from __future__ import print_function from threading import Thread import traceback from time import sleep import Python_sml_ClientInterface as sml from .SoarWME import SoarWME from .TimeConnector import TimeConnector class SoarClient(): """ A wrapper class for creating and using a soar SML Agent """ def __init__(self, print_handler=None, config_filename=None, **kwargs): """ Will create a soar kernel and agent print_handler determines how output is printed, defaults to python print config_filename if specified will read config info (kwargs) from a file Config file is a text file with lines of the form 'setting = value' ============== kwargs ============= agent_name = [string] (default=soaragent) Name to give the SML Agent when it is created agent_source = [filename] (default=None) Soar file to source when the agent is created smem_source = [filename] (default=None) Soar file with smem add commands to source the agent is created source_output = full|summary|none (default=summary) Determines how much output is printed when sourcing files watch_level = [int] (default=1) The watch level to use (controls amount of info printed, 0=none, 5=all) start_running = true|false (default=false) If true, will immediately start the agent running spawn_debugger = true|false (default=false) If true, will spawn the java soar debugger write_to_stdout = true|false (default=false) If true, will print all soar output to the given print_handler (default is python print) enable_log = true|false If true, will write all soar output to a file given by log_filename log_filename = [filename] (default = agent-log.txt) Specify the name of the log file to write remote_connection = true|false (default=false) If true, will connect to a remote kernel instead of creating a new one use_time_connector = true|false (default=false) If true, will create a TimeConnector to add time info the the input-link See the Readme or for additional settings to control its behavior Note: Still need to call connect() to register event handlers """ self.print_handler = print_handler if print_handler == None: self.print_handler = print self.print_event_handlers = [] self.connectors = {} # Gather settings, filling in defaults as needed self.kwarg_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) self.settings = kwargs self.config_filename = config_filename self._read_config_file() self._apply_settings() self.connected = False self.is_running = False self.queue_stop = False self.run_event_callback_id = -1 self.print_event_callback_id = -1 self.init_agent_callback_id = -1 if self.remote_connection: self.kernel = sml.Kernel.CreateRemoteConnection() else: self.kernel = sml.Kernel.CreateKernelInNewThread() self.kernel.SetAutoCommit(False) if self.use_time_connector: self.add_connector("time", TimeConnector(self, **self.settings)) self._create_soar_agent() def add_connector(self, name, connector): """ Adds an AgentConnector to the agent """ self.connectors[name] = connector def has_connector(self, name): """ Returns True if the agent has an AgentConnector with the given name """ return (name in self.connectors) def get_connector(self, name): """ Returns the AgentConnector with the given name, or None """ return self.connectors.get(name, None) def add_print_event_handler(self, handler): """ calls the given handler during each soar print event, where handler is a method taking a single string argument """ self.print_event_handlers.append(handler) def start(self): """ Will start the agent (uses another thread, so non-blocking) """ if self.is_running: return self.is_running = True thread = Thread(target = SoarClient._run_thread, args = (self, )) thread.start() def stop(self): """ Tell the running thread to stop Note: Non-blocking, agent may run for a bit after this call finishes""" self.queue_stop = True def execute_command(self, cmd, print_res=False): """ Execute a soar command and return result, write output to print_handler if print_res is True """ result = self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine(cmd).strip() if print_res: self.print_handler(cmd) self.print_handler(result) return result def connect(self): """ Register event handlers for agent and connectors """ if self.connected: return self.run_event_callback_id = self.agent.RegisterForRunEvent( sml.smlEVENT_BEFORE_INPUT_PHASE, SoarClient._run_event_handler, self) self.print_event_callback_id = self.agent.RegisterForPrintEvent( sml.smlEVENT_PRINT, SoarClient._print_event_handler, self) self.init_agent_callback_id = self.kernel.RegisterForAgentEvent( sml.smlEVENT_BEFORE_AGENT_REINITIALIZED, SoarClient._init_agent_handler, self) for connector in self.connectors.values(): connector.connect() self.connected = True if self.start_running: self.start() def disconnect(self): """ Unregister event handlers for agent and connectors """ if not self.connected: return if self.run_event_callback_id != -1: self.agent.UnregisterForRunEvent(self.run_event_callback_id) self.run_event_callback_id = -1 if self.print_event_callback_id != -1: self.agent.UnregisterForPrintEvent(self.print_event_callback_id) self.print_event_callback_id = -1 if self.init_agent_callback_id != -1: self.kernel.UnregisterForAgentEvent(self.init_agent_callback_id) self.init_agent_callback_id = -1 for connector in self.connectors.values(): connector.disconnect() self.connected = False def reset(self): """ Will destroy the current agent and create + source a new one """ self._destroy_soar_agent() self._create_soar_agent() self.connect() def kill(self): """ Will destroy the current agent + kernel, cleans up everything """ self._destroy_soar_agent() self.kernel.Shutdown() self.kernel = None #### Internal