laion-whisper / whisperspeech /
Laion WhisperSpeech Demo
# AUTOGENERATED! DO NOT EDIT! File to edit: ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb.
# %% auto 0
__all__ = ['load_dataset', 'DelSumEmbedding', 'DelSumHead', 'rand', 'Tunables', 'SADelARTransformer']
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 1
import io
import time
import math
import random
import dataclasses
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 2
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity, schedule
from fastcore.basics import store_attr
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 3
from pathlib import Path
import json
from fastprogress import progress_bar, master_bar
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 4
from .modules import *
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 8
def rand(start, end):
return random.random() * (end - start) + start
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 9
def random_trunc(random_trunc_p, atoks_len = 2250, stoks_len = 750):
atoks_per_second = atoks_len / 30
def _trunc(samples):
for s in samples:
if random.random() < random_trunc_p:
seconds = rand(0.3, 30)
s['atoks.npy'] = s['atoks.npy'][:,:math.ceil(seconds * atoks_per_second)]
s['stoks.npy'] = s['stoks.npy'][:math.ceil(s['atoks.npy'].shape[-1]/atoks_len*stoks_len)]
yield s
return _trunc
def pad_samples(atoks_len = 2250, stoks_len = 750, stoks_pad_token = 4096):
def _pad(samples):
for s in samples:
s['stoks.npy'] = F.pad(torch.tensor(s['stoks.npy']), (1, stoks_len - s['stoks.npy'].shape[-1]-1), value=stoks_pad_token)
s['out_stoks'] = F.pad(torch.tensor(s['stoks.npy']), (0, stoks_len - s['stoks.npy'].shape[-1]), value=stoks_pad_token)
s['atoks.npy'] = F.pad(torch.tensor(s['atoks.npy']), (0, atoks_len - s['atoks.npy'].shape[-1]), value=-100)
yield s
return _pad
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 10
def make_speaker_map(shards):
speakers = set()
for shard in shards:
with open(shard+'.speakers.txt') as f: speakers = speakers.union(set(x.strip() for x in f.readlines()))
return {id:i for i,id in enumerate(sorted(speakers))}
def speaker_id_extractor(speaker_map):
def _extractor(samples):
for s in samples:
s['speaker'] = torch.tensor(speaker_map[s['__key__'].split("/")[1]])
yield s
return _extractor
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 27
def load_dataset(
atoks_shard_spec:str, # webdataset folder
stoks_shard_dir:str, # stoks webdataset base dir
samples:int, # samples per epoch
random_trunc_p:float=0,# probability of truncating the input to less than 30 seconds
import webdataset as wds
from whisperspeech import utils
shards = utils.shard_glob(atoks_shard_spec)
excludes = {x for file in exclude_files.split() for x in utils.readlines(file)} if exclude_files else set()
def check_for_nan(s):
if torch.tensor(s['spk_emb.npy']).isnan().any(): print("found NaN:", s['__key__'])
return s
def set_language(x):
x['language'] = language
return x
same_on_all_nodes = lambda urls: urls # will only be used for validation
ds = wds.WebDataset(shards, resampled=not validation, nodesplitter=same_on_all_nodes).compose(
utils.merge_in(utils.derived_dataset('maxvad-stoks', base='atoks-3kbps', suffix='', dir=stoks_shard_dir)),, s: s['__key__'] not in excludes),
wds.map_dict(**{'spk_emb.npy':np.nan_to_num}), # remove nans from the speaker embedding model
random_trunc(random_trunc_p) if random_trunc_p > 0 else lambda x: x,
wds.to_tuple('stoks.npy', 'atoks.npy', 'spk_emb.npy', 'language', 'out_stoks'),
wds.shuffle(20000, initial=20000),
if randomize_speakers:
rng = np.random.default_rng()
ds = ds.compose(
wds.map_tuple(None, None, lambda x: rng.permutation(x), None),
if validation:
ds = ds.slice(samples // 64)
ds.total_samples = samples
ds.weight = weight
return ds
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 37
