import time | |
import fitz | |
import numpy as np | |
import pickle | |
import os | |
import dill | |
import logging | |
import asyncio | |
import networkx as nx | |
from mistralai import Mistral | |
from annoy import AnnoyIndex | |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer | |
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity | |
from rank_bm25 import BM25Okapi | |
from gensim.models import Word2Vec | |
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple | |
import gradio as gr | |
import moviepy.editor as mp | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) | |
api_key = os.getenv("MISTRAL_API_KEY") | |
client = Mistral(api_key=api_key) | |
from deepgram import Deepgram | |
dg_api_key = os.getenv("DEEPGRAM_API_KEY") | |
deepgram = Deepgram(dg_api_key) | |
def get_text_embedding_with_rate_limit(text_list, initial_delay=2, max_retries=10, max_delay=60): | |
embeddings = [] | |
for text in text_list: | |
retries = 0 | |
delay = initial_delay | |
while retries < max_retries: | |
try: | |
token_count = len(text.split()) | |
if token_count > 16384: | |
logger.warning("Text chunk exceeds the token limit. Truncating the text.") | |
text = " ".join(text.split()[:16384]) | |
response = client.embeddings.create(model="mistral-embed", inputs=[text]) | |
embeddings.extend([embedding.embedding for embedding in]) | |
time.sleep(delay) | |
break | |
except Exception as e: | |
retries += 1 | |
logger.warning(f"Rate limit exceeded, retrying in {delay} seconds... (Attempt {retries}/{max_retries})") | |
time.sleep(delay) | |
delay = min(delay * 2, max_delay) | |
if retries == max_retries: | |
logger.error("Max retries reached. Skipping this chunk.") | |
break | |
return embeddings | |
def store_embeddings_in_vector_db( | |
file_path: str, | |
vector_db_path: str, | |
annoy_index_path: str, | |
chunk_size: int = 2048, | |
overlap: int = 200, | |
num_trees: int = 10 | |
): | |
all_texts = [] | |
if file_path.endswith(('.pdf', '.doc', '.docx' , '.pptx' , '.ppt' , '.xls', '.xlsx' , '.txt' )): | |
doc = | |
all_embeddings = [] | |
total_pages = doc.page_count | |"Processing PDF/DOC: {file_path} with {total_pages} pages.") | |
for page_num in range(total_pages): | |
page = doc.load_page(page_num) | |
text = page.get_text() | |
if text.strip(): | |
chunks = split_text_into_chunks(text, chunk_size, overlap) | |
embeddings = get_text_embedding_with_rate_limit(chunks) | |
all_embeddings.extend(embeddings) | |
all_texts.extend(chunks) | |"Processed page {page_num + 1}/{total_pages}, extracted {len(chunks)} chunks.") | |
else: | |
logging.warning(f"No text found on page {page_num + 1}.") | |
elif file_path.endswith(('.mp3', '.wav', '.m4a')): | |"Processing audio file: {file_path}") | |
with open(file_path, 'rb') as audio_file: | |
audio_content = | |
response ={'buffer': audio_content, 'mimetype': 'audio/wav'}, {'punctuate': True})) | |
text = response['results']['channels'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript'] | |
chunks = split_text_into_chunks(text, chunk_size, overlap) | |
all_embeddings = get_text_embedding_with_rate_limit(chunks) | |
all_texts.extend(chunks) | |
elif file_path.endswith(('.mp4', '.avi', '.mov')): | |"Processing video file: {file_path}") | |
video = mp.VideoFileClip(file_path) | |
audio_path = "temp_audio.wav" | | | |
with open(audio_path, 'rb') as audio_file: | |
audio_content = | |
response ={'buffer': audio_content, 'mimetype': 'audio/wav'}, {'punctuate': True})) | |
text = response['results']['channels'][0]['alternatives'][0]['transcript'] | |
os.remove(audio_path) | |
chunks = split_text_into_chunks(text, chunk_size, overlap) | |
all_embeddings = get_text_embedding_with_rate_limit(chunks) | |
all_texts.extend(chunks) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError("Unsupported file format. Please upload a PDF, DOC, DOCX, MP3, WAV, M4A, MP4, AVI, or MOV file.") | |
