""" Defines additional helper methods for the Identifier class for accessing child values |
This module is not intended to be imported directly, |
Importing the pysoarlib module will cause these to be added to the Identifier class |
Note that the methods will use CamelCase, so get_child_str => GetChildStr |
""" |
_INTEGER_VAL = "int" |
_FLOAT_VAL = "double" |
_STRING_VAL = "string" |
def get_child_str(self, attribute): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns value for WME as string (self ^attribute value) """ |
wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) |
if wme == None or len(wme.GetValueAsString()) == 0: |
return None |
return wme.GetValueAsString() |
def get_child_int(self, attribute): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns integer value for WME (self ^attribute value) """ |
wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) |
if wme == None or wme.GetValueType() != _INTEGER_VAL: |
return None |
return wme.ConvertToIntElement().GetValue() |
def get_child_float(self, attribute): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns float value for WME (self ^attribute value) """ |
wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) |
if wme == None or wme.GetValueType() != _FLOAT_VAL: |
return None |
return wme.ConvertToFloatElement().GetValue() |
def get_child_id(self, attribute): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns identifier value of WME (self ^attribute child_id) """ |
wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) |
if wme == None or not wme.IsIdentifier(): |
return None |
return wme.ConvertToIdentifier() |
def get_all_child_ids(self, attribute=None): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns a list of child identifiers from all WME's matching (self ^attribute child_id) |
If no attribute is specified, all child identifiers are returned |
""" |
child_ids = [] |
for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): |
wme = self.GetChild(index) |
if not wme.IsIdentifier(): |
continue |
if attribute == None or wme.GetAttribute() == attribute: |
child_ids.append(wme.ConvertToIdentifier()) |
return child_ids |
def get_all_child_values(self, attribute=None): |
""" Given id and attribute, returns a list of strings of non-identifier values from all WME's matching (self ^attribute value) |
If no attribute is specified, all child values (non-identifiers) are returned |
""" |
child_values = [] |
for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): |
wme = self.GetChild(index) |
if wme.IsIdentifier(): |
continue |
if attribute == None or wme.GetAttribute() == attribute: |
child_values.append(wme.GetValueAsString()) |
return child_values |
def get_all_child_wmes(self): |
""" Returns a list of (attr, val) tuples representing all wmes rooted at this identifier |
val will either be an Identifier or a string, depending on its type """ |
wmes = [] |
for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): |
wme = self.GetChild(index) |
if wme.IsIdentifier(): |
wmes.append( (wme.GetAttribute(), wme.ConvertToIdentifier()) ) |
else: |
wmes.append( (wme.GetAttribute(), wme.GetValueAsString()) ) |
return wmes |