#                                                              #
# UTF8                                                         #
#                                                              #

package NLP::UTF8;

use NLP::utilities;
$util = NLP::utilities;

%empty_ht = ();

sub new {
   local($caller) = @_;

   my $object = {};
   my $class = ref( $caller ) || $caller;
   bless($object, $class);
   return $object;

sub unicode_string2string {
# input: string that might contain unicode sequences such as "U+0627"
# output: string in pure utf-8
   local($caller,$s) = @_;

   my $pre; 
   my $unicode; 
   my $post; 
   my $r1; 
   my $r2; 
   my $r3;

   ($pre,$unicode,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*)(?:U\+|\\u)([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])(.*)$/);
   return $s unless defined($post);
   $r1 = $caller->unicode_string2string($pre);
   $r2 = $caller->unicode_hex_string2string($unicode);
   $r3 = $caller->unicode_string2string($post);
   $result = $r1 . $r2 . $r3;
   return $result;

sub unicode_hex_string2string {
# input: "0627" (interpreted as hex code)
# output: utf-8 string for Arabic letter alef
   local($caller,$unicode) = @_;
   return "" unless defined($unicode);
   my $d = hex($unicode);
   return $caller->unicode2string($d);

sub unicode2string {
# input: non-neg integer, e.g. 0x627
# output: utf-8 string for Arabic letter alef
   local($caller,$d) = @_;
   return "" unless defined($d) && $d >= 0;
   return sprintf("%c",$d) if $d <= 0x7F;

   my $lastbyte1 = ($d & 0x3F) | 0x80;
   $d >>= 6;
   return sprintf("%c%c",$d | 0xC0, $lastbyte1) if $d <= 0x1F;

   my $lastbyte2 = ($d & 0x3F) | 0x80;
   $d >>= 6;
   return sprintf("%c%c%c",$d | 0xE0, $lastbyte2, $lastbyte1) if $d <= 0xF;

   my $lastbyte3 = ($d & 0x3F) | 0x80;
   $d >>= 6;
   return sprintf("%c%c%c%c",$d | 0xF0, $lastbyte3, $lastbyte2, $lastbyte1) if $d <= 0x7;

   my $lastbyte4 = ($d & 0x3F) | 0x80;
   $d >>= 6;
   return sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c",$d | 0xF8, $lastbyte4, $lastbyte3, $lastbyte2, $lastbyte1) if $d <= 0x3;

   my $lastbyte5 = ($d & 0x3F) | 0x80;
   $d >>= 6;
   return sprintf("%c%c%c%c%c%c",$d | 0xFC, $lastbyte5, $lastbyte4, $lastbyte3, $lastbyte2, $lastbyte1) if $d <= 0x1;
   return ""; # bad input

sub html2utf8 {
   local($caller, $string) = @_;

   return $string unless $string =~ /\&\#\d{3,5};/;

   my $prev = "";
   my $s = $string;
   while ($s ne $prev) {
      $prev = $s;
      ($pre,$d,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*)\&\#(\d+);(.*)$/);
      if (defined($d) && ((($d >= 160) && ($d <= 255))
                       || (($d >= 1500) && ($d <= 1699))
                       || (($d >= 19968) && ($d <= 40879)))) {
         $html_code = "\&\#" . $d . ";";
         $utf8_code = $caller->unicode2string($d);
         $s =~ s/$html_code/$utf8_code/;
   return $s;

sub xhtml2utf8 {
   local($caller, $string) = @_;

   return $string unless $string =~ /\&\#x[0-9a-fA-F]{2,5};/;

   my $prev = "";
   my $s = $string;
   while ($s ne $prev) {
      $prev = $s;
      if (($pre, $html_code, $x, $post) = ($s =~ /^(.*)(\&\#x([0-9a-fA-F]{2,5});)(.*)$/)) {
         $utf8_code = $caller->unicode_hex_string2string($x);
         $s =~ s/$html_code/$utf8_code/;
   return $s;

sub utf8_marker {
   return sprintf("%c%c%c\n", 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF);

sub enforcer {
# input: string that might not conform to utf-8
# output: string in pure utf-8, with a few "smart replacements" and possibly "?"
   local($caller,$s,$no_repair) = @_;

   my $ascii;
   my $utf8;
   my $rest;

   return $s if $s =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/;

   $no_repair = 0 unless defined($no_repair);
   $orig = $s;
   $result = "";

   while ($s ne "") {
      ($ascii,$rest) = ($s =~ /^([\x00-\x7F]+)(.*)$/);
      if (defined($ascii)) {
	 $result .= $ascii;
	 $s = $rest;
      ($utf8,$rest) = ($s =~ /^([\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/);
      ($utf8,$rest) = ($s =~ /^([\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/) 
	 unless defined($rest);
      ($utf8,$rest) = ($s =~ /^([\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/)
	 unless defined($rest);
      ($utf8,$rest) = ($s =~ /^([\xF8-\xFB][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/) 
	 unless defined($rest);
      if (defined($utf8)) {
	 $result .= $utf8;
	 $s = $rest;
      ($c,$rest) = ($s =~ /^(.)(.*)$/);
      if (defined($c)) {
	 if    ($no_repair)   { $result .= "?"; }
	 elsif ($c =~ /\x85/) { $result .= "..."; }
	 elsif ($c =~ /\x91/) { $result .= "'"; }
	 elsif ($c =~ /\x92/) { $result .= "'"; }
	 elsif ($c =~ /\x93/) { $result .= $caller->unicode2string(0x201C); }
	 elsif ($c =~ /\x94/) { $result .= $caller->unicode2string(0x201D); }
	 elsif ($c =~ /[\xC0-\xFF]/) {
	    $c2 = $c;
	    $c2 =~ tr/[\xC0-\xFF]/[\x80-\xBF]/;
	    $result .= "\xC3$c2";
	 } else {
	    $result .= "?";
	 $s = $rest;
      $s = "";
   $result .= "\n" if ($orig =~ /\n$/) && ! ($result =~ /\n$/);
   return $result;

sub split_into_utf8_characters {
# input: utf8 string
# output: list of sub-strings, each representing a utf8 character
   local($caller,$string,$group_control, *ht) = @_;

