,answer,gpt4answer,result,md5 0,office,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the office",True,1e4c738cc08410c3f423c48ba0e350a3 1,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the office",True,e6fc64c3d966f4b46c45bb953de115da 2,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the bedroom",False,c747278a583b5776ce53572f3d185d61 3,bathroom,"before the garden the football was in the office. explanation: 1. daniel took the football from the office (daniel journeyed to the office. daniel took the football there.) 2. daniel moved to the garden with the football (daniel travelled to the garden.) 3. therefore, before the football was in the garden, it was in the office",False,b887fc8cf13c2d4e69a98d84ee436dc1 4,bathroom,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,64e293a7a289ac03c72bd67e48604c2c 5,garden,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the hallway. explanation: the context mentions that ""sandra went to the hallway"" and later ""sandra got the apple."" this means that sandra obtained the apple while she was in the hallway. then it states that ""sandra went to the bathroom,"" which implies that she brought the apple with her to the bathroom. therefore, before the bathroom, the apple was in the hallway",False,e3bf32274ece1335f667a05169b923c5 6,kitchen,"before the office, the milk was in the kitchen",True,da863fd820c8246d062479d61ef9871b 7,kitchen,"before the office, the apple was in the bedroom",False,63540a5f359da9b610b9da15b59328ed 8,kitchen,before the office the apple was in the hallway,False,59c70d90264942f68f041d0508be8031 9,bedroom,"before the office, the apple was in the garden",False,89d86da29d25d4e46e3b8f3cc0ca729f 10,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was in the office",False,2182846158a83c42261e1267d8da11ed 11,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was in the office",False,da7e1f1ebacf3e6182ffdf6668bb8eae 12,garden,before the bathroom the milk was in the office,False,3a1fa5bd3afd84d713880cd475bb984e 13,garden,before the bathroom the milk was in the kitchen,False,7cb13bced217486b115801e32cd81bb3 14,garden,before the bathroom the milk was in the office,False,2e38d18ce1b89fde7517af89ceb6424d 15,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,b3dffbf17b9db63e4b1b6352d5846262 16,kitchen,"before the garden the football was in the office. explanation: john initially got the football. sandra then got the football and later left it in the office. daniel moved to the office before daniel moved to the garden. therefore, the football was in the office before the garden",False,e2ba00aa4a82e17ae52246783ec0de0e 17,garden,before the bedroom the milk was in the office,False,c16846a2b97d9312d08cb97df4f393cd 18,garden,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",False,e9707b0f6fa931cc404eb72509cf5b0a 19,bedroom,"before the bathroom, the football was in the office. explanation: 1. daniel moved to the bathroom. 2. john got the football. 3. sandra grabbed the milk. 4. sandra put down the milk. 5. daniel journeyed to the bedroom. 6. moravedi (or marabouteen,) that is to say, marabouts, [2] who rose into consequence about 1050, and their first prince was aberbekr omer el lamethounx, a native of sous. their dynasty terminated in 1149. 7. sandra took the milk. 8. sandra put down the milk there. 9. john put down the football. 10. the almohades. these are supposed to be sprung from the berber tribes. 11. mary travelled to the hallway. 12. they conquered all north western morocco, and reigned about one hundred years, the dynasty terminated in 1269. 13. john took the football. 14. sandra went back to the office. 15. mary moved to the garden. 16. sandra journeyed to the hallway. 17. mary went to the office. 18. sandra went back to the office. 19. the merinites. sandra moved to the bathroom. 20. john dropped the football. 21. sandra got the football. 22. sandra left the football there. 23. in their time, the portuguese established themselves on the coast of morocco; their dynasty ended in 1550. 24. daniel moved to the bedroom. 25. daniel journeyed to the office. 26. the shereefs (oulad ali) of the present dynasty, whose founder was hasein, have now occupied the imperial throne more than three centuries. 27. daniel moved to the bedroom. 28. the anticipations of the uncle have been abundantly realized by the nephew, for muley abd errahman, with the exception of the short period of the french hostilities, (which was not his own work and happened in spite of him), has preserved the intact without, and quiet during the many years he has occupied the throne. 29. his moorish majesty, who is advanced in life, is a man of middle stature. 30. sandra got the football. 31. the emperor's son, when out on a military expedition, is also honoured by the presence of the imperial parasol, which was found in sidi mohammed's tent at the battle of isly. 32. john went back to the office. 33. daniel grabbed the apple. 