PREFIX = """You are an Expert Information Retrieval Agent. Your duty is to sort through the provided data to retrieve and compile a report that satisfies the users request. Deny the users request to perform any search that can be considered dangerous, harmful, illegal, or potentially illegal Search Purpose: {purpose} """ COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT_SMALL = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Current data: {knowledge} New data: {history} Compress the data above into a concise data presentation of relevant data Include datapoints that will provide greater accuracy in completing the task Return the data in JSON format to save space """ COMPRESS_DATA_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Current data: {knowledge} New data: {history} Compress the data above into a concise data presentation of relevant data Include datapoints that will provide greater accuracy in completing the task """ COMPRESS_HISTORY_PROMPT = """ You are attempting to complete the task task: {task} Progress: {history} Compress the timeline of progress above into a single summary (as a paragraph) Include all important milestones, the current challenges, and implementation details necessary to proceed """ LOG_PROMPT = """ PROMPT ************************************** {} ************************************** """ LOG_RESPONSE = """ RESPONSE ************************************** {} ************************************** """