   @characters = ();
   $end_of_token_p_string = "";
   $skipped_bytes = "";
   $group_control = "" unless defined($group_control);
   $group_ascii_numbers = ($group_control =~ /ASCII numbers/);
   $group_ascii_spaces = ($group_control =~ /ASCII spaces/);
   $group_ascii_punct = ($group_control =~ /ASCII punct/);
   $group_ascii_chars = ($group_control =~ /ASCII chars/);
   $group_xml_chars = ($group_control =~ /XML chars/);
   $group_xml_tags = ($group_control =~ /XML tags/);
   $return_only_chars = ($group_control =~ /return only chars/);
   $return_trailing_whitespaces = ($group_control =~ /return trailing whitespaces/);
   if ($group_control =~ /ASCII all/) {
      $group_ascii_numbers = 1;
      $group_ascii_spaces = 1;
      $group_ascii_chars = 1;
      $group_ascii_punct = 1;
   if ($group_control =~ /(XML chars and tags|XML tags and chars)/) {
      $group_xml_chars = 1;
      $group_xml_tags = 1;
   $orig_string = $string;
   $string .= " ";
   while ($string =~ /\S/) {
      # one-character UTF-8 = ASCII
      if ($string =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]/) {
	 if ($group_xml_chars
	  && (($dec_unicode, $rest) = ($string =~ /^&#(\d+);(.*)$/s))
	  && ($utf8_char = $caller->unicode2string($dec_unicode))) {
	    push(@characters, $utf8_char);
	    $string = $rest;
	 } elsif ($group_xml_chars
	  && (($hex_unicode, $rest) = ($string =~ /^&#x([0-9a-f]{1,6});(.*)$/is))
	  && ($utf8_char = $caller->unicode_hex_string2string($hex_unicode))) {
	    push(@characters, $utf8_char);
	    $string = $rest;
	 } elsif ($group_xml_chars
	  && (($html_entity_name, $rest) = ($string =~ /^&([a-z]{1,6});(.*)$/is))
	  && ($dec_unicode = $ht{HTML_ENTITY_NAME_TO_DECUNICODE}->{$html_entity_name})
	  && ($utf8_char = $caller->unicode2string($dec_unicode))
	  ) {
	    push(@characters, $utf8_char);
	    $string = $rest;
	 } elsif ($group_xml_tags
	       && (($tag, $rest) = ($string =~ /^(<\/?[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*(\s+[a-zA-Z][-_:a-zA-Z0-9]*=\"[^"]*\")*\s*\/?>)(.*)$/s))) {
            push(@characters, $tag);
	    $string = $rest;
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_numbers && ($string =~ /^[12]\d\d\d\.[01]?\d.[0-3]?\d([^0-9].*)?$/)) {
	    ($date) = ($string =~ /^(\d\d\d\d\.\d?\d.\d?\d)([^0-9].*)?$/);
	    $string = substr($string, length($date));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_numbers && ($string =~ /^\d/)) {
	    ($number) = ($string =~ /^(\d+(,\d\d\d)*(\.\d+)?)/);
	    $string = substr($string, length($number));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_spaces && ($string =~ /^(\s+)/)) {
	    ($space) = ($string =~ /^(\s+)/);
	    $string = substr($string, length($space));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_punct && (($punct_seq) = ($string =~ /^(-+|\.+|[:,%()"])/))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($punct_seq));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && (($word) = ($string =~ /^(\$[A-Z]*|[A-Z]{1,3}\$)/))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($word));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && (($abbrev) = ($string =~ /^((?:Jan|Feb|Febr|Mar|Apr|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec|Mr|Mrs|Dr|a.m|p.m)\.)/))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($abbrev));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && (($word) = ($string =~ /^(second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year|inch|foot|yard|meter|kilometer|mile)-(?:long|old)/i))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($word));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && (($word) = ($string =~ /^(zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve|thirteen|fourteen|fifteen|sixteen|seventeen|eighteen|nineteen|twenty|thirty|forty|fifty|sixty|seventy|eighty|ninety|hundred|thousand|million|billion|trillion)-/i))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($word));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && (($word) = ($string =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)(?:[ ,;%?|()"]|'s |' |\. |\d+[:hms][0-9 ])/))) {
	    $string = substr($string, length($word));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && ($string =~ /^([\x21-\x27\x2A-\x7E]+)/)) { # exclude ()
	    ($ascii) = ($string =~ /^([\x21-\x27\x2A-\x7E]+)/);  # ASCII black-characters
	    $string = substr($string, length($ascii));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && ($string =~ /^([\x21-\x7E]+)/)) {
	    ($ascii) = ($string =~ /^([\x21-\x7E]+)/);  # ASCII black-characters
	    $string = substr($string, length($ascii));
	 } elsif ($group_ascii_chars && ($string =~ /^([\x00-\x7F]+)/)) {
	    ($ascii) = ($string =~ /^([\x00-\x7F]+)/);
	    $string = substr($string, length($ascii));
	 } else {
	    push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 1));
	    $string = substr($string, 1);

      # two-character UTF-8
      } elsif ($string =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]/) {
	 push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 2));
	 $string = substr($string, 2);

      # three-character UTF-8
      } elsif ($string =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) {
	 push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 3));
	 $string = substr($string, 3);

      # four-character UTF-8
      } elsif ($string =~ /^[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) {
	 push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 4));
	 $string = substr($string, 4);

      # five-character UTF-8
      } elsif ($string =~ /^[\xF8-\xFB][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) {
	 push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 5));
	 $string = substr($string, 5);

      # six-character UTF-8
      } elsif ($string =~ /^[\xFC-\xFD][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/) {
	 push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 6));
	 $string = substr($string, 6);

      # not a UTF-8 character
      } else {
         $skipped_bytes .= substr($string, 0, 1);
	 $string = substr($string, 1);
      $end_of_token_p_string .= ($string =~ /^\S/) ? "0" : "1" 
	 if $#characters >= length($end_of_token_p_string);
   $string =~ s/ $//; # remove previously added space, but keep original spaces
   if ($return_trailing_whitespaces) {
      while ($string =~ /^[ \t]/) {
         push(@characters,substr($string, 0, 1));
         $string = substr($string, 1);
      push(@characters, "\n") if $orig_string =~ /\n$/;
   return ($return_only_chars) ? @characters : ($skipped_bytes, $end_of_token_p_string, @characters);

sub max_substring_info {
   local($caller,$s1,$s2,$info_type) = @_;

   ($skipped_bytes1, $end_of_token_p_string1, @char_list1) = $caller->split_into_utf8_characters($s1, "", *empty_ht);
   ($skipped_bytes2, $end_of_token_p_string2, @char_list2) = $caller->split_into_utf8_characters($s2, "", *empty_ht);
   return 0 if $skipped_bytes1 || $skipped_bytes2;

   $best_substring_start1 = 0;
   $best_substring_start2 = 0;
   $best_substring_length = 0;

   foreach $start_pos2 ((0 .. $#char_list2)) {
      last if $start_pos2 + $best_substring_length > $#char_list2;
      foreach $start_pos1 ((0 .. $#char_list1)) {
         last if $start_pos1 + $best_substring_length > $#char_list1;
         $matching_length = 0;
         while (($start_pos1 + $matching_length <= $#char_list1)
	     && ($start_pos2 + $matching_length <= $#char_list2)
	     && ($char_list1[$start_pos1+$matching_length] eq $char_list2[$start_pos2+$matching_length])) {
	 if ($matching_length > $best_substring_length) {
	    $best_substring_length = $matching_length;
	    $best_substring_start1 = $start_pos1;
	    $best_substring_start2 = $start_pos2;
   if ($info_type =~ /^max-ratio1$/) {
      $length1 = $#char_list1 + 1;
      return ($length1 > 0) ? ($best_substring_length / $length1) : 0;
   } elsif ($info_type =~ /^max-ratio2$/) {
      $length2 = $#char_list2 + 1;
      return ($length2 > 0) ? ($best_substring_length / $length2) : 0;
   } elsif ($info_type =~ /^substring$/) {
      return join("", @char_list1[$best_substring_start1 .. $best_substring_start1+$best_substring_length-1]);
   } else {
      $length1 = $#char_list1 + 1;
      $length2 = $#char_list2 + 1;
      $info = "s1=$s1;s2=$s2";
      $info .= ";best_substring_length=$best_substring_length";
      $info .= ";best_substring_start1=$best_substring_start1";
      $info .= ";best_substring_start2=$best_substring_start2";
      $info .= ";length1=$length1";
      $info .= ";length2=$length2";
      return $info;

sub n_shared_chars_at_start {
   local($caller,$s1,$s2) = @_;

   my $n = 0;
   while (($s1 ne "") && ($s2 ne "")) {
      ($c1, $rest1) = ($s1 =~ /^(.[\x80-\xBF]*)(.*)$/);
      ($c2, $rest2) = ($s2 =~ /^(.[\x80-\xBF]*)(.*)$/);
      if ($c1 eq $c2) {
	 $s1 = $rest1;
	 $s2 = $rest2;
      } else {
   return $n;

sub char_length {
   local($caller,$string,$byte_offset) = @_;

   my $char = ($byte_offset) ? substr($string, $byte_offset) : $string;
   return 1 if $char =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]/;
   return 2 if $char =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF]/;
   return 3 if $char =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF]/;
   return 4 if $char =~ /^[\xF0-\xF7]/;
   return 5 if $char =~ /^[\xF8-\xFB]/;
   return 6 if $char =~ /^[\xFC-\xFD]/;
   return 0;

sub length_in_utf8_chars {
   local($caller,$s) = @_;

