import sys import spaces sys.path.append("flash3d") # Add the flash3d directory to the system path for importing local modules from omegaconf import OmegaConf import gradio as gr import torch import torchvision.transforms as TT import torchvision.transforms.functional as TTF from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import numpy as np from einops import rearrange from networks.gaussian_predictor import GaussianPredictor from util.vis3d import save_ply def main(): print("[INFO] Starting main function...") # Determine if CUDA (GPU) is available and set the device accordingly if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda:0" print("[INFO] CUDA is available. Using GPU device.") else: device = "cpu" print("[INFO] CUDA is not available. Using CPU device.") # Download model configuration and weights from Hugging Face Hub print("[INFO] Downloading model configuration...") model_cfg_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="einsafutdinov/flash3d", filename="config_re10k_v1.yaml") print("[INFO] Downloading model weights...") model_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="einsafutdinov/flash3d", filename="model_re10k_v1.pth") # Load model configuration using OmegaConf print("[INFO] Loading model configuration...") cfg = OmegaConf.load(model_cfg_path) # Initialize the GaussianPredictor model with the loaded configuration print("[INFO] Initializing GaussianPredictor model...") model = GaussianPredictor(cfg) try: device = torch.device(device) # Move the model to the specified device (CPU or GPU) except Exception as e: print(f"[ERROR] Failed to set device: {e}") raise # Load the pre-trained model weights print("[INFO] Loading model weights...") model.load_model(model_path) # Define transformation functions for image preprocessing pad_border_fn = TT.Pad((cfg.dataset.pad_border_aug, cfg.dataset.pad_border_aug)) # Padding to augment the image borders to_tensor = TT.ToTensor() # Convert image to tensor # Function to check if an image is uploaded by the user def check_input_image(input_images): print("[DEBUG] Checking input images...") if not input_images or len(input_images) == 0: print("[ERROR] No images uploaded!") raise gr.Error("No images uploaded!") print("[INFO] Input images are valid.") # Function to preprocess the input images before passing them to the model def preprocess(images, padding_value): processed_images = [] for image in images: # Resize and pad each image print("[DEBUG] Preprocessing image...") image = TTF.resize(image, (cfg.dataset.height, cfg.dataset.width), interpolation=TT.InterpolationMode.BICUBIC) pad_border_fn = TT.Pad((padding_value, padding_value)) image = pad_border_fn(image) print("[INFO] Image preprocessing complete.") processed_images.append(image) return processed_images # Function to reconstruct the 3D model from the input images and export it as a PLY file @spaces.GPU(duration=120) # Decorator to allocate a GPU for this function during execution def reconstruct_and_export(images, num_gauss): """ Passes images through model, outputs reconstruction in form of a dict of tensors. """ outputs_list = [] for image in images: print("[DEBUG] Starting reconstruction and export...") # Convert the preprocessed image to a tensor and move it to the specified device image = to_tensor(image).to(device).unsqueeze(0) # Add a batch dimension to the image tensor inputs = { ("color_aug", 0, 0): image, # The input dictionary expected by the model } # Pass the image through the model to get the output print("[INFO] Passing image through the model...") outputs = model(inputs) # Perform inference to get model outputs outputs_list.append(outputs) # Combine or process outputs from multiple images here if necessary # For now, we'll just save the first one for illustration gauss_means = outputs_list[0][('gauss_means', 0, 0)] if gauss_means.size(0) < num_gauss or gauss_means.size(0) % num_gauss != 0: adjusted_num_gauss = max(1, gauss_means.size(0) // (gauss_means.size(0) // num_gauss)) print(f"[WARNING] Adjusting num_gauss from {num_gauss} to {adjusted_num_gauss} to avoid shape mismatch.") num_gauss = adjusted_num_gauss # Adjust num_gauss to prevent errors during tensor reshaping # Debugging tensor shape print(f"[DEBUG] gauss_means tensor shape: {gauss_means.shape}") # Export the reconstruction to a PLY file print(f"[INFO] Saving output to {ply_out_path}...") save_ply(outputs_list[0], ply_out_path, num_gauss=num_gauss) # Save the output 3D model to a PLY file print("[INFO] Reconstruction and export complete.") return ply_out_path # Return the path to the saved PLY file # Path to save the output PLY file ply_out_path = f'./mesh.ply' # CSS styling for the Gradio interface css = """ h1 { text-align: center; display:block; } """ # Create the Gradio user interface with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # Flash3D """ ) with gr.Row(variant="panel"): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Row(): # Input images component for the user to upload multiple images input_images = gr.Images( label="Input Images", image_mode="RGBA", # Accept RGBA images sources="upload", # Allow users to upload images type="pil", # The images are returned as PIL images elem_id="content_images", tool="editor", # Optional, for editing images multiple=True # Allow multiple image uploads ) with gr.Row(): # Sliders for configurable parameters num_gauss = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=20, step=1, label="Number of Gaussians per Pixel", value=1) # Slider to set the number of Gaussians per pixel padding_value = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=128, step=8, label="Padding Amount for Output Processing", value=32) # Slider to set padding value with gr.Row(): # Button to trigger the generation process submit = gr.Button("Generate", elem_id="generate", variant="primary") with gr.Row(variant="panel"): # Examples panel to provide sample images for users gr.Examples( examples=[ './demo_examples/bedroom_01.png', './demo_examples/kitti_02.png', './demo_examples/kitti_03.png', './demo_examples/re10k_04.jpg', './demo_examples/re10k_05.jpg', './demo_examples/re10k_06.jpg', ], inputs=[input_images], # Load the example images into the input component cache_examples=False, label="Examples", # Label for the examples section examples_per_page=20, ) with gr.Row(): # Display the preprocessed images (after resizing and padding) processed_images = gr.Gallery(label="Processed Images", interactive=False) # Output component to show the processed images with gr.Column(scale=2): with gr.Row(): with gr.Tab("Reconstruction"): # 3D model viewer to display the reconstructed model output_model = gr.Model3D( height=512, # Height of the 3D model viewer label="Output Model", interactive=False # The viewer is not interactive ) # Define the workflow for the Generate button, inputs=[input_images]).success( fn=preprocess, inputs=[input_images, padding_value], # Pass the input images and padding value to the preprocess function outputs=[processed_images], # Output the processed images ).success( fn=reconstruct_and_export, inputs=[processed_images, num_gauss], # Pass the processed images and number of Gaussians to the reconstruction function outputs=[output_model], # Output the reconstructed 3D model ) # Queue the requests to handle them sequentially (to avoid GPU resource conflicts) demo.queue(max_size=1) print("[INFO] Launching Gradio demo...") demo.launch(share=True) # Launch the Gradio interface and allow public sharing if __name__ == "__main__": print("[INFO] Running application...") main()