import multiprocessing import os import subprocess import random from utils import * HOME = Path.cwd() def prepare_background(background_mp4: str, filename_mp3: str, filename_srt: str, verbose: bool = False) -> str: # Check if the input files are strings assert isinstance(background_mp4, str) assert isinstance(filename_srt, str) assert isinstance(filename_mp3, str) # Get the duration of the video and audio files video_info = get_info(background_mp4, kind='video') video_duration = int(round(video_info.get('duration'), 0)) audio_info = get_info(filename_mp3, kind='audio') audio_duration = int(round(audio_info.get('duration'), 0)) # Randomly select a start time for the audio file ss = random.randint(0, (video_duration-audio_duration)) # Convert the time to HH:MM:SS format audio_duration = convert_time(audio_duration) if ss < 0: ss = 0 # Create the output directory if it does not exist directory = HOME / 'output' if not directory.exists(): directory.mkdir() # Set the output file path outfile = f"{HOME}{os.sep}output{os.sep}output_{ss}.mp4" if verbose: rich_print( f"{filename_srt = }\n{background_mp4 = }\n{filename_mp3 = }\n", style='bold green') # Switch inside the subtitle file directory old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(Path(filename_srt).parent) # Extract only the filename from the path # This is to avoid any issues with the path (see # First we switch inside the directory of the subtitle file and then we execute the FFMPEG command with the filename only (not the full path) filename_srt_name = Path(filename_srt).name # FFMPEG Command args = [ "ffmpeg", "-ss", str(ss), "-t", str(audio_duration), "-i", background_mp4, "-i", filename_mp3, "-map", "0:v", "-map", "1:a", "-vf", f"crop=ih/16*9:ih, scale=w=1080:h=1920:flags=lanczos, gblur=sigma=2, ass='{filename_srt_name}'", "-c:v", "libx264", "-crf", "23", "-c:a", "aac", "-ac", "2", "-b:a", "192K", f"{outfile}", "-y", "-threads", f"{multiprocessing.cpu_count()}"] if verbose: rich_print('[i] FFMPEG Command:\n'+' '.join(args)+'\n', style='yellow') # Execute the FFMPEG command, check=True) # Go back to old dir os.chdir(old_dir) return outfile