   $s =~ s/[\x80-\xBF]//g;
   $s =~ s/[\x00-\x7F\xC0-\xFF]/c/g;
   return length($s);

sub byte_length_of_n_chars {
   local($caller,$char_length,$string,$byte_offset,$undef_return_value) = @_;

   $byte_offset = 0 unless defined($byte_offset);
   $undef_return_value = -1 unless defined($undef_return_value);
   my $result = 0;
   my $len;
   foreach $i ((1 .. $char_length)) {
      $len = $caller->char_length($string,($byte_offset+$result));
      return $undef_return_value unless $len;
      $result += $len;
   return $result;

sub replace_non_ASCII_bytes {
   local($caller,$string,$replacement) = @_;

   $replacement = "HEX" unless defined($replacement);
   if ($replacement =~ /^(Unicode|U\+4|\\u|HEX)$/) {
      $new_string = "";
      while (($pre,$utf8_char, $post) = ($string =~ /^([\x09\x0A\x20-\x7E]*)([\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF8-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+|[\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/s)) {
	 if ($replacement =~ /Unicode/) {
	    $new_string .= $pre . "<U" . (uc $caller->utf8_to_unicode($utf8_char)) . ">";
	 } elsif ($replacement =~ /\\u/) {
	    $new_string .= $pre . "\\u" . (uc sprintf("%04x", $caller->utf8_to_unicode($utf8_char)));
	 } elsif ($replacement =~ /U\+4/) {
	    $new_string .= $pre . "<U+" . (uc $caller->utf8_to_4hex_unicode($utf8_char)) . ">";
	 } else {
	    $new_string .= $pre . "<HEX-" . $caller->utf8_to_hex($utf8_char) . ">";
	 $string = $post;
      $new_string .= $string;
   } else {
      $new_string = $string;
      $new_string =~ s/[\x80-\xFF]/$replacement/g;
   return $new_string;

sub valid_utf8_string_p {
   local($caller,$string) = @_;

   return $string =~ /^(?:[\x09\x0A\x20-\x7E]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])*$/;

sub valid_utf8_string_incl_ascii_control_p {
   local($caller,$string) = @_;

   return $string =~ /^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])*$/;

sub utf8_to_hex {
   local($caller,$s) = @_;

   $hex = "";
   foreach $i ((0 .. length($s)-1)) {
      $hex .= uc sprintf("%2.2x",ord(substr($s, $i, 1)));
   return $hex;

sub hex_to_utf8 {
   local($caller,$s) = @_;
   # surface string \xE2\x80\xBA to UTF8

   my $utf8 = "";
   while (($hex, $rest) = ($s =~ /^(?:\\x)?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2,2})(.*)$/)) {
      $utf8 .= sprintf("%c", hex($hex));
      $s = $rest;
   return $utf8;

sub utf8_to_4hex_unicode {
   local($caller,$s) = @_;

   return sprintf("%4.4x", $caller->utf8_to_unicode($s));

sub utf8_to_unicode {
   local($caller,$s) = @_;

   $unicode = 0;
   foreach $i ((0 .. length($s)-1)) {
      $c = substr($s, $i, 1);
      if ($c =~ /^[\x80-\xBF]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 64 + (ord($c) & 0x3F);
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 32 + (ord($c) & 0x1F);
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 16 + (ord($c) & 0x0F);
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xF0-\xF7]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 8 + (ord($c) & 0x07);
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xF8-\xFB]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 4 + (ord($c) & 0x03);
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xFC-\xFD]$/) {
	 $unicode = $unicode * 2 + (ord($c) & 0x01);
   return $unicode;

sub charhex {
   local($caller,$string) = @_;

   my $result = "";
   while ($string ne "") {
      $char = substr($string, 0, 1);
      $string = substr($string, 1);
      if ($char =~ /^[ -~]$/) {
         $result .= $char;
      } else {
	 $hex = sprintf("%2.2x",ord($char));
	 $hex =~ tr/a-f/A-F/;
         $result .= "<HEX-$hex>";
   return $result;

sub windows1252_to_utf8 {
   local($caller,$s, $norm_to_ascii_p, $preserve_potential_utf8s_p) = @_;

   return $s if $s =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/; # all ASCII

   $norm_to_ascii_p = 1 unless defined($norm_to_ascii_p);
   $preserve_potential_utf8s_p = 1 unless defined($preserve_potential_utf8s_p);
   my $result = "";
   my $c = "";
   while ($s ne "") {
      $n_bytes = 1;
      if ($s =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]/) {
	 $result .= substr($s, 0, 1);  # ASCII
      } elsif ($preserve_potential_utf8s_p && ($s =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]/)) {
	 $result .= substr($s, 0, 2);  # valid 2-byte UTF8
         $n_bytes = 2;
      } elsif ($preserve_potential_utf8s_p && ($s =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/)) {
	 $result .= substr($s, 0, 3);  # valid 3-byte UTF8
         $n_bytes = 3;
      } elsif ($preserve_potential_utf8s_p && ($s =~ /^[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/)) {
	 $result .= substr($s, 0, 4);  # valid 4-byte UTF8
         $n_bytes = 4;
      } elsif ($preserve_potential_utf8s_p && ($s =~ /^[\xF8-\xFB][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/)) {
	 $result .= substr($s, 0, 5);  # valid 5-byte UTF8
         $n_bytes = 5;
      } elsif ($s =~ /^[\xA0-\xBF]/) {
	 $c = substr($s, 0, 1);
	 $result .= "\xC2$c";
      } elsif ($s =~ /^[\xC0-\xFF]/) {
	 $c = substr($s, 0, 1);
	 $c =~ tr/[\xC0-\xFF]/[\x80-\xBF]/;
	 $result .= "\xC3$c";
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x80/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x82\xAC";  # Euro sign
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x82/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\x9A";  # single low quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x83/) {
	 $result .= "\xC6\x92";      # Latin small letter f with hook
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x84/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\x9E";  # double low quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x85/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "..." : "\xE2\x80\xA6";  # horizontal ellipsis (three dots)
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x86/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xA0";  # dagger
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x87/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xA1";  # double dagger
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x88/) {
	 $result .= "\xCB\x86";      # circumflex
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x89/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xB0";  # per mille sign
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x8A/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\xA0";      # Latin capital letter S with caron
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x8B/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xB9";  # single left-pointing angle quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x8C/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\x92";      # OE ligature
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x8E/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\xBD";      # Latin capital letter Z with caron
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x91/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "`" : "\xE2\x80\x98";  # left single quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x92/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "'" : "\xE2\x80\x99";  # right single quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x93/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\x9C";  # left double quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x94/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\x9D";  # right double quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x95/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xA2";  # bullet
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x96/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "-" : "\xE2\x80\x93";  # n dash
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x97/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "-" : "\xE2\x80\x94";  # m dash
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x98/) {
	 $result .= ($norm_to_ascii_p) ? "~" : "\xCB\x9C";      # small tilde
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x99/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x84\xA2";  # trade mark sign
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x9A/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\xA1";      # Latin small letter s with caron
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x9B/) {
	 $result .= "\xE2\x80\xBA";  # single right-pointing angle quotation mark
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x9C/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\x93";      # oe ligature
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x9E/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\xBE";      # Latin small letter z with caron
      } elsif ($s =~ /^\x9F/) {
	 $result .= "\xC5\xB8";      # Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
      } else {
	 $result .= "?";
      $s = substr($s, $n_bytes);
   return $result;

