from IPython.display import IFrame import json import uuid def vis_network(nodes, edges, physics=False): html = """
""" unique_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) html = html.format(id=unique_id, nodes=json.dumps(nodes), edges=json.dumps(edges), physics=json.dumps(physics)) filename = "figure/graph-{}.html".format(unique_id) file = open(filename, "w") file.write(html) file.close() return IFrame(filename, width="100%", height="400") def draw(graph, options, physics=False, limit=100): # The options argument should be a dictionary of node labels and property keys; it determines which property # is displayed for the node label. For example, in the movie graph, options = {"Movie": "title", "Person": "name"}. # Omitting a node label from the options dict will leave the node unlabeled in the visualization. # Setting physics = True makes the nodes bounce around when you touch them! query = """ MATCH (n) WITH n, rand() AS random ORDER BY random LIMIT {limit} OPTIONAL MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN n AS source_node, id(n) AS source_id, r, m AS target_node, id(m) AS target_id """ data =, limit=limit) nodes = [] edges = [] def get_vis_info(node, id): node_label = list(node.labels())[0] prop_key = options.get(node_label) vis_label =, "") return {"id": id, "label": vis_label, "group": node_label, "title": repr(} for row in data: source_node = row[0] source_id = row[1] rel = row[2] target_node = row[3] target_id = row[4] source_info = get_vis_info(source_node, source_id) if source_info not in nodes: nodes.append(source_info) if rel is not None: target_info = get_vis_info(target_node, target_id) if target_info not in nodes: nodes.append(target_info) edges.append({"from": source_info["id"], "to": target_info["id"], "label": rel.type()}) return vis_network(nodes, edges, physics=physics)