class DelSumEmbedding(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_head=6, head_width=64, atoks_width=None, length=2250, codes=1024, quantizers=8, pos_embs=None):
self.length = length
width = n_head * head_width
if atoks_width is None: atoks_width = width
self.width = width
self.quantizers = quantizers
emb = None
embs = []
for _ in range(quantizers):
emb = FlexEmbeddings(codes, width, special_codes=2, frozen_width=atoks_width,
special_embedding=emb and emb.special)
self.embeddings = nn.ModuleList(embs)
if pos_embs is not None:
self.register_buffer("positional_embedding", pos_embs)
def forward(self, toks, xenc):
with record_function("embeddings"):
b,_,n = toks.shape
newn = min(n, self.length)
embs = torch.zeros((b,newn,self.width), dtype=xenc.dtype, device=xenc.device)
for i in range(self.quantizers):
embs[:, :] += self.embeddings[i](toks[:,i,:])
x =
return x
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 38
class DelSumHead(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, quantizers=8, n_head=6, head_width=64):
self.width = n_head * head_width
self.quantizers = quantizers
self.splitter = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(self.width, self.width * quantizers),
def forward(self, x, embeddings=None):
b, newn, _ = x.shape
with record_function("splitter"):
split = self.splitter(x).view(b,newn,self.quantizers,self.width)
with record_function("unembed"):
logits = torch.stack([embeddings[q].unembed(split[:,:,q]) for q in range(self.quantizers)], dim=1)
return logits
def rand(start, end):
return random.random() * (end - start) + start
class Tunables:
init_std :float = 9
embeddings_std :float = 0.2
embeddings_lr_scale: float = 10
output_mult :float = 5.6
# FIXME: try separate mults for self and cross attention
query_mult :float = .3
encoder_depth_ratio :float = 0.25
linear_heads :bool = False
rope :bool = True
lr0 :float = 3e-3
clip_gradient_norm :float = 2
weight_decay :float = 1e-3
warmup_steps :float = 2000
random :bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
# randomize the hyperparams if requested
if self.random:
self.init_std = 2*10**rand(0,1)
self.embeddings_std = 10**rand(-1.7,-0.22)
self.embeddings_lr_scale = 2**rand(2,4)
self.output_mult = 2**rand(1.5,3)
self.query_mult = 2**rand(-3,-1.3)
self.encoder_depth_ratio = random.choice([0.25,0.5])
self.linear_heads = False
self.rope = True
self.lr0 = 3e-3
self.clip_gradient_norm = 10**rand(-1,1)
self.warmup_steps = 100*(10**rand(1.18,1.3))
def upgrade(args):
args = {k:v for k,v in args.items()}
def old_default(name, value):
if name not in args: args[name] = value
old_default('rope', False)
old_default('linear_heads', True)
return args
class SADelARTransformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, depth=3, ctx_n=2250,
stoks_len=750, stoks_codes=4097, stoks_width=None,
n_head=3, head_width=64, ffn_mult=4,
quantizers=8, speaker_map={"1":0}, tunables=Tunables()):
self.quantizers = quantizers = 1024
width = n_head * head_width
self.width = width
self.base_width = 3 * head_width
self.tunables = tunables
if stoks_width is None: stoks_width = width
if spk_width is None: spk_width = width
self.emb_factor = width != stoks_width
self.spk_factor = width != spk_width
if tunables.rope:
self.positional_embeddings = None
self.register_buffer('positional_embeddings', sinusoids(ctx_n, width))
# self.speaker_embedding = nn.Embedding(len(speaker_map), spk_width)
self.semantic_embedding = nn.Embedding(stoks_codes, stoks_width)
if self.emb_factor:
self.emb_to_hidden = nn.Linear(stoks_width, width)
self.hidden_to_emb = nn.Linear(width, stoks_width)
if self.spk_factor:
self.spk_to_hidden = nn.Linear(spk_width, width)
qk_scale = self.tunables.query_mult * 8 / math.sqrt(head_width)
encoder_depth = int(depth * 2 * tunables.encoder_depth_ratio)
