import logging from botbuilder.core import TurnContext, MessageFactory, ConversationState, UserState from botbuilder.schema import Activity, ActivityTypes, EndOfConversationCodes from UniversalReasoning import UniversalReasoning # Ensure correct import import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from dialog_bot import DialogBot from main_dialog import MainDialog # Load environment variables from .env file load_dotenv() class MyBot(DialogBot): def __init__(self, conversation_state: ConversationState, user_state: UserState, dialog: MainDialog): super(MyBot, self).__init__(conversation_state, user_state, dialog) self.context = {} = [] config = load_and_validate_config('config.json', 'config_schema.json') # Add Azure OpenAI and LUIS configurations to the config config['azure_openai_api_key'] = os.getenv('AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY') config['azure_openai_endpoint'] = os.getenv('AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT') config['luis_endpoint'] = os.getenv('LUIS_ENDPOINT') config['luis_api_version'] = os.getenv('LUIS_API_VERSION') config['luis_api_key'] = os.getenv('LUIS_API_KEY') setup_logging(config) self.universal_reasoning = UniversalReasoning(config) async def enhance_context_awareness(self, user_id: str, text: str) -> None: """Enhance context awareness by analyzing the user's environment, activities, and emotional state.""" sentiment = analyze_sentiment_vader(text) self.context[user_id].append({"text": text, "sentiment": sentiment}) async def proactive_learning(self, user_id: str, feedback: str) -> None: """Encourage proactive learning by seeking feedback and exploring new topics.""" self.context[user_id].append({"feedback": feedback}){"user_id": user_id, "feedback": feedback}) async def ethical_decision_making(self, user_id: str, decision: str) -> None: """Integrate ethical principles into decision-making processes.""" ethical_decision = f"Considering ethical principles, the decision is: {decision}" self.context[user_id].append({"ethical_decision": ethical_decision}) async def emotional_intelligence(self, user_id: str, text: str) -> str: """Develop emotional intelligence by recognizing and responding to user emotions.""" sentiment = analyze_sentiment_vader(text) response = self.generate_emotional_response(sentiment, text) self.context[user_id].append({"emotional_response": response}) return response def generate_emotional_response(self, sentiment: dict, text: str) -> str: """Generate an empathetic response based on the sentiment analysis.""" if sentiment['compound'] >= 0.05: return "I'm glad to hear that! 😊 How can I assist you further?" elif sentiment['compound'] <= -0.05: return "I'm sorry to hear that. 😢 Is there anything I can do to help?" else: return "I understand. How can I assist you further?" async def transparency_and_explainability(self, user_id: str, decision: str) -> str: """Enable transparency by explaining the reasoning behind decisions.""" explanation = f"The decision was made based on the following context: {self.context[user_id]}" self.context[user_id].append({"explanation": explanation}) return explanation async def on_message_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext) -> None: """Handles incoming messages and generates responses.""" user_id = if user_id not in self.context: self.context[user_id] = [] try: message_text = turn_context.activity.text.strip().lower() if "end" in message_text or "stop" in message_text: await end_conversation(turn_context) self.context.pop(user_id, None) else: self.context[user_id].append(turn_context.activity.text) response = await self.generate_response(turn_context.activity.text, user_id) await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text(response)) await self.request_feedback(turn_context, user_id) except Exception as e: await handle_error(turn_context, e) async def generate_response(self, text: str, user_id: str) -> str: """Generates a response using UniversalReasoning.""" try:"Generating response for user_id: {user_id} with text: {text}") response = self.universal_reasoning.generate_response(text)"Generated response: {response}") return response except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error generating response: {e}") return "Sorry, I couldn't generate a response at this time." async def request_feedback(self, turn_context: TurnContext, user_id: str) -> None: """Request feedback from the user about the bot's response.""" feedback_prompt = "How would you rate my response? (good/neutral/bad)" await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text(feedback_prompt)) async def handle_feedback(self, turn_context: TurnContext) -> None: """Handle user feedback and store it for future analysis.""" user_id = feedback = turn_context.activity.text.lower() if feedback in ["good", "neutral", "bad"]:{"user_id": user_id, "feedback": feedback}) await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text("Thank you for your feedback!")) else: await turn_context.send_activity(MessageFactory.text("Please provide feedback as 'good', 'neutral', or 'bad'.")) async def end_conversation(turn_context: TurnContext) -> None: """Ends the conversation with the user.""" await turn_context.send_activity( MessageFactory.text("Ending conversation from the skill...") ) end_of_conversation = Activity(type=ActivityTypes.end_of_conversation) end_of_conversation.code = EndOfConversationCodes.completed_successfully await turn_context.send_activity(end_of_conversation) async def handle_error(turn_context: TurnContext, error: Exception) -> None: """Handles errors by logging them and notifying the user.""" logging.error(f"An error occurred: {error}") await turn_context.send_activity( MessageFactory.text("An error occurred. Please try again later.") )