import gradio as gr import os import subprocess from IPython.display import Audio def get_video_title(url): # 使用 yt-dlp 获取视频标题 result =["yt-dlp", "--get-title", url], capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode == 0: return result.stdout.strip() else: return "Unknown Video" def fetch(url, custom_name, ext): title = get_video_title(url) # 截断标题为一个合理的长度 max_length = 50 # 调整为适当的值 truncated_title = title[:max_length].strip() filename = f"{custom_name}.{ext}" if custom_name else f"{truncated_title}.{ext}" opts = { "wav": ["-f", "ba", "-x", "--audio-format", "wav"], "mp4": ["-f", "bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best"], }[ext] command = ["yt-dlp"] + opts + [url, "-o", filename] return filename app = gr.Interface( theme='Hev832/EasyAndCool', fn=fetch, inputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="YouTube video address", placeholder="Paste video link here..."), gr.Textbox(label="file name", placeholder="Defaults to video title"), gr.Dropdown(value="wav", label="format") ], outputs=gr.File(label="Download the file!"), description="
YouTube wav downloader
" ) app.launch(debug=True, share=True)