decoder_depth = depth * 2 - encoder_depth
self.encoder = nn.Sequential(*[
ResidualAttentionBlock(width, n_head, qk_scale=qk_scale, ffn_mult=ffn_mult, rope=tunables.rope) for _ in range(encoder_depth)
]) # FIXME: enclm requires causal attention here
self.ln_post = LayerNorm(width)
self.embds = DelSumEmbedding(
pos_embs=self.positional_embeddings, length=ctx_n,
n_head=n_head, head_width=head_width, atoks_width=atoks_width,
self.decoder = BaseDecoder(qk_scale=qk_scale, length=ctx_n,
n_head=n_head, width=n_head * head_width,
ffn_mult=ffn_mult, depth=decoder_depth,
self.head = DelSumHead(n_head=n_head, head_width=head_width, quantizers=quantizers)
for l in self.decoder.layers:
l.cross_attn.key_subsampling = 3
# for l in self.encoder:
# l.attn.key_subsampling = 3
# l.attn.query_subsampling = 3
self.register_buffer('val_true', torch.zeros(self.quantizers).cuda())
self.register_buffer('val_total', torch.zeros(self.quantizers).cuda())
def setup(self, device):
def load_frozen_semantic_embeddings(self, vqmodel):
with torch.no_grad():
self.semantic_embedding.weight[:] = vqmodel.rq.layers[0]._codebook.embed[0]
self.semantic_embedding.lr_scale = 0
def load_frozen_acoustic_embeddings(self, amodel):
for i in range(self.quantizers):
def init_transformer(self, m):
if isinstance(m, LinearHead):
m.no_weight_decay = True
torch.nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 0)
elif isinstance(m, QueryHead):
m.lr_scale = 1/(m.weight.shape[1] / self.base_width)
torch.nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 0)
elif isinstance(m, nn.Embedding):
m.no_weight_decay = True
m.lr_scale = self.tunables.embeddings_lr_scale
std = self.tunables.embeddings_std
torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=std, a=-3*std, b=3*std)
# elif isinstance(m, EmbeddingProjector):
# m.lr_scale = self.tunables.embeddings_lr_scale #1/(m.weight.shape[1] / self.base_width)
# m.lr_scale = 2/(m.weight.shape[1] / self.base_width)
# std = self.tunables.init_std / m.weight.shape[1]
# torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=std, a=-3*std, b=3*std)
elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
m.lr_scale = 1/(m.weight.shape[1] / self.base_width)
std = self.tunables.init_std / m.weight.shape[1]
torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(m.weight, std=std, a=-3*std, b=3*std)
if m.bias is not None:
torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(m.bias, std=std, a=-3*std, b=3*std)
elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
m.no_weight_decay = True
torch.nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
torch.nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
def embed_stoks(self, Stoks):
b,n = Stoks.shape
if self.stoks_len == 1500:
# converts 50 toks/s to 75 toks/s by adding padding between every two tokens
x = Stoks.reshape(b,n//2,2)
x = x.repeat_interleave(2, -1)[:,:,:3]
x[:,:,1] = 1024
x = x.reshape(b,n//2*3)
# it's a lot easier with 25 toks/s
# x = Stoks.repeat_interleave(3, -1)
x = Stoks
# embed semantic tokens
Sembs = self.semantic_embedding(
if self.emb_factor:
Sembs = self.emb_to_hidden(Sembs)
return Sembs
def _encoder(self, semb, positions):
x = semb
for l in self.encoder: x = l(x, positions)
return self.ln_post(x)
def run_encoder(self, Stoks, speakers):
semb = self.embed_stoks(Stoks)
with record_function("encoder"):
if self.positional_embeddings is not None: semb = semb + self.positional_embeddings
positions = torch.arange(0, semb.shape[1], device=semb.device)
xenc = self._encoder(semb, positions)
enc_logits = (self.hidden_to_emb(xenc) @
enc_logits = enc_logits * self.tunables.output_mult / (self.width / self.base_width)
enc_logits = None
# print(xenc.shape, speakers.shape)
spk_embs = F.normalize(speakers, dim=-1) # use extracted embeddings