embeddings_np = np.array(all_embeddings).astype('float32') | |
with open(vector_db_path, "wb") as f: | |
dill.dump({'embeddings': embeddings_np, 'texts': all_texts}, f) | |"Stored embeddings and texts to {vector_db_path}.") | |
if os.path.exists(annoy_index_path): | |
os.remove(annoy_index_path) | |"Existing Annoy index at {annoy_index_path} removed.") | |
embedding_dim = embeddings_np.shape[1] | |
annoy_index = AnnoyIndex(embedding_dim, 'angular') | |
for i, embedding in enumerate(embeddings_np): | |
annoy_index.add_item(i, embedding) | | | | | |"Annoy index built with {len(all_embeddings)} items and saved to {annoy_index_path}.") | |
def split_text_into_chunks(text: str, chunk_size: int = 2048, overlap: int = 200) -> List[str]: | |
tokens = text.split() | |
chunks = [] | |
start = 0 | |
while start < len(tokens): | |
end = start + chunk_size | |
chunk = " ".join(tokens[start:end]) | |
chunks.append(chunk) | |
start += chunk_size - overlap | |
return chunks | |
class MistralRAGChatbot: | |
def __init__(self, vector_db_path: str, annoy_index_path: str): | |
self.embeddings, self.texts = self.load_vector_db(vector_db_path) | |
self.annoy_index = self.load_annoy_index(annoy_index_path, self.embeddings.shape[1]) | |
self.bm25 = BM25Okapi([text.split() for text in self.texts]) | |
self.word2vec_model = self.train_word2vec(self.texts) | |
self.reranking_methods = { | |
'advanced_fusion': self.advanced_fusion_retrieval | |
} | |"MistralRAGChatbot initialized successfully.") | |
def load_vector_db(self, vector_db_path: str) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]: | |
with open(vector_db_path, "rb") as f: | |
data = dill.load(f) | |
embeddings = np.array(data['embeddings'], dtype='float32') | |
texts = data['texts'] | |"Loaded vector database from {vector_db_path} with {len(texts)} entries.") | |
return embeddings, texts | |
def load_annoy_index(self, annoy_index_path: str, embedding_dim: int) -> AnnoyIndex: | |
if not os.path.exists(annoy_index_path): | |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Annoy index file {annoy_index_path} not found.") | |
annoy_index = AnnoyIndex(embedding_dim, 'angular') | |
annoy_index.load(annoy_index_path) | |"Loaded Annoy index from {annoy_index_path}.") | |
return annoy_index | |
def train_word2vec(self, texts: List[str]) -> Word2Vec: | |
tokenized_texts = [text.split() for text in texts] | |
model = Word2Vec(sentences=tokenized_texts, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4) | |"Word2Vec model trained.") | |
return model | |
async def get_text_embedding(self, text: str, model: str = "mistral-embed") -> np.ndarray: | |
try: | |
response = await client.embeddings.create_async(model=model, inputs=[text]) | |
return np.array([0].embedding) | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(f"Error fetching embedding: {e}") | |
return np.zeros((1024,)) | |
def advanced_fusion_retrieval(self, user_query: str, docs: List[dict]) -> List[dict]: | |
query_embedding = self.create_embeddings([user_query])[0] | |
vector_scores = {doc['index']: doc['score'] for doc in docs if doc['method'] == 'annoy'} | |
bm25_scores = {doc['index']: doc['score'] for doc in docs if doc['method'] == 'bm25'} | |
sim_graph = nx.Graph() | |
sim_matrix = cosine_similarity(self.embeddings) | |
for i in range(len(self.embeddings)): | |
for j in range(i + 1, len(self.embeddings)): | |
if sim_matrix[i, j] > 0.5: | |
sim_graph.add_edge(i, j, weight=sim_matrix[i, j]) | |
pagerank_scores = np.array(list(nx.pagerank(sim_graph, weight='weight').values())) | |
combined_scores = {} | |
for doc in docs: | |
idx = doc['index'] | |
combined_scores[idx] = ( | |
0.5 * vector_scores.get(idx, 0) + | |
0.3 * bm25_scores.get(idx, 0) + | |
0.2 * pagerank_scores[idx] if idx < len(pagerank_scores) else 0 | |
) | |
min_score = min(combined_scores.values()) | |
max_score = max(combined_scores.values()) | |
if min_score == max_score: | |
normalized_scores = {idx: 0.5 for idx in combined_scores} | |