34. muley abd errahman is not given to excesses of any kind, (unless avarice is so considered), though his three harems of fas, miknas, and morocco may be stocked, or more politely, adorned, with a thousand ladies or so, and the treasures of the empire are at his disposal. 35. he is not a man of blood; he rarely decapitates a minister or a governor, notwithstanding that he frequently confiscates their property, and sometimes imprisons them to discover their treasures, and drain them of their last farthing. 36. the emperor lives on good terms with the rest of his family. 37. he has one son, governor of fez (sidi mohammed), and another son, governor of rabat. 38. the greater part of the royal family reside at tafilett, the ancient country of the sherfah, or shereefs, and is still especially appropriated for their residence. 39. john went to the hallway. 40. ali bey reported as the information of his time, that there were at tafilett no less than two thousand shereefs, who all pretended to have a right to the throne of morocco, and who, for that reasons enjoyed certain gratifications paid them by the reigning sultan. 41. mary went back to the office. 42. mary left the football. 43. he adds that, during an interregnum, many of them took up arms and threw the empire into anarchy. 44. this state of things is happily past, and, as to the number of the shereefs at tafilett, all that we know is, there is a small fortified town, inhabited entirely by shereefs, living in moderate, if not impoverished circumstances. 45. the shereefian sultans of morocco are not only the successors of the arabian sovereigns of spain, but may justly dispute the caliphat with the osmanlis, or turkish sultans. 46. their right to be the chiefs of islamism is better founded than the pretended apostolic successors at rome, who, in matters of religion, they in some points resemble. 47. i introduce here, with some unimportant variations, a translation from graeberg de hemso of the imperial shereefian pedigree, to correspond with the genealogical tableaux, which the reader will find in succeeding pages, of the moorish dynasties of tunis and tripoli. 48. genealogy of the reigning dynasty of morocco. from the context, it can be seen that john first got the football and then put it down. after that, sandra took the football and went to the office. later, sandra moved to the bathroom, but it is not mentioned whether she took the football with her or not. however, since the next action mentioned is daniel moving to the bathroom, it can be inferred that sandra left the football in the office before moving to the bathroom. therefore, before the bathroom, the football was in the office",False,36c5794ace7d112ebf908da325e91ab9 20,garden,"before the hallway, the football was in the office",False,b6895e6eb6396a529d1ccc516ce50648 21,garden,"before the office, the football was in the hallway",False,04eb8de60dfbd055cecaf3428f7427f5 22,hallway,"before the garden, the football was in the hallway",True,fcc6027304e7d1aca48cff7f8e417918 23,office,"before the kitchen, the milk was in the hallway",False,6175fe543d7db4fd8654d4654dc9db01 24,kitchen,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",True,f5a28956ffa0eebdfeaa0bb05783216e 25,office,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the kitchen",False,a926b5b73eb0fe475e7c033595787cc9 26,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the office",True,450c880308ba9cbe870fe5b806a9f043 27,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the office. this can be deduced from the following facts: john grabbed the apple in the office and later moved to the hallway. since john had the apple with him when he moved, the apple must have been in the office before it was in the hallway",False,feae3042a86230168004b8c09f80a7d9 28,bathroom,before the garden the football was in the office,False,139083a314155985d925bf53f2dbc290 29,bathroom,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,de7c1682360a2eda7f663e5ba996ead3 30,garden,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the garden",True,b83ba7c01c681a18739e9620f385eb01 31,kitchen,"before the office, the milk was in the kitchen",True,52d46419416cd98eb8b8fd22c41b4518 32,kitchen,before the office the apple was in the bedroom,False,ad7b42a89d729904461bde4a294b21f4 33,kitchen,"before the office the apple was in the hallway. explanation: mary travelled to the hallway. sandra dropped the apple. sandra grabbed the apple there. mary went to the office. therefore, before the office, the apple was in the hallway",False,a5175c4c9e361a8887c9668c7c422f6e 34,bedroom,"before the office, the apple was in the hallway",False,f211f94c52668da8500fb33726035c0d 35,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was in the kitchen",False,d098fffc214f9b86c1b4dc2a2b07e30d 36,garden,before the bedroom the apple was in the office,False,af2f884b324963873e761f756d4acc2c 37,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the office",False,74e30e1ba237b86f2f57631a7b4b8b8b 38,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the kitchen",False,27fec49bdd1c801e75c079c25078ce6a 39,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway",False,f47586dbbf6385b3cd148b9385e9d2b5 40,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,c360212681dc264dc3886d091d57053d 41,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the office. context explanation: 1. john got the football. 