sub delete_weird_stuff {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   # delete control chacters (except tab and linefeed), zero-width characters, byte order mark,
   # directional marks, join marks, variation selectors, Arabic tatweel
   $s =~ s/([\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F\x7F]|\xC2[\x80-\x9F]|\xD9\x80|\xE2\x80[\x8B-\x8F]|\xEF\xB8[\x80-\x8F]|\xEF\xBB\xBF|\xF3\xA0[\x84-\x87][\x80-\xBF])//g;
   return $s;

sub number_of_utf8_character {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   $s2 = $s;
   $s2 =~ s/[\x80-\xBF]//g;
   return length($s2);

sub cap_letter_reg_exp {
   # includes A-Z and other Latin-based capital letters with accents, umlauts and other decorations etc.
   return "[A-Z]|\xC3[\x80-\x96\x98-\x9E]|\xC4[\x80\x82\x84\x86\x88\x8A\x8C\x8E\x90\x94\x964\x98\x9A\x9C\x9E\xA0\xA2\xA4\xA6\xA8\xAA\xAC\xAE\xB0\xB2\xB4\xB6\xB9\xBB\xBD\xBF]|\xC5[\x81\x83\x85\x87\x8A\x8C\x8E\x90\x92\x96\x98\x9A\x9C\x9E\xA0\xA2\xA4\xA6\xA8\xAA\xAC\xB0\xB2\xB4\xB6\xB8\xB9\xBB\xBD]";

sub regex_extended_case_expansion {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   if ($s =~ /\xC3/) {
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA0/\xC3\[\x80\xA0\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA1/\xC3\[\x81\xA1\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2/\xC3\[\x82\xA2\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA3/\xC3\[\x83\xA3\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA4/\xC3\[\x84\xA4\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA5/\xC3\[\x85\xA5\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA6/\xC3\[\x86\xA6\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA7/\xC3\[\x87\xA7\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA8/\xC3\[\x88\xA8\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA9/\xC3\[\x89\xA9\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAA/\xC3\[\x8A\xAA\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAB/\xC3\[\x8B\xAB\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAC/\xC3\[\x8C\xAC\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAD/\xC3\[\x8D\xAD\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAE/\xC3\[\x8E\xAE\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAF/\xC3\[\x8F\xAF\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB0/\xC3\[\x90\xB0\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB1/\xC3\[\x91\xB1\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB2/\xC3\[\x92\xB2\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB3/\xC3\[\x93\xB3\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB4/\xC3\[\x94\xB4\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB5/\xC3\[\x95\xB5\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB6/\xC3\[\x96\xB6\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB8/\xC3\[\x98\xB8\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB9/\xC3\[\x99\xB9\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBA/\xC3\[\x9A\xBA\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBB/\xC3\[\x9B\xBB\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBC/\xC3\[\x9C\xBC\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBD/\xC3\[\x9D\xBD\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBE/\xC3\[\x9E\xBE\]/g;
   if ($s =~ /\xC5/) {
   $s =~ s/\xC5\x91/\xC5\[\x90\x91\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC5\xA1/\xC5\[\xA0\xA1\]/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC5\xB1/\xC5\[\xB0\xB1\]/g;

   return $s;

sub extended_lower_case {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   $s =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;

      # Latin-1
      if ($s =~ /\xC3[\x80-\x9F]/) {
         $s =~ s/À/à/g;
         $s =~ s/Á/á/g;
         $s =~ s/Â/â/g;
         $s =~ s/Ã/ã/g;
         $s =~ s/Ä/ä/g;
         $s =~ s/Å/å/g;
         $s =~ s/Æ/æ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ç/ç/g;
         $s =~ s/È/è/g;
         $s =~ s/É/é/g;
         $s =~ s/Ê/ê/g;
         $s =~ s/Ë/ë/g;
         $s =~ s/Ì/ì/g;
         $s =~ s/Í/í/g;
         $s =~ s/Î/î/g;
         $s =~ s/Ï/ï/g;
         $s =~ s/Ð/ð/g;
         $s =~ s/Ñ/ñ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ò/ò/g;
         $s =~ s/Ó/ó/g;
         $s =~ s/Ô/ô/g;
         $s =~ s/Õ/õ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ö/ö/g;
         $s =~ s/Ø/ø/g;
         $s =~ s/Ù/ù/g;
         $s =~ s/Ú/ú/g;
         $s =~ s/Û/û/g;
         $s =~ s/Ü/ü/g;
         $s =~ s/Ý/ý/g;
         $s =~ s/Þ/þ/g;
      # Latin Extended-A
      if ($s =~ /[\xC4-\xC5][\x80-\xBF]/) {
         $s =~ s/Ā/ā/g;
         $s =~ s/Ă/ă/g;
         $s =~ s/Ą/ą/g;
         $s =~ s/Ć/ć/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĉ/ĉ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ċ/ċ/g;
         $s =~ s/Č/č/g;
         $s =~ s/Ď/ď/g;
         $s =~ s/Đ/đ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ē/ē/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĕ/ĕ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ė/ė/g;
         $s =~ s/Ę/ę/g;
         $s =~ s/Ě/ě/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĝ/ĝ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ğ/ğ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ġ/ġ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ģ/ģ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĥ/ĥ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ħ/ħ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĩ/ĩ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ī/ī/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĭ/ĭ/g;
         $s =~ s/Į/į/g;
         $s =~ s/İ/ı/g;
         $s =~ s/IJ/ij/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĵ/ĵ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ķ/ķ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ĺ/ĺ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ļ/ļ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ľ/ľ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŀ/ŀ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ł/ł/g;
         $s =~ s/Ń/ń/g;
         $s =~ s/Ņ/ņ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ň/ň/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŋ/ŋ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ō/ō/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŏ/ŏ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ő/ő/g;
         $s =~ s/Œ/œ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŕ/ŕ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŗ/ŗ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ř/ř/g;
         $s =~ s/Ś/ś/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŝ/ŝ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ş/ş/g;
         $s =~ s/Š/š/g;
         $s =~ s/Ţ/ţ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ť/ť/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŧ/ŧ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ũ/ũ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ū/ū/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŭ/ŭ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ů/ů/g;
         $s =~ s/Ű/ű/g;
         $s =~ s/Ų/ų/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŵ/ŵ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ŷ/ŷ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ź/ź/g;
         $s =~ s/Ż/ż/g;
         $s =~ s/Ž/ž/g;
      # Greek letters
      if ($s =~ /\xCE[\x86-\xAB]/) {
         $s =~ s/Α/α/g;
         $s =~ s/Β/β/g;
         $s =~ s/Γ/γ/g;
         $s =~ s/Δ/δ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ε/ε/g;
         $s =~ s/Ζ/ζ/g;
         $s =~ s/Η/η/g;
         $s =~ s/Θ/θ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ι/ι/g;
         $s =~ s/Κ/κ/g;
         $s =~ s/Λ/λ/g;
         $s =~ s/Μ/μ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ν/ν/g;
         $s =~ s/Ξ/ξ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ο/ο/g;
         $s =~ s/Π/π/g;
         $s =~ s/Ρ/ρ/g;
         $s =~ s/Σ/σ/g;
         $s =~ s/Τ/τ/g;
         $s =~ s/Υ/υ/g;
         $s =~ s/Φ/φ/g;
         $s =~ s/Χ/χ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ψ/ψ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ω/ω/g;
         $s =~ s/Ϊ/ϊ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ϋ/ϋ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ά/ά/g;
         $s =~ s/Έ/έ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ή/ή/g;
         $s =~ s/Ί/ί/g;
         $s =~ s/Ό/ό/g;
         $s =~ s/Ύ/ύ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ώ/ώ/g;
      # Cyrillic letters
      if ($s =~ /\xD0[\x80-\xAF]/) {
         $s =~ s/А/а/g;
         $s =~ s/Б/б/g;
         $s =~ s/В/в/g;
         $s =~ s/Г/г/g;
         $s =~ s/Д/д/g;
         $s =~ s/Е/е/g;
         $s =~ s/Ж/ж/g;
         $s =~ s/З/з/g;
         $s =~ s/И/и/g;
         $s =~ s/Й/й/g;
         $s =~ s/К/к/g;
         $s =~ s/Л/л/g;
         $s =~ s/М/м/g;
         $s =~ s/Н/н/g;
         $s =~ s/О/о/g;
         $s =~ s/П/п/g;
         $s =~ s/Р/р/g;
         $s =~ s/С/с/g;
         $s =~ s/Т/т/g;
         $s =~ s/У/у/g;
         $s =~ s/Ф/ф/g;
         $s =~ s/Х/х/g;
         $s =~ s/Ц/ц/g;
         $s =~ s/Ч/ч/g;
         $s =~ s/Ш/ш/g;
         $s =~ s/Щ/щ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ъ/ъ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ы/ы/g;
         $s =~ s/Ь/ь/g;
         $s =~ s/Э/э/g;
         $s =~ s/Ю/ю/g;
         $s =~ s/Я/я/g;
         $s =~ s/Ѐ/ѐ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ё/ё/g;
         $s =~ s/Ђ/ђ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ѓ/ѓ/g;
         $s =~ s/Є/є/g;
         $s =~ s/Ѕ/ѕ/g;
         $s =~ s/І/і/g;
         $s =~ s/Ї/ї/g;
         $s =~ s/Ј/ј/g;
         $s =~ s/Љ/љ/g;
         $s =~ s/Њ/њ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ћ/ћ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ќ/ќ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ѝ/ѝ/g;
         $s =~ s/Ў/ў/g;
         $s =~ s/Џ/џ/g;
      # Fullwidth A-Z
      if ($s =~ /\xEF\xBC[\xA1-\xBA]/) {
         $s =~ s/A/a/g;
         $s =~ s/B/b/g;
         $s =~ s/C/c/g;
         $s =~ s/D/d/g;
         $s =~ s/E/e/g;
         $s =~ s/F/f/g;
         $s =~ s/G/g/g;
         $s =~ s/H/h/g;
         $s =~ s/I/i/g;
         $s =~ s/J/j/g;
         $s =~ s/K/k/g;
         $s =~ s/L/l/g;
         $s =~ s/M/m/g;
         $s =~ s/N/n/g;
         $s =~ s/O/o/g;
         $s =~ s/P/p/g;
         $s =~ s/Q/q/g;
         $s =~ s/R/r/g;
         $s =~ s/S/s/g;
         $s =~ s/T/t/g;
         $s =~ s/U/u/g;
         $s =~ s/V/v/g;
         $s =~ s/W/w/g;
         $s =~ s/X/x/g;
         $s =~ s/Y/y/g;
         $s =~ s/Z/z/g;