else: | |
normalized_scores = {idx: (score - min_score) / (max_score - min_score) for idx, score in combined_scores.items()} | |
sorted_indices = sorted(combined_scores, key=combined_scores.get, reverse=True) | |
return [{'text': self.texts[i], 'method': 'advanced_fusion', 'score': normalized_scores[i], 'index': i} for i in sorted_indices[:5]] | |
def create_embeddings(self, text_list: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: | |
expected_dim = 1024 | |
embeddings = [] | |
for text in text_list: | |
word_vectors = [self.word2vec_model.wv[token] for token in text.split() if token in self.word2vec_model.wv] | |
avg_embedding = np.mean(word_vectors, axis=0, dtype=np.float32) if word_vectors else np.zeros(self.word2vec_model.vector_size, dtype=np.float32) | |
if avg_embedding.shape[0] < expected_dim: | |
avg_embedding = np.pad(avg_embedding, (0, expected_dim - avg_embedding.shape[0]), 'constant') | |
elif avg_embedding.shape[0] > expected_dim: | |
avg_embedding = avg_embedding[:expected_dim] | |
embeddings.append(avg_embedding) | |
return np.array(embeddings, dtype=np.float32) | |
async def generate_response_with_rag( | |
self, | |
user_query: str, | |
model: str = "mistral-small-latest", | |
top_k: int = 10, | |
response_style: str = "Detailed", | |
selected_retrieval_methods: Optional[List[str]] = None, | |
selected_reranking_methods: Optional[List[str]] = None | |
) -> Tuple[str, List[str], List[dict]]: | |
if not selected_retrieval_methods: | |
selected_retrieval_methods = ['annoy', 'bm25'] | |
if not selected_reranking_methods: | |
selected_reranking_methods = ['advanced_fusion'] | |
query_embedding = await self.get_text_embedding(user_query) | |
retrieved_docs = self.retrieve_documents(user_query, query_embedding, top_k, selected_retrieval_methods) | |
reranked_docs = self.rerank_documents(user_query, retrieved_docs, selected_reranking_methods) | |
context = "\n\n".join([doc['text'] for doc in reranked_docs[:5]]) | |
prompt = self.build_prompt(context, user_query, response_style) | |
try: | |
async_response = await, messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]) | |
response = "" | |
async for chunk in async_response: | |
response +=[0].delta.content | |"Response generated successfully.") | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(f"Error generating response: {e}") | |
response = "An error occurred while generating the response." | |
return response, [doc['text'] for doc in reranked_docs[:5]], reranked_docs[:5] | |
def retrieve_documents( | |
self, | |
user_query: str, | |
query_embedding: np.ndarray, | |
top_k: int, | |
selected_methods: List[str] | |
) -> List[dict]: | |
all_docs = [] | |
for method in selected_methods: | |
indices, scores = getattr(self, f"retrieve_with_{method}")(user_query, query_embedding, top_k) | |
for idx, score in zip(indices, scores): | |
all_docs.append({ | |
'text': self.texts[idx], | |
'method': method, | |
'score': score, | |
'index': idx | |
}) | |
return all_docs | |
def retrieve_with_annoy(self, user_query: str, query_embedding: np.ndarray, top_k: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]: | |
n_results = min(top_k, len(self.texts)) | |
indices, distances = self.annoy_index.get_nns_by_vector(query_embedding, n_results, include_distances=True) | |
scores = [1.0 - (dist / max(distances)) for dist in distances] if distances else [] | |
logging.debug(f"Annoy retrieval returned {len(indices)} documents.") | |
return indices, scores | |
def retrieve_with_bm25(self, user_query: str, query_embedding: np.ndarray, top_k: int) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]: | |
tokenized_query = user_query.split() | |
scores = self.bm25.get_scores(tokenized_query) | |
indices = np.argsort(-scores)[:top_k] | |
logging.debug(f"BM25 retrieval returned {len(indices)} documents.") | |
return indices, scores[indices].tolist() | |
def rerank_documents( | |