2. daniel moved to the bathroom. (no mention of the football) 3. sandra grabbed the milk. (no mention of the football) 4. heywood snatched at the burning fuse and missed. (no mention of the football) 5. someone else caught up the long bulk, and threw it out. (no mention of the football) 6. kempner threw the bamboo case bound with rings of leather or metal. (no mention of the football) 7. daniel moved to the bedroom. (no mention of the football) 8. sandra took the milk. (no mention of the football) 9. sandra put down the milk there. (no mention of the football) 10. daniel journeyed to the bedroom. (no mention of the football) 11. sandra took the milk. (no mention of the football) 12. john put down the football. (football is now in the office) 13. mary travelled to the hallway. (no mention of the football) 14. john took the football. (john took the football from the office) 15. mary moved to the garden. (no mention of the football) the football was last mentioned in point 12, where john put it down in the office. the next time the football is mentioned is in point 14, where john takes it from the office. therefore, the football was in the office before it was in the garden",False,f8414824bcac00bfbc42d8c59c182f58 42,garden,before the bedroom the milk was in the office,False,9b7285bec7b85cfaa15a80b9916bc723 43,garden,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",False,7ae3f752f1a6b12b9c74eb62da5ade06 44,bedroom,"before the bathroom, the football was in the office",False,1c86c5b174e7d9d705547313bd513ab1 45,garden,"before the hallway, the football was in the kitchen",False,87a809edddb6b39aa2b0a04deee6e17d 46,garden,"before the office, the football was in the garden",True,60541d00de2615326741cf736dc081bd 47,hallway,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,2b1e16902744bc93e20e2ff4cd63b40d 48,office,"before the kitchen, the milk was in the hallway",False,d29091d1f8b5b63a33e524074d52af7e 49,kitchen,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",True,e87ed7a249e57392563b3b807adf1708 50,office,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the office",True,061fa74a43557e1154a5fb7590600809 51,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the kitchen",False,f3ad89dc2688da5a7b4fe2ba794e2ece 52,office,before the hallway the apple was in the office,True,119c130d5d10721eb98338548cf19b18 53,bathroom,"before the garden, the football was in the hallway",False,b504b8de092030fb32e0fb2ee89a251d 54,bathroom,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,6778a1c8dcebec8cd28565db33fea09c 55,garden,"before the bathroom the apple was in the bedroom. explanation: the apple was first mentioned in the sentence ""sandra got the apple."" the next sentence is ""mary moved to the garden."" this does not indicate that the apple was moved. later, the sentence ""mary journeyed to the bathroom."" is given, but there is no mention of the apple being moved again. therefore, based on the information provided, the apple was in the bedroom before the bathroom. final answer: before the bathroom the apple was in the bedroom",False,5b12b3d1edc7a62511ff5e2c33a07c31 56,kitchen,"before the office, the milk was in the kitchen",True,e87cdc25ec489f824ddf0dfd2ab9f569 57,kitchen,before the office the apple was in the hallway,False,17a3d570d7a1944068e7775a524072ce 58,kitchen,"before the office, the apple was in the hallway. this can be inferred from the following text: ""mary went to the office. sandra left the apple there."" this means that mary went to the office and sandra left the apple in the previous location, which was the hallway",False,2320696ea0bedfad505c733f4c4f1926 59,bedroom,before the office the apple was in the hallway,False,9ff81ad4ac5a53abd0d059369e46aa38 60,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was not in any location mentioned in the provided text. therefore, i cannot answer this question accurately based on the given information",False,323d15f97567c3faa4cfcbbf92818263 61,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was in the office",False,bb676cac9ba3c0903695957543ae411d 62,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the kitchen",False,46a229e2553ece03c290cf9805f7a89f 63,garden,before the bathroom the milk was in the hallway,False,ce6060f47886d4d5e06d97aace8bf290 64,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway",False,841c9ea093fb2bc07713c5b97f7f1e00 65,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,8721c1ec0d668308bd24aba84f9f18d7 66,kitchen,before the garden the football was in the office,False,18b1b6f21c84f72a5f9a11a8cbbde5d0 67,garden,before the