   return $s;

sub extended_upper_case {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   $s =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
   return $s unless $s =~ /[\xC3-\xC5][\x80-\xBF]/;

   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA0/\xC3\x80/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA1/\xC3\x81/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2/\xC3\x82/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA3/\xC3\x83/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA4/\xC3\x84/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA5/\xC3\x85/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA6/\xC3\x86/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA7/\xC3\x87/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA8/\xC3\x88/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xA9/\xC3\x89/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAA/\xC3\x8A/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAB/\xC3\x8B/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAC/\xC3\x8C/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAD/\xC3\x8D/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAE/\xC3\x8E/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xAF/\xC3\x8F/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB0/\xC3\x90/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB1/\xC3\x91/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB2/\xC3\x92/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB3/\xC3\x93/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB4/\xC3\x94/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB5/\xC3\x95/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB6/\xC3\x96/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB8/\xC3\x98/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xB9/\xC3\x99/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBA/\xC3\x9A/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBB/\xC3\x9B/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBC/\xC3\x9C/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBD/\xC3\x9D/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC3\xBE/\xC3\x9E/g;

   $s =~ s/\xC5\x91/\xC5\x90/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC5\xA1/\xC5\xA0/g;
   $s =~ s/\xC5\xB1/\xC5\xB0/g;
   return $s unless $s =~ /[\xC3-\xC5][\x80-\xBF]/;

   return $s;

sub extended_first_upper_case {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   if (($first_char, $rest) = ($s =~ /^([\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF])(.*)$/)) {
      return $caller->extended_upper_case($first_char) . $rest;
   } else {
      return $s;

sub repair_doubly_converted_utf8_strings {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   if ($s =~ /\xC3[\x82-\x85]\xC2[\x80-\xBF]/) {
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x82\xC2([\x80-\xBF])/\xC2$1/g;
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x83\xC2([\x80-\xBF])/\xC3$1/g;
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x84\xC2([\x80-\xBF])/\xC4$1/g;
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2([\x80-\xBF])/\xC5$1/g;
   return $s;

sub repair_misconverted_windows_to_utf8_strings {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   # correcting conversions of UTF8 using Latin1-to-UTF converter
   if ($s =~ /\xC3\xA2\xC2\x80\xC2[\x90-\xEF]/) {
      my $result = "";
      while (($pre,$last_c,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*?)\xC3\xA2\xC2\x80\xC2([\x90-\xEF])(.*)$/s)) {
         $result .= "$pre\xE2\x80$last_c";
         $s = $post;
      $result .= $s;
      $s = $result;
   # correcting conversions of Windows1252-to-UTF8 using Latin1-to-UTF converter
   if ($s =~ /\xC2[\x80-\x9F]/) {
      my $result = "";
      while (($pre,$c_windows,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*?)\xC2([\x80-\x9F])(.*)$/s)) {
	 $c_utf8 = $caller->windows1252_to_utf8($c_windows, 0);
         $result .= ($c_utf8 eq "?") ? ($pre . "\xC2" . $c_windows) : "$pre$c_utf8";
         $s = $post;
      $result .= $s;
      $s = $result;
   if ($s =~ /\xC3/) {
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x80\x9A\xC2\xAC/\xE2\x82\xAC/g;     # x80 -> Euro sign
                                                               # x81 codepoint undefined in Windows 1252
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC5\xA1/\xE2\x80\x9A/g;     # x82 -> single low-9 quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x86\xE2\x80\x99/\xC6\x92/g;                 # x83 -> Latin small letter f with hook
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC5\xBE/\xE2\x80\x9E/g;     # x84 -> double low-9 quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xA6/\xE2\x80\xA6/g;     # x85 -> horizontal ellipsis
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xA0/\xE2\x80\xA0/g;     # x86 -> dagger
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xA1/\xE2\x80\xA1/g;     # x87 -> double dagger
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x8B\xE2\x80\xA0/\xCB\x86/g;                 # x88 -> modifier letter circumflex accent
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xB0/\xE2\x80\xB0/g;     # x89 -> per mille sign
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2\xA0/\xC5\xA0/g;                     # x8A -> Latin capital letter S with caron
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xB9/\xE2\x80\xB9/g;     # x8B -> single left-pointing angle quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xE2\x80\x99/\xC5\x92/g;                 # x8C -> Latin capital ligature OE
                                                               # x8D codepoint undefined in Windows 1252
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2\xBD/\xC5\xBD/g;                     # x8E -> Latin capital letter Z with caron
                                                               # x8F codepoint undefined in Windows 1252
                                                               # x90 codepoint undefined in Windows 1252
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xCB\x9C/\xE2\x80\x98/g;     # x91 a-circumflex+euro+small tilde -> left single quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xE2\x84\xA2/\xE2\x80\x99/g; # x92 a-circumflex+euro+trademark -> right single quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC5\x93/\xE2\x80\x9C/g;     # x93 a-circumflex+euro+Latin small ligature oe -> left double quotation mark
							       # x94 maps through undefined intermediate code point
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xA2/\xE2\x80\xA2/g;     # x95 a-circumflex+euro+cent sign -> bullet
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xE2\x80\x9C/\xE2\x80\x93/g; # x96 a-circumflex+euro+left double quotation mark -> en dash
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xE2\x80\x9D/\xE2\x80\x94/g; # x97 a-circumflex+euro+right double quotation mark -> em dash
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x8B\xC5\x93/\xCB\x9C/g;                     # x98 Latin capital e diaeresis+Latin small ligature oe -> small tilde
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x80\x9E\xC2\xA2/\xE2\x84\xA2/g;     # x99 -> trade mark sign
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2\xA1/\xC5\xA1/g;                     # x9A -> Latin small letter s with caron
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xA2\xE2\x82\xAC\xC2\xBA/\xE2\x80\xBA/g;     # x9B -> single right-pointing angle quotation mark
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xE2\x80\x9C/\xC5\x93/g;                 # x9C -> Latin small ligature oe
							       # x9D codepoint undefined in Windows 1252
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2\xBE/\xC5\xBE/g;                     # x9E -> Latin small letter z with caron
      $s =~ s/\xC3\x85\xC2\xB8/\xC5\xB8/g;                     # x9F -> Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis 
      $s =~ s/\xC3\xAF\xC2\xBF\xC2\xBD/\xEF\xBF\xBD/g;         # replacement character

