_id_param], outputs=[local_storage_state], ) def save_to_local_storage(zotero_library_id_param): study_choices = refresh_study_choices() return { "zotero_library_id": zotero_library_id_param, "study_choices": study_choices, } with gr.Column(scale=3): gr.Markdown("### Study Variables") with gr.Row(): study_variables = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Type your variables separated by commas e.g (Study ID, Study Title, Authors etc)", scale=4, lines=1, autofocus=True, ) submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", scale=1) answer_output = gr.Markdown(label="Answer") download_btn = gr.DownloadButton( "Download as CSV", variant="primary", size="sm", scale=1, visible=False, ) # Tab 2: PDF Chat Interface with gr.Tab("PDF Chat"): pdf_processor = PDFProcessor() with gr.Row(): # Left column: Chat and Input with gr.Column(scale=7): chat_history = gr.Chatbot( value=[], height=600, show_label=False ) with gr.Row(): query_input = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="Ask a question about your PDFs...", scale=8, ) chat_submit_btn = gr.Button( "Send", scale=2, variant="primary" ) # Right column: PDF Preview and Upload with gr.Column(scale=3): pdf_preview = gr.Image(label="Source Page", height=600) with gr.Row(): pdf_files = gr.File( file_count="multiple", file_types=[".pdf"], label="Upload PDFs", ) with gr.Row(): collection_name = gr.Textbox( label="Collection Name", placeholder="Name this PDF collection...", ) with gr.Row(): upload_btn = gr.Button("Process PDFs", variant="primary") pdf_status = gr.Markdown() current_collection = gr.State(value=None) # Event handlers for Study Analysis tab process_zotero_btn.click( process_zotero_library_items, inputs=[zotero_library_id_param, zotero_api_access_key], outputs=[zotero_output], ) study_dropdown.change( get_study_info, inputs=[study_dropdown], outputs=[study_info] ) submit_btn.click( process_multi_input, inputs=[study_variables, study_dropdown, prompt_type], outputs=[answer_output, download_btn], ) download_btn.click( fn=download_as_csv, inputs=[answer_output], outputs=[download_btn] ).then(fn=cleanup_temp_files, inputs=None, outputs=None) refresh_button.click( fn=new_study_choices, outputs=[new_studies], # Update the same dropdown ) # Event handlers for PDF Chat tab def handle_pdf_upload(files, name): if not name: return "Please provide a collection name", None if not files: return "Please select PDF files", None try: result = process_pdf_uploads(files, name) collection_id = f"pdf_{slugify(name)}" return result, collection_id except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in handle_pdf_upload: {str(e)}") return f"Error: {str(e)}", None upload_btn.click( handle_pdf_upload, inputs=[pdf_files, collection_name], outputs=[pdf_status, current_collection], ) def add_message(history, message): """Add user message to chat history.""" if not message.strip(): raise gr.Error("Please enter a message") history = history + [(message, None)] return history, "", None def generate_chat_response(history, collection_id, pdf_processor): """Generate response for the last message in history.""" if not collection_id: raise gr.Error("Please upload PDFs first") if len(history) == 0: return history, None last_message = history[-1][0] try: # Get response and source info rag = get_rag_pipeline(collection_id) response, source_info = rag.query(last_message) # Generate preview if source information is available preview_image = None if ( source_info and source_info.get("source_file") and source_info.get("page_number") is not None ): try: page_num = source_info["page_number"] logger.info(f"Attempting to render page {page_num}") preview_image = pdf_processor.render_page( source_info["source_file"], page_num ) if preview_image: logger.info( f"Successfully generated preview for page {page_num}" ) else: logger.warning( f"Failed to generate preview for page {page_num}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error generating PDF preview: {str(e)}") preview_image = None # Update history with response history[-1] = (last_message, response) return history, preview_image except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error in generate_chat_response: {str(e)}") history[-1] = (last_message, f"Error: {str(e)}") return history, None # Update PDF event handlers upload_btn.click( # Change from pdf_files.upload to upload_btn.click handle_pdf_upload, inputs=[pdf_files, collection_name], outputs=[pdf_status, current_collection], ) # Fixed chat event handling chat_submit_btn.click( add_message, inputs=[chat_history, query_input], outputs=[chat_history, query_input, pdf_preview], ).success( lambda h, c: generate_chat_response(h, c, pdf_processor), inputs=[chat_history, current_collection], outputs=[chat_history, pdf_preview], ) return demo demo = create_gr_interface() if __name__ == "__main__": # demo = create_gr_interface() demo.launch(share=True, debug=True)