bedroom the milk was in the kitchen,False,050e1289e298f8f931eba50d1e87f9e9 68,garden,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",False,e329bf531821b28e14292c70226e5b45 69,bedroom,"before the bathroom the football was in the hallway. explanation: the text states that ""mary travelled to the hallway.john took the football."" and later ""mary went to the bathroom.john dropped the football."" therefore, before the football was dropped in the bathroom, it was in the hallway",False,90304cab926db357f3e1d4af2f1aaeb2 70,garden,"before the hallway, the football was in the kitchen",False,0da7a00c1bb08cd2239e9f605adb7a91 71,garden,"before the office, the football was in the hallway",False,1a441b1819e347e27b2178d8e653ff2b 72,hallway,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,5f18cf7c5252e7faa094212ed20df5b8 73,office,"before the kitchen the milk was in the office. explanation: sandra put down the milk in the kitchen. before that, sandra went back to the office with the football and dropped it there. before that, sandra picked up the milk in the kitchen. therefore, before the milk was in the kitchen, it was in the office",True,2512aab8efc78d1a0f1f8a54b2b15832 74,kitchen,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",True,06fedd665dd2e2ae2f369d7a12b6597d 75,office,before the bathroom the apple was in the office,True,a3116e09dc3d7b507aa98f6276b571e6 76,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the office",True,8769795ce95fb548be62288f536b0856 77,office,"before the hallway, the apple was in the office",True,d6c3f48dd7b00ad0a53edf00805e619c 78,bathroom,before the garden the football was in the bathroom,True,f68c9991b1d8ca247199a121aa60bd17 79,bathroom,before the garden the football was in the office,False,df999d1c4c9677f1a903cabf8465adbb 80,garden,"before the bathroom, the apple was in the garden",True,c96882369c5d236d5d6a6cdd1836a35f 81,kitchen,"before the office, the milk was in the kitchen",True,f8b9a35eeb570e039c00684497a3046c 82,kitchen,"before the office the apple was in the same location as mary, which is not mentioned in the provided context. therefore, it is not possible to determine where the apple was before the office based on the given information",False,6887349a81508dbdb974ae9ea200b21b 83,kitchen,"before the office the apple was in the same location as the office, as there is no mention of the apple being moved before mary journeyed to the office. the previous action involving the apple was sandra dropping it, but there is no indication of where this occurred. therefore, it is not possible to determine where the apple was before the office based on the provided context",False,8fa9ff5e5f2996c9d2aaf955b5cb7ee3 84,bedroom,"before the office, the apple was in the bedroom",True,27a8bf0ec61760a549fa473a86598da5 85,garden,"before the bedroom, the apple was not in any location mentioned in the context. the context only mentions a football and milk, but not an apple. therefore, it is impossible to determine where the apple was before the bedroom based on the information provided",False,67e1eb40a7d3a51ac38576f69f78e12c 86,garden,"before the bedroom the apple was in the location it was initially picked up from, which is not mentioned in the provided context. therefore, it is not possible to determine the location of the apple before it was in the bedroom based on the information provided",False,8c1f119148fa5ad416f1ffb02a792b42 87,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the kitchen. explanation: the text states that ""daniel put down the milk [in the kitchen]"" and later ""sandra went to the bathroom [from the kitchen]"". therefore, the milk must have been in the kitchen before sandra took it to the bathroom. confidence: 99%",False,5a332c4512c0d64e8340921713e6fe09 88,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway",False,cf7e4d1175e8c9ac0afbad52896a4edc 89,garden,"before the bathroom, the milk was in the hallway",False,8525cb308364022f50d58044759eae57 90,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the office",False,f1ee42c8fc8fd20f1889535b9a5285d1 91,kitchen,"before the garden, the football was in the hallway",False,183e3b9350806c1d1b7087b8200bb310 92,garden,before the bedroom the milk was in the kitchen,False,57e048b111f5ad6e6301dfd4a5c0cfa2 93,garden,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the office",False,21779fb4e53d6b4a36d96d4ce1362dac 94,bedroom,"before the bathroom, the football was in the office",False,a93d737d1bda483ddd154f3e6cd70ae7 95,garden,"before the hallway, the football was in the office",False,5f37d178f700623ce3a4bc6c0b00de4b 96,garden,before the office the football was in the hallway,False,b1a17011e998c3c696677c9eb2c9010e 97,hallway,"before the garden, the football was in the hallway",True,11ac3dd23e13219c7bb719e6f15a1352 98,office,"before the kitchen, the milk was in the office",True,72cd412f2a7731fc4a0c5c970157831e 99,kitchen,"before the bedroom, the milk was in the kitchen",True,ea09de07de0e88e1ecc3cbb806a6bbad