   return $s;

sub latin1_to_utf {
   local($caller, $s) = @_;

   my $result = "";
   while (($pre,$c,$post) = ($s =~ /^(.*?)([\x80-\xFF])(.*)$/s)) {
      $result .= $pre;
      if ($c =~ /^[\x80-\xBF]$/) {
         $result .= "\xC2$c";
      } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xC0-\xFF]$/) {
         $c =~ tr/[\xC0-\xFF]/[\x80-\xBF]/;
         $result .= "\xC3$c";
      $s = $post;
   $result .= $s;
   return $result;

sub character_type_is_letter_type {
   local($caller, $char_type) = @_;

   return ($char_type =~ /\b((CJK|hiragana|kana|katakana)\s+character|diacritic|letter|syllable)\b/);

sub character_type {
   local($caller, $c) = @_;

   if ($c =~ /^[\x00-\x7F]/) {
      return "XML tag" if $c =~ /^<.*>$/;
      return "ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /^[a-z]$/i;
      return "ASCII digit" if $c =~ /^[0-9]$/i;
      return "ASCII whitespace" if $c =~ /^[\x09-\x0D\x20]$/;
      return "ASCII control-character" if $c =~ /^[\x00-\x1F\x7F]$/;
      return "ASCII currency" if $c eq "\$";
      return "ASCII punctuation";
   } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF]/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /^[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]$/;
      return "non-shortest-UTF8 (invalid)" if $c =~ /[\xC0-\xC1]/;
      return "non-ASCII control-character" if $c =~ /\xC2[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "non-ASCII whitespace" if $c =~ /\xC2\xA0/;
      return "non-ASCII currency" if $c =~ /\xC2[\xA2-\xA5]/;
      return "fraction" if $c =~ /\xC2[\xBC-\xBE]/; # NEW
      return "superscript digit"  if $c =~ /\xC2[\xB2\xB3\xB9]/;
      return "non-ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xC2\xB5/; # micro sign
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xC2[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xC3[\x97\xB7]/;
      return "non-ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xC3[\x80-\xBF]/;
      return "Latin ligature letter" if $c =~ /\xC4[\xB2\xB3]/;
      return "Latin ligature letter" if $c =~ /\xC5[\x92\x93]/;
      return "non-ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /[\xC4-\xC8]/;
      return "non-ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xC9[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "IPA" if $c =~ /\xC9[\x90-\xBF]/;
      return "IPA" if $c =~ /\xCA[\x80-\xBF]/;
      return "IPA" if $c =~ /\xCB[\x80-\xBF]/;
      return "combining-diacritic" if $c =~ /\xCC[\x80-\xBF]/;
      return "combining-diacritic" if $c =~ /\xCD[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Greek punctuation" if $c =~ /\xCD[\xBE]/; # Greek question mark
      return "Greek punctuation" if $c =~ /\xCE[\x87]/; # Greek semicolon
      return "Greek letter" if $c =~ /\xCD[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Greek letter" if $c =~ /\xCE/;
      return "Greek letter" if $c =~ /\xCF[\x80-\xA1\xB3\xB7\xB8\xBA\xBB]/;
      return "Coptic letter" if $c =~ /\xCF[\xA2-\xAF]/;
      return "Cyrillic letter" if $c =~ /[\xD0-\xD3]/;
      return "Cyrillic letter" if $c =~ /\xD4[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Armenian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD5[\x9A-\x9F]/;
      return "Armenian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD6[\x89-\x8F]/;
      return "Armenian letter" if $c =~ /\xD4[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Armenian letter" if $c =~ /\xD5/;
      return "Armenian letter" if $c =~ /\xD6[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Hebrew accent" if $c =~ /\xD6[\x91-\xAE]/;
      return "Hebrew punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD6\xBE/;
      return "Hebrew punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD7[\x80\x83\x86\xB3\xB4]/;
      return "Hebrew point" if $c =~ /\xD6[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Hebrew point" if $c =~ /\xD7[\x81\x82\x87]/;
      return "Hebrew letter" if $c =~ /\xD7[\x90-\xB2]/;
      return "other Hebrew" if $c =~ /\xD6[\x90-\xBF]/;
      return "other Hebrew" if $c =~ /\xD7/;
      return "Arabic currency" if $c =~ /\xD8\x8B/; # Afghani sign
      return "Arabic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD8[\x89-\x8D\x9B\x9E\x9F]/;
      return "Arabic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xD9[\xAA-\xAD]/;
      return "Arabic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xDB[\x94]/;
      return "Arabic tatweel" if $c =~ /\xD9\x80/;
      return "Arabic letter"  if $c =~ /\xD8[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Arabic letter"  if $c =~ /\xD9[\x81-\x9F]/;
      return "Arabic letter"  if $c =~ /\xD9[\xAE-\xBF]/;
      return "Arabic letter"  if $c =~ /\xDA[\x80-\xBF]/;
      return "Arabic letter"  if $c =~ /\xDB[\x80-\x95]/;
      return "Arabic Indic digit" if $c =~ /\xD9[\xA0-\xA9]/;
      return "Arabic Indic digit" if $c =~ /\xDB[\xB0-\xB9]/;
      return "other Arabic" if $c =~ /[\xD8-\xDB]/;
      return "Syriac punctuation" if $c =~ /\xDC[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Syriac letter" if $c =~ /\xDC[\x90-\xAF]/;
      return "Syriac diacritic" if $c =~ /\xDC[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Syriac diacritic" if $c =~ /\xDD[\x80-\x8A]/;
      return "Thaana letter" if $c =~ /\xDE/;
   } elsif ($c =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF]/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /^[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2,2}$/;
      return "non-shortest-UTF8 (invalid)" if $c =~ /\xE0[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "Arabic letter"     if $c =~ /\xE0\xA2[\xA0-\xBF]/; # extended letters
      return "other Arabic"      if $c =~ /\xE0\xA3/; # extended characters
      return "Devanagari punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xA5[\xA4\xA5]/; # danda, double danda
      return "Devanagari digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xA5[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Devanagari letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xA4-\xA5]/;
      return "Bengali digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xA7[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Bengali currency" if $c =~ /\xE0\xA7[\xB2-\xB9]/;
      return "Bengali letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xA6-\xA7]/;
      return "Gurmukhi digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xA9[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Gurmukhi letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xA8-\xA9]/;
      return "Gujarati digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xAB[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Gujarati letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xAA-\xAB]/;
      return "Oriya digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xAD[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Oriya fraction" if $c =~ /\xE0\xAD[\xB2-\xB7]/;
      return "Oriya letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xAC-\xAD]/;
      return "Tamil digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xAF[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Tamil number" if $c =~ /\xE0\xAF[\xB0-\xB2]/; # number (10, 100, 1000)
      return "Tamil letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xAE-\xAF]/;
      return "Telegu digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB1[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Telegu fraction" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB1[\xB8-\xBE]/;
      return "Telegu letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xB0-\xB1]/;
      return "Kannada digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB3[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Kannada letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xB2-\xB3]/;
      return "Malayalam digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB5[\x98-\x9E\xA6-\xB8]/;
      return "Malayalam punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB5\xB9/; # date mark
      return "Malayalam letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xB4-\xB5]/;
      return "Sinhala digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB7[\xA6-\xAF]/;
      return "Sinhala punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB7\xB4/;
      return "Sinhala letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xB6-\xB7]/;
      return "Thai currency" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB8\xBF/;
      return "Thai digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xB9[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Thai character" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xB8-\xB9]/;
      return "Lao punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xBA\xAF/; # Lao ellipsis
      return "Lao digit" if $c =~ /\xE0\xBB[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Lao character" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xBA-\xBB]/;
      return "Tibetan punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xBC[\x81-\x94]/;