Methods def _read_config_file(self): """ Will read the given config file and update self.settings as necessary (wont overwrite kwarg settings) config_filename is a text file with lines of the form 'setting = value'""" if self.config_filename is None: return # Add any settings in the config file (if it exists) try: with open(self.config_filename, 'r') as fin: config_args = [ line.split() for line in fin ] for args in config_args: if len(args) == 3 and args[1] == '=': key = args[0].replace("-", "_") # Add settings from config file if not overridden in kwargs if key not in self.kwarg_keys: self.settings[key] = args[2] except IOError: pass def _apply_settings(self): """ Set up the SoarClient object by copying settings or filling in default values """ self.agent_name = self.settings.get("agent_name", "soaragent") self.agent_source = self.settings.get("agent_source", None) self.smem_source = self.settings.get("smem_source", None) self.source_output = self.settings.get("source_output", "summary") self.watch_level = int(self.settings.get("watch_level", 1)) self.remote_connection = self._parse_bool_setting("remote_connection", False) self.spawn_debugger = self._parse_bool_setting("spawn_debugger", False) self.start_running = self._parse_bool_setting("start_running", False) self.write_to_stdout = self._parse_bool_setting("write_to_stdout", False) self.enable_log = self._parse_bool_setting("enable_log", False) self.log_filename = self.settings.get("log_filename", "agent-log.txt") self.use_time_connector = self._parse_bool_setting("use_time_connector", False) def _parse_bool_setting(self, name, default): if name not in self.settings: return default val = self.settings[name] if type(val) == str: return val.lower() == "true" return val def _run_thread(self): self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("run") self.is_running = False def _create_soar_agent(self): self.log_writer = None if self.enable_log: try: self.log_writer = open(self.log_filename, 'w') except: self.print_handler("ERROR: Cannot open log file " + self.log_filename) if self.remote_connection: self.agent = self.kernel.GetAgentByIndex(0) else: self.agent = self.kernel.CreateAgent(self.agent_name) self._source_agent() if self.spawn_debugger: success = self.agent.SpawnDebugger(self.kernel.GetListenerPort()) self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("w " + str(self.watch_level)) def _source_agent(self): self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("smem --set database memory") self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("epmem --set database memory") if self.smem_source != None: if self.source_output != "none": self.print_handler("------------- SOURCING SMEM ---------------") result = self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("source " + self.smem_source) if self.source_output == "full": self.print_handler(result) elif self.source_output == "summary": self._summarize_smem_source(result) if self.agent_source != None: if self.source_output != "none": self.print_handler("--------- SOURCING PRODUCTIONS ------------") result = self.agent.ExecuteCommandLine("source " + self.agent_source + " -v") if self.source_output == "full": self.print_handler(result) elif self.source_output == "summary": self._summarize_source(result) else: self.print_handler("agent_source not specified, no rules are being sourced") # Prints a summary of the smem source command instead of every line (source_output = summary) def _summarize_smem_source(self, printout): summary = [] n_added = 0 for line in printout.split('\n'): if line == "Knowledge added to semantic memory.": n_added += 1 else: summary.append(line) self.print_handler('\n'.join(summary)) self.print_handler("Knowledge added to semantic memory. [" + str(n_added) + " times]") # Prints a summary of the agent source command instead of every line (source_output = summary) def _summarize_source(self, printout): summary = [] for line in printout.split('\n'): if line.startswith("Sourcing"): continue if line.startswith("warnings is now"): continue # Line is only * or # characters if all(c in "#* " for c in line): continue summary.append(line) self.print_handler('\n'.join(summary)) def _on_init_soar(self): for connector in self.connectors.values(): connector.on_init_soar() def _destroy_soar_agent(self): self.stop() while self.is_running: sleep(0.01) self._on_init_soar() self.disconnect() if self.spawn_debugger: self.agent.KillDebugger() if not self.remote_connection: self.kernel.DestroyAgent(self.agent) self.agent = None if self.log_writer is not None: self.log_writer.close() self.log_writer = None @staticmethod def _init_agent_handler(eventID, self, info): try: self._on_init_soar() except: self.print_handler("ERROR IN INIT AGENT") self.print_handler(traceback.format_exc()) @staticmethod def _run_event_handler(eventID, self, agent, phase): if eventID == sml.smlEVENT_BEFORE_INPUT_PHASE: self._on_input_phase(agent.GetInputLink()) def _on_input_phase(self, input_link): try: if self.queue_stop: self.agent.StopSelf() self.queue_stop = False for connector in self.connectors.values(): connector.on_input_phase(input_link) if self.agent.IsCommitRequired(): self.agent.Commit() except: self.print_handler("ERROR IN RUN HANDLER") self.print_handler(traceback.format_exc()) @staticmethod def _print_event_handler(eventID, self, agent, message): try: if self.write_to_stdout: message = message.strip() self.print_handler(message) if self.log_writer: self.log_writer.write(message) self.log_writer.flush() for ph in self.print_event_handlers: ph(message) except: self.print_handler("ERROR IN PRINT HANDLER") self.print_handler(traceback.format_exc())