if self.spk_factor: spk_embs = self.spk_to_hidden(spk_embs)
return xenc + spk_embs.unsqueeze(1), positions, enc_logits
def forward(self, Stoks, Atoks, speakers, langs=None, out_stoks=None, noloss=False, xenc=None, xenc_positions=None, atoks_positions=None):
if xenc is None:
Atoks =
out_stoks =
Atoks_gt = Atoks.clone()
Atoks_gt[Atoks == -100] = 1024
xenc, enc_logits = self.run_encoder(Stoks, speakers)
Atoks_gt = Atoks
with record_function("decoder"):
embs = self.embds(Atoks, xenc)
if atoks_positions is None: atoks_positions = torch.arange(0, embs.shape[1], device=embs.device)
x = self.decoder(embs, atoks_positions, xenc, xenc_positions)
logits = self.head(x, embeddings=self.embds.embeddings)
logits *= self.tunables.output_mult / (self.width / self.base_width)
if noloss:
return logits
with record_function("loss"):
N = Atoks.shape[-1]
loss = 0
for i in range(self.quantizers):
loss += F.cross_entropy(logits[:,i,i:].reshape(-1,logits.shape[-1]), Atoks[:,i,:N-i].reshape(-1))
if and i == 0:
loss *= 5
loss /= self.quantizers
loss += 0.1 * F.cross_entropy(enc_logits.transpose(-1,-2), out_stoks)
if not
for i in range(self.quantizers):
Atoks_i = Atoks[:,i,:N-i]
valid_Atoks = Atoks_i != -100
self.val_true[i] += (logits[:,i,i:].argmax(-1)[valid_Atoks] == Atoks_i[valid_Atoks]).float().sum()
self.val_total[i] += valid_Atoks.float().sum()
return logits, loss
def get_metrics(self):
metrics = {
f'acc_{i}':x.item() for i,x in enumerate(self.val_true / self.val_total)
self.val_true[:] = 0
self.val_total[:] = 0
return metrics
# inference
def load_model(cls, ref="collabora/whisperspeech:s2a-q4-small-en+pl.model",
repo_id=None, filename=None, local_filename=None):
if repo_id is None and filename is None and local_filename is None:
if ":" in ref:
repo_id, filename = ref.split(":", 1)
local_filename = ref
if not local_filename:
local_filename = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename)
spec = torch.load(local_filename)
if '_extra_state' not in spec['state_dict']: spec['state_dict']['_extra_state'] = { 'speaker_map': spec['config']['speaker_map'] }
model = cls(**spec['config'], tunables=Tunables(**Tunables.upgrade(spec['tunables'])))
return model
def get_extra_state(self):
return { 'speaker_map': self.speaker_map }
def set_extra_state(self, st):
self.speaker_map = st['speaker_map']
def load_checkpoint(self, local_filename):
spec = torch.load(local_filename, map_location='cpu')
assert 'pytorch-lightning_version' in spec, 'not a valid PyTorch Lightning checkpoint'
state_dict = {k.replace('model.', ''):v
for k,v in spec['state_dict'].items()}
return self
def save_model(self, fname): = self.__stored_args__,
tunables = dataclasses.asdict(self.tunables),
state_dict = self.state_dict()), fname)
def switch_dtypes(self, dtype=torch.float16):
self.dtype = dtype
for n,m in self.named_modules():
# convert every leaf layer apart from the LayerNorms
if isinstance(m, (nn.Linear, nn.Embedding)):
# take care of buffers ([kv]_cache, masks) that are not in the leaf layers
for bn,b in m.named_buffers(recurse=False):
def optimize(self, max_batch_size=1, dtype=torch.float16, torch_compile=True):
for emb in self.embds.embeddings:
for l in self.encoder:
for l in self.decoder.layers:
l.setup_kv_cache(max_batch_size, self.ctx_n, self.stoks_len)
if torch_compile:
self.generate_next = torch.compile(self.generate_next, mode="reduce-overhead", fullgraph=True)
def device(self):
return next(self.parameters()).device
# from
def multinomial_sample_one_no_sync(self, probs_sort): # Does multinomial sampling without a cuda synchronization
q = torch.empty_like(probs_sort).exponential_(1)
return torch.argmax(probs_sort / q, dim=-1, keepdim=True).to(
def logits_to_probs(self, logits, T=1.0, top_k=None):
logits = logits / max(T, 1e-5)
if top_k is not None:
v, _ = torch.topk(logits, min(top_k, logits.size(-1)))