      return "Tibetan sign"        if $c =~ /\xE0\xBC[\x95-\x9F]/;
      return "Tibetan digit"       if $c =~ /\xE0\xBC[\xA0-\xB3]/;
      return "Tibetan punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE0\xBC[\xB4-\xBD]/;
      return "Tibetan letter" if $c =~ /\xE0[\xBC-\xBF]/;
      return "Myanmar digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\x81[\x80-\x89]/;
      return "Myanmar digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\x82[\x90-\x99]/; # Myanmar Shan digits
      return "Myanmar punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x81[\x8A-\x8B]/;
      return "Myanmar letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\x80-\x81]/;
      return "Myanmar letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x82[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "Georgian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x83\xBB/;
      return "Georgian letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x82[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Georgian letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x83/;
      return "Georgian letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xB2[\x90-\xBF]/; # Georgian Mtavruli capital letters
      return "Georgian letter" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB4[\x80-\xAF]/; # Georgian small letters (Khutsuri)
      return "Korean Hangul letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\x84-\x87]/;
      return "Ethiopic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x8D[\xA0-\xA8]/;
      return "Ethiopic digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\x8D[\xA9-\xB1]/;
      return "Ethiopic number" if $c =~ /\xE1\x8D[\xB2-\xBC]/;
      return "Ethiopic syllable" if $c =~ /\xE1[\x88-\x8D]/;
      return "Cherokee letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x8E[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Cherokee letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x8F/;
      return "Canadian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x90\x80/; # Canadian Syllabics hyphen
      return "Canadian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x99\xAE/; # Canadian Syllabics full stop
      return "Canadian syllable" if $c =~ /\xE1[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Canadian syllable" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA2[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Canadian syllable" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA3/;
      return "Ogham whitespace" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9A\x80/;
      return "Ogham letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9A[\x81-\x9A]/;
      return "Ogham punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9A[\x9B-\x9C]/;
      return "Runic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9B[\xAB-\xAD]/;
      return "Runic letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9A[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Runic letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9B/;
      return "Khmer currency" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9F\x9B/;
      return "Khmer digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\x9F[\xA0-\xA9]/;
      return "Khmer letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\x9E-\x9F]/;
      return "Mongolian punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA0[\x80-\x8A]/;
      return "Mongolian digit"       if $c =~ /\xE1\xA0[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Mongolian letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\xA0-\xA1]/;
      return "Mongolian letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA2[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Buginese letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA8[\x80-\x9B]/;
      return "Buginese punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\xA8[\x9E-\x9F]/;
      return "Balinese letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAC/;
      return "Balinese letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAD[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Balinese digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAD[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Balinese puncutation" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAD[\x9A-\xA0]/;
      return "Balinese symbol" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAD[\xA1-\xBF]/;
      return "Sundanese digit" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAE[\xB0-\xB9]/;
      return "Sundanese letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xAE/;
      return "Cyrillic letter" if $c =~ /\xE1\xB2[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Sundanese punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE1\xB3[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "IPA" if $c =~ /\xE1[\xB4-\xB6]/;
      return "non-ASCII Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\xB8-\xBB]/;
      return "Greek letter" if $c =~ /\xE1[\xBC-\xBF]/;
      return "non-ASCII whitespace"  if $c =~ /\xE2\x80[\x80-\x8A\xAF]/;
      return "zero-width space"      if $c =~ /\xE2\x80\x8B/;
      return "zero-width non-space"  if $c =~ /\xE2\x80\x8C/;
      return "zero-width joiner"     if $c =~ /\xE2\x80\x8D/;
      return "directional mark"      if $c =~ /\xE2\x80[\x8E-\x8F\xAA-\xAE]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\x80[\x90-\xBF]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\x81[\x80-\x9E]/;
      return "superscript letter"    if $c =~ /\xE2\x81[\xB1\xBF]/;
      return "superscript digit"     if $c =~ /\xE2\x81[\xB0-\xB9]/;
      return "superscript punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\x81[\xBA-\xBE]/;
      return "subscript digit"       if $c =~ /\xE2\x82[\x80-\x89]/;
      return "subscript punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\x82[\x8A-\x8E]/;
      return "non-ASCII currency"    if $c =~ /\xE2\x82[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "letterlike symbol"     if $c =~ /\xE2\x84/;
      return "letterlike symbol"     if $c =~ /\xE2\x85[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "fraction"              if $c =~ /\xE2\x85[\x90-\x9E]/; # NEW
      return "Roman number"          if $c =~ /\xE2\x85[\xA0-\xBF]/; # NEW
      return "arrow symbol"          if $c =~ /\xE2\x86[\x90-\xBF]/;
      return "arrow symbol"          if $c =~ /\xE2\x87/;
      return "mathematical operator" if $c =~ /\xE2[\x88-\x8B]/;
      return "technical symbol"      if $c =~ /\xE2[\x8C-\x8F]/;
      return "enclosed alphanumeric" if $c =~ /\xE2\x91[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "enclosed alphanumeric" if $c =~ /\xE2[\x92-\x93]/;
      return "box drawing" if $c =~ /\xE2[\x94-\x95]/;
      return "geometric shape" if $c =~ /\xE2\x96[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "geometric shape" if $c =~ /\xE2\x97/;
      return "pictograph" if $c =~ /\xE2[\x98-\x9E]/;
      return "arrow symbol"          if $c =~ /\xE2\xAC[\x80-\x91\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "geometric shape"       if $c =~ /\xE2\xAC[\x92-\xAF]/;         
      return "arrow symbol"          if $c =~ /\xE2\xAD[\x80-\x8F\x9A-\xBF]/;
      return "geometric shape"       if $c =~ /\xE2\xAD[\x90-\x99]/;        
      return "arrow symbol"          if $c =~ /\xE2\xAE[\x80-\xB9]/;       
      return "geometric shape"       if $c =~ /\xE2\xAE[\xBA-\xBF]/;      
      return "geometric shape"       if $c =~ /\xE2\xAF[\x80-\x88\x8A-\x8F]/;
      return "symbol"                if $c =~ /\xE2[\xAC-\xAF]/;
      return "Coptic fraction" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB3\xBD/;
      return "Coptic punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB3[\xB9-\xBF]/;
      return "Coptic letter" if $c =~ /\xE2[\xB2-\xB3]/;
      return "Georgian letter" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB4[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Tifinagh punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB5\xB0/;
      return "Tifinagh letter" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB4[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Tifinagh letter" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB5/;
      return "Ethiopic syllable" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB6/;
      return "Ethiopic syllable" if $c =~ /\xE2\xB7[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xE3\x80[\x80-\x91\x94-\x9F\xB0\xBB-\xBD]/;
      return "symbol" if $c =~ /\xE3\x80[\x91\x92\xA0\xB6\xB7]/;
      return "Japanese hiragana character" if $c =~ /\xE3\x81/;
      return "Japanese hiragana character" if $c =~ /\xE3\x82[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "Japanese katakana character" if $c =~ /\xE3\x82[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Japanese katakana character" if $c =~ /\xE3\x83/;
      return "Bopomofo letter" if $c =~ /\xE3\x84[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Korean Hangul letter" if $c =~ /\xE3\x84[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Korean Hangul letter" if $c =~ /\xE3\x85/;
