import gradio as gr from loadimg import load_img import spaces from transformers import AutoModelForImageSegmentation import torch from torchvision import transforms import moviepy.editor as mp from PIL import Image import numpy as np import os import tempfile import uuid from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor torch.set_float32_matmul_precision("highest") birefnet = AutoModelForImageSegmentation.from_pretrained( "ZhengPeng7/BiRefNet", trust_remote_code=True ).to("cuda") transform_image = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize((1024, 1024)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ] ) BATCH_SIZE = 3 executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4) # Adjust as needed def get_background_image(bg_type, bg_image, background_frames, current_frame_index, video_handling, slow_down_factor): if bg_type == "Video": if video_handling == "slow_down": frame_index = int(current_frame_index / slow_down_factor) else: frame_index = current_frame_index return Image.fromarray(background_frames[frame_index % len(background_frames)]) elif bg_type == "Image": return bg_image # Directly returns the image path else: # bg_type == "Color" return bg_image # bg_image here is the color string @spaces.GPU def fn(vid, bg_type="Color", bg_image=None, bg_video=None, color="#00FF00", fps=0, video_handling="slow_down"): try: video = mp.VideoFileClip(vid) try: audio = except AttributeError: audio = None if fps == 0: fps = video.fps frames = video.iter_frames(fps=fps) processed_frames = [] yield gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) # Update Gradio display if bg_type == "Video": background_video = mp.VideoFileClip(bg_video) if background_video.duration < video.duration and video_handling == "slow_down": slow_down_factor = video.duration / background_video.duration else: slow_down_factor = 1 background_frames = list(background_video.iter_frames(fps=fps)) else: background_frames = None slow_down_factor = None # Not needed for image or color backgrounds bg_frame_index = 0 frame_batch = [] for i, frame in enumerate(frames): frame_batch.append(frame) if len(frame_batch) == BATCH_SIZE or i == int(video.fps * video.duration) - 1: pil_images = [Image.fromarray(f) for f in frame_batch] if bg_type == "Video": processed_images = list(, pil_images, [get_background_image(bg_type, bg_image, background_frames, bg_frame_index + j, video_handling, slow_down_factor) for j in range(len(pil_images))])) bg_frame_index += len(frame_batch) elif bg_type == "Color": processed_images = list(, pil_images, [color] * len(pil_images))) # Use color directly elif bg_type == "Image": processed_images = list(, pil_images, [bg_image] * len(pil_images))) # Use image path directly else: processed_images = pil_images # No processing needed for processed_image in processed_images: processed_frames.append(np.array(processed_image)) yield processed_image, None # Update Gradio with processed images frame_batch = [] processed_video = mp.ImageSequenceClip(processed_frames, fps=fps) if audio: processed_video = processed_video.set_audio(audio) # Save processed video to a temporary file temp_dir = "temp" os.makedirs(temp_dir, exist_ok=True) unique_filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".mp4" temp_filepath = os.path.join(temp_dir, unique_filename) processed_video.write_videofile(temp_filepath, codec="libx264", logger=None) yield gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) # Update Gradio display yield processed_image, temp_filepath # Return final output except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") yield gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) yield None, f"Error processing video: {e}" def process(image, bg): image_size = image.size input_images = transform_image(image).unsqueeze(0).to("cuda") with torch.no_grad(): preds = birefnet(input_images)[-1].sigmoid().cpu() pred = preds[0].squeeze() pred_pil = transforms.ToPILImage()(pred) mask = pred_pil.resize(image_size) if isinstance(bg, str) and bg.startswith("#"): # If bg is a color color_rgb = tuple(int(bg[i:i+2], 16) for i in (1, 3, 5)) background ="RGBA", image_size, color_rgb + (255,)) # Create image with color elif isinstance(bg, Image.Image): background = bg.convert("RGBA").resize(image_size) #Resize if bg is an image else: #If bg is an image path background ="RGBA").resize(image_size) # Open and resize image image = Image.composite(image, background, mask) return image with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Ocean()) as demo: with gr.Row(): in_video = gr.Video(label="Input Video", interactive=True) stream_image = gr.Image(label="Streaming Output", visible=False) out_video = gr.Video(label="Final Output Video") submit_button = gr.Button("Change Background", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): fps_slider = gr.Slider( minimum=0, maximum=60, step=1, value=0, label="Output FPS (0 will inherit the original fps value)", interactive=True ) bg_type = gr.Radio(["Color", "Image", "Video"], label="Background Type", value="Color", interactive=True) color_picker = gr.ColorPicker(label="Background Color", value="#00FF00", visible=True, interactive=True) bg_image = gr.Image(label="Background Image", type="filepath", visible=False, interactive=True) bg_video = gr.Video(label="Background Video", visible=False, interactive=True) with gr.Column(visible=False) as video_handling_options: video_handling_radio = gr.Radio(["slow_down", "loop"], label="Video Handling", value="slow_down", interactive=True) def update_visibility(bg_type): if bg_type == "Color": return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) elif bg_type == "Image": return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) elif bg_type == "Video": return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) else: return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False) bg_type.change(update_visibility, inputs=bg_type, outputs=[color_picker, bg_image, bg_video, video_handling_options]) examples = gr.Examples( [ ["rickroll-2sec.mp4", "Video", None, "background.mp4"], ["rickroll-2sec.mp4", "Image", "images.webp", None], ["rickroll-2sec.mp4", "Color", None, None], ], inputs=[in_video, bg_type, bg_image, bg_video], outputs=[stream_image, out_video], fn=fn, cache_examples=True, cache_mode="eager", ) fn, inputs=[in_video, bg_type, bg_image, bg_video, color_picker, fps_slider, video_handling_radio], outputs=[stream_image, out_video], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(show_error=True)