pivot =, -1).unsqueeze(-1)
logits = torch.where(logits < pivot, -float("Inf"), logits)
probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
return probs
def sample(self, logits, T=1.0, top_k=None):
probs = self.logits_to_probs(logits[0,:,-1], T, top_k)
idx_next = self.multinomial_sample_one_no_sync(probs)
return idx_next
def generate_one(self, toks, positions, langs, xenc, xenc_positions, T, top_k):
probs = self(None, toks, None, langs, noloss=True, xenc=xenc, xenc_positions=xenc_positions, atoks_positions=positions)
return self.sample(probs, T, top_k)
def generate_next(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.generate_one(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, stoks, speakers, langs=None, N=None, T=0.7, top_k=None, show_progress_bar=True, step=None, subsample_enc=False):
dev = self.device
N = N or len(stoks) * 3
stoks = F.pad(, (1, self.stoks_len - len(stoks)-1), value=self.stoks_codes-1).unsqueeze(0)
speakers =, dtype=self.dtype)
toks = torch.full((1,self.quantizers,2250),, dtype=torch.long, device=dev)
it = range(1,min(N,2250-1))
if show_progress_bar: it = progress_bar(it)
with record_function("encode"):
xenc, xenc_positions, _ = self.run_encoder(stoks, speakers)
toks_positions = torch.arange(N, device=dev)
with record_function("prefill"):
toks[0,0,1] = self.generate_one(toks[:,:,:1], toks_positions[:1], langs, xenc, xenc_positions, T, top_k)[0,0]
with torch.backends.cuda.sdp_kernel(enable_flash=False, enable_mem_efficient=False, enable_math=True):
for i in it:
with record_function("generate_one"):
toks[0,:i+1,i+1] = self.generate_next(toks[:,:,i:i+1], toks_positions[i:i+1], langs, xenc, xenc_positions, T, top_k)[:i+1,0]
# for profiling, debugging or early exit
if step is not None: step()
# shift tokens
toks = toks[:,:,1:N]
for j in range(self.quantizers):
toks[0, j] = torch.roll(toks[0, j], -j)
return toks[0]
# %% ../nbs/4B. Multi-language semantic to acoustic token modeling.ipynb 39
def _make_model(size:str, quantizers:int=4, tunables:Tunables=Tunables(), **kwargs):
kwargs = dict(quantizers=quantizers, tunables=tunables, **kwargs)
if size == 'micro':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=4, n_head=3, ffn_mult=2, **kwargs)
if size == 'tiny-narrow':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=4, n_head=6, ffn_mult=1, **kwargs)
if size == 'tiny':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=4, n_head=6, **kwargs)
if size == 'base':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=6, n_head=8, **kwargs)
if size == 'base-deep':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=9, n_head=8, **kwargs)
if size == 'base-wide':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=6, n_head=12, **kwargs)
if size == 'small/2':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=9, n_head=12, **kwargs)
if size == 'small':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=12, n_head=12, **kwargs)
if size == 'medium':
return SADelARTransformer(depth=24, n_head=16, **kwargs)
def make_model(size:str, quantizers:int=4, frozen_embeddings_model:str=None, frozen_acoustic_embeddings:bool=False, spk_width:int=None, tunables:Tunables=Tunables(), dataset=None):
from encodec.model import EncodecModel
from whisperspeech import vq_stoks
amodel = EncodecModel.encodec_model_24khz() if frozen_acoustic_embeddings else None
vqmodel = vq_stoks.RQBottleneckTransformer.load_model(frozen_embeddings_model) if frozen_embeddings_model else None
model = _make_model(size, quantizers, tunables,
atoks_width=amodel and amodel.quantizer.vq.layers[0]._codebook.embed.shape[-1],
stoks_codes=vqmodel.vq_codes+1, stoks_width=vqmodel.rq.layers[0]._codebook.embed[0].shape[-1])
if vqmodel: model.load_frozen_semantic_embeddings(vqmodel)
if amodel: model.load_frozen_acoustic_embeddings(amodel)
return model