      return "Korean Hangul letter" if $c =~ /\xE3\x86[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Bopomofo letter" if $c =~ /\xE3\x86[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "CJK stroke" if $c =~ /\xE3\x87[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Japanese kana character" if $c =~ /\xE3\x87[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "CJK symbol" if $c =~ /\xE3[\x88-\x8B]/;
      return "CJK square Latin abbreviation" if $c =~ /\xE3\x8D[\xB1-\xBA]/;
      return "CJK square Latin abbreviation" if $c =~ /\xE3\x8E/;
      return "CJK square Latin abbreviation" if $c =~ /\xE3\x8F[\x80-\x9F\xBF]/;
      return "CJK character" if $c =~ /\xE4[\xB8-\xBF]/;
      return "CJK character" if $c =~ /[\xE5-\xE9]/;
      return "Yi syllable" if $c =~ /\xEA[\x80-\x92]/;
      return "Lisu letter"      if $c =~ /\xEA\x93[\x90-\xBD]/;
      return "Lisu punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEA\x93[\xBE-\xBF]/;
      return "Cyrillic letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\x99/;
      return "Cyrillic letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\x9A[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "modifier tone" if $c =~ /\xEA\x9C[\x80-\xA1]/;
      return "Javanese punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEA\xA7[\x81-\x8D\x9E-\x9F]/;
      return "Javanese digit" if $c =~ /\xEA\xA7[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "Javanese letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\xA6/;
      return "Javanese letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\xA7[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "Ethiopic syllable" if $c =~ /\xEA\xAC[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Cherokee letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\xAD[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Cherokee letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\xAE/;
      return "Meetai Mayek digit" if $c =~ /\xEA\xAF[\xB0-\xB9]/;
      return "Meetai Mayek letter" if $c =~ /\xEA\xAF/;
      return "Korean Hangul syllable" if $c =~ /\xEA[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Korean Hangul syllable" if $c =~ /[\xEB-\xEC]/;
      return "Korean Hangul syllable" if $c =~ /\xED[\x80-\x9E]/;
      return "Klingon letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xA3[\x90-\xA9]/;
      return "Klingon digit" if $c =~ /\xEF\xA3[\xB0-\xB9]/;
      return "Klingon punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xA3[\xBD-\xBE]/;
      return "Klingon symbol" if $c =~ /\xEF\xA3\xBF/;
      return "private use character" if $c =~ /\xEE/;
      return "Latin typographic ligature" if $c =~ /\xEF\xAC[\x80-\x86]/;
      return "Hebrew presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xAC[\x9D-\xBF]/;
      return "Hebrew presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xAD[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Arabic presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xAD[\x90-\xBF]/;
      return "Arabic presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF[\xAE-\xB7]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xB8[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xB8[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xB9[\x80-\xAB]/;
      return "Arabic presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xB9[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Arabic presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBA/;
      return "Arabic presentation letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBB[\x80-\xBC]/;
      return "byte-order mark/zero-width no-break space" if $c eq "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
      return "fullwidth currency" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBC\x84/;
      return "fullwidth digit" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBC[\x90-\x99]/;
      return "fullwidth Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBC[\xA1-\xBA]/;
      return "fullwidth Latin letter" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBD[\x81-\x9A]/;
      return "fullwidth punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBC/;
      return "fullwidth punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBD[\x9B-\xA4]/;
      return "halfwidth Japanese punctuation" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBD[\xA1-\xA4]/;
      return "halfwidth Japanese katakana character" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBD[\xA5-\xBF]/;
      return "halfwidth Japanese katakana character" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBE[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "fullwidth currency" if $c =~ /\xEF\xBF[\xA0-\xA6]/;
      return "replacement character" if $c eq "\xEF\xBF\xBD";
   } elsif ($c =~ /[\xF0-\xF7]/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /[\xF0-\xF7][\x80-\xBF]{3,3}$/;
      return "non-shortest-UTF8 (invalid)" if $c =~ /\xF0[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Linear B syllable" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\x80/;
      return "Linear B syllable" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\x81[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Linear B symbol"   if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\x81[\x90-\x9F]/;
      return "Linear B ideogram" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90[\x82-\x83]/;
      return "Gothic letter" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\x8C[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Gothic letter" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\x8D[\x80-\x8F]/;
      return "Phoenician letter" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\xA4[\x80-\x95]/;
      return "Phoenician number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\xA4[\x96-\x9B]/;
      return "Phoenician punctuation" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\xA4\x9F/; # word separator
      return "Old Hungarian number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90\xB3[\xBA-\xBF]/;
      return "Old Hungarian letter" if $c =~ /\xF0\x90[\xB2-\xB3]/;
      return "Cuneiform digit" if $c =~ /\xF0\x92\x90/; # numberic sign
      return "Cuneiform digit" if $c =~ /\xF0\x92\x91[\x80-\xAF]/; # numberic sign
      return "Cuneiform punctuation" if $c =~ /\xF0\x92\x91[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Cuneiform sign" if $c =~ /\xF0\x92[\x80-\x95]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x81\xA8/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x82[\xAD-\xB6]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x86[\x90\xBC-\xBF]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x87[\x80-\x84]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x8D[\xA2-\xAB]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x8E[\x86-\x92]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x8F[\xBA-\xBF]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph number" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93\x90[\x80-\x83]/;
      return "Egyptian hieroglyph" if $c =~ /\xF0\x93[\x80-\x90]/;
      return "enclosed alphanumeric" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\x84-\x87]/;
      return "Mahjong symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x80[\x80-\xAF]/;
      return "Domino symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x80[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "Domino symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x81/;
      return "Domino symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x82[\x80-\x9F]/;
      return "Playing card symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x82[\xA0-\xBF]/;
      return "Playing card symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F\x83/;
      return "CJK symbol" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\x88-\x8B]/;
      return "pictograph" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\x8C-\x9B]/;
      return "geometric shape" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\x9E-\x9F]/;
      return "non-ASCII punctuation" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\xA0-\xA3]/;
      return "pictograph" if $c =~ /\xF0\x9F[\xA4-\xAB]/;
      return "CJK character" if $c =~ /\xF0[\xA0-\xAF]/;
      return "tag" if $c =~ /\xF3\xA0[\x80-\x81]/;
      return "variation selector" if $c =~ /\xF3\xA0[\x84-\x87]/;
      return "private use character" if $c =~ /\xF3[\xB0-\xBF]/;
      return "private use character" if $c =~ /\xF4[\x80-\x8F]/;
      # ...
   } elsif ($c =~ /[\xF8-\xFB]/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /[\xF8-\xFB][\x80-\xBF]{4,4}$/;
   } elsif ($c =~ /[\xFC-\xFD]/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /[\xFC-\xFD][\x80-\xBF]{5,5}$/;
   } elsif ($c =~ /\xFE/) {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)" unless $c =~ /\xFE][\x80-\xBF]{6,6}$/;
   } else {
      return "non-UTF8 (invalid)";
   return "other character";