self, | |
user_query: str, | |
retrieved_docs: List[dict], | |
selected_methods: List[str] | |
) -> List[dict]: | |
reranked_docs = retrieved_docs | |
for method in selected_methods: | |
if method == 'advanced_fusion': | |
reranked_docs = self.advanced_fusion_retrieval(user_query, reranked_docs) | |
else: | |
reranked_docs = self.reranking_methods[method](user_query, reranked_docs) | |
return reranked_docs | |
def build_prompt(self, context: str, user_query: str, response_style: str) -> str: | |
styles = { | |
"detailed": "Provide a comprehensive and detailed answer based on the provided context.", | |
"concise": "Provide a brief and concise answer based on the provided context.", | |
"creative": "Provide a creative and engaging answer based on the provided context.", | |
"technical": "Provide a technical and in-depth answer based on the provided context." | |
} | |
style_instruction = styles.get(response_style.lower(), styles["detailed"]) | |
if not context or not self.is_context_relevant(context, user_query): | |
prompt = f"""You are an intelligent assistant. | |
User Question: | |
{user_query} | |
Instruction: | |
The document database does not contain relevant information to answer the question. Please inform the user that no relevant documents were found and refrain from generating an imaginative or unrelated response.""" | |
else: | |
prompt = f"""You are an intelligent assistant. | |
Context: | |
{context} | |
User Question: | |
{user_query} | |
Instruction: | |
{style_instruction}""" | |
logging.debug("Prompt constructed for response generation.") | |
return prompt | |
def is_context_relevant(self, context: str, user_query: str) -> bool: | |
context_lower = context.lower() | |
user_query_lower = user_query.lower() | |
query_terms = set(user_query_lower.split()) | |
context_terms = set(context_lower.split()) | |
common_terms = query_terms.intersection(context_terms) | |
return len(common_terms) > len(query_terms) * 0.2 | |
def create_vector_db_and_annoy_index(pdf_path, vector_db_path, annoy_index_path): | |
store_embeddings_in_vector_db(pdf_path, vector_db_path, annoy_index_path) | |
print("Vector database and Annoy index creation completed.") | |
def chatbot_interface(file, user_query, response_style): | |
vector_db_path = "vector_db.pkl" | |
annoy_index_path = "vector_index.ann" | |
chunk_size = 2048 | |
overlap = 200 | |
store_embeddings_in_vector_db(, vector_db_path, annoy_index_path, chunk_size, overlap) | |
chatbot = MistralRAGChatbot(vector_db_path, annoy_index_path) | |
selected_retrieval_methods_list = ['annoy', 'bm25'] | |
selected_reranking_methods_list = ["advanced_fusion"] | |
response, retrieved_docs, source_info = | |
user_query=user_query, | |
response_style=response_style, | |
selected_retrieval_methods=selected_retrieval_methods_list, | |
selected_reranking_methods=selected_reranking_methods_list | |
)) | |
formatted_response = f"# **ChanceRAG Response:**\n\n{response}\n\n" | |
formatted_response += "Retrieved and Reranked Documents:\n" | |
for idx, doc_info in enumerate(source_info, start=1): | |
formatted_response += f"\nDocument {idx}:\n" | |
formatted_response += f"Content Preview: {doc_info['text'][:200]}...\n" | |
formatted_response += f"Retrieval Method: {doc_info['method']}\n" | |
if 'score' in doc_info: | |
formatted_response += f"Precision Score: {doc_info['score']:.4f}\n" | |
return formatted_response | |
iface = gr.Blocks(theme="Rabbitt-AI/ChanceRAG") | |
with iface: | |
gr.Image("images/chanceRAG_logo.jpg", label="Image", show_label=False) | |
gr.Interface( | |
fn=chatbot_interface, | |
theme="Rabbitt-AI/ChanceRAG", | |
inputs=[ | |
gr.File(label="Upload a File"), | |
gr.Textbox(lines=5, label="User Query"), | |
gr.Dropdown([ | |
"Detailed", "Concise", "Creative", "Technical"], label="Response Style" | |
), | |
], | |
outputs= gr.Markdown(value="# **ChanceRAG Response**"), | |
) | |
iface.launch(share=True) |