import json import os from collections import Counter from collections import OrderedDict from typing import List import torch from ordered_set import OrderedSet from transformers import AutoTokenizer from common.utils import download, unzip_file def get_tokenizer(tokenizer_name:str): """auto get tokenizer Args: tokenizer_name (str): support "word_tokenizer" and other pretrained tokenizer in hugging face. Returns: Any: Tokenizer Object """ if tokenizer_name == "word_tokenizer": return WordTokenizer(tokenizer_name) else: return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name) def get_tokenizer_class(tokenizer_name:str): """auto get tokenizer class Args: tokenizer_name (str): support "word_tokenizer" and other pretrained tokenizer in hugging face. Returns: Any: Tokenizer Class """ if tokenizer_name == "word_tokenizer": return WordTokenizer else: return AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained BATCH_STATE = 1 INSTANCE_STATE = 2 class WordTokenizer(object): def __init__(self, name): self.__name = name self.index2instance = OrderedSet() self.instance2index = OrderedDict() # Counter Object record the frequency # of element occurs in raw text. self.counter = Counter() self.__sign_pad = "[PAD]" self.add_instance(self.__sign_pad) self.__sign_unk = "[UNK]" self.add_instance(self.__sign_unk) @property def padding_side(self): return "right" @property def all_special_ids(self): return [self.unk_token_id, self.pad_token_id] @property def name_or_path(self): return self.__name @property def vocab_size(self): return len(self.instance2index) @property def pad_token_id(self): return self.instance2index[self.__sign_pad] @property def unk_token_id(self): return self.instance2index[self.__sign_unk] def add_instance(self, instance): """ Add instances to alphabet. 1, We support any iterative data structure which contains elements of str type. 2, We will count added instances that will influence the serialization of unknown instance. Args: instance: is given instance or a list of it. """ if isinstance(instance, (list, tuple)): for element in instance: self.add_instance(element) return # We only support elements of str type. assert isinstance(instance, str) # count the frequency of instances. # self.counter[instance] += 1 if instance not in self.index2instance: self.instance2index[instance] = len(self.index2instance) self.index2instance.append(instance) def __call__(self, instance, return_tensors="pt", is_split_into_words=True, padding=True, add_special_tokens=False, truncation=True, max_length=512, **config): if isinstance(instance, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(instance[0], (str)) and is_split_into_words: res = self.get_index(instance) state = INSTANCE_STATE elif isinstance(instance, str) and not is_split_into_words: res = self.get_index(instance.split(" ")) state = INSTANCE_STATE elif not is_split_into_words and isinstance(instance, (list, tuple)): res = [self.get_index(ins.split(" ")) for ins in instance] state = BATCH_STATE else: res = [self.get_index(ins) for ins in instance] state = BATCH_STATE res = [r[:max_length] if len(r) >= max_length else r for r in res] pad_id = self.get_index(self.__sign_pad) if padding and state == BATCH_STATE: max_len = max([len(x) for x in instance]) for i in range(len(res)): res[i] = res[i] + [pad_id] * (max_len - len(res[i])) if return_tensors == "pt": input_ids = torch.Tensor(res).long() attention_mask = (input_ids != pad_id).long() elif state == BATCH_STATE: input_ids = res attention_mask = [1 if r != pad_id else 0 for batch in res for r in batch] else: input_ids = res attention_mask = [1 if r != pad_id else 0 for r in res] return TokenizedData(input_ids, token_type_ids=attention_mask, attention_mask=attention_mask) def get_index(self, instance): """ Serialize given instance and return. For unknown words, the return index of alphabet depends on variable self.__use_unk: 1, If True, then return the index of ""; 2, If False, then return the index of the element that hold max frequency in training data. Args: instance (Any): is given instance or a list of it. Return: Any: the serialization of query instance. """ if isinstance(instance, (list, tuple)): return [self.get_index(elem) for elem in instance] assert isinstance(instance, str) try: return self.instance2index[instance] except KeyError: return self.instance2index[self.__sign_unk] def decode(self, index): """ Get corresponding instance of query index. if index is invalid, then throws exception. Args: index (int): is query index, possibly iterable. Returns: is corresponding instance. """ if isinstance(index, list): return [self.decode(elem) for elem in index] if isinstance(index, torch.Tensor): index = index.tolist() return self.decode(index) return self.index2instance[index] def decode_batch(self, index, **kargs): """ Get corresponding instance of query index. if index is invalid, then throws exception. Args: index (int): is query index, possibly iterable. Returns: is corresponding instance. """ return self.decode(index) def save(self, path): """ Save the content of alphabet to files. There are two kinds of saved files: 1, The first is a list file, elements are sorted by the frequency of occurrence. 2, The second is a dictionary file, elements are sorted by it serialized index. Args: path (str): is the path to save object. """ with open(path, 'w', encoding="utf8") as fw: fw.write(json.dumps({"name": self.__name, "token_map": self.instance2index})) @staticmethod def from_file(path): with open(path, 'r', encoding="utf8") as fw: obj = json.load(fw) tokenizer = WordTokenizer(obj["name"]) tokenizer.instance2index = OrderedDict(obj["token_map"]) # tokenizer.counter = len(tokenizer.instance2index) tokenizer.index2instance = OrderedSet(tokenizer.instance2index.keys()) return tokenizer def __len__(self): return len(self.index2instance) def __str__(self): return 'Alphabet {} contains about {} words: \n\t{}'.format(self.name_or_path, len(self), self.index2instance) def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens): """convert token sequence to intput ids sequence Args: tokens (Any): token sequence Returns: Any: intput ids sequence """ try: if isinstance(tokens, (list, tuple)): return [self.instance2index[x] for x in tokens] return self.instance2index[tokens] except KeyError: return self.instance2index[self.__sign_unk] class TokenizedData(): """tokenized output data with input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask """ def __init__(self, input_ids, token_type_ids, attention_mask): self.input_ids = input_ids self.token_type_ids = token_type_ids self.attention_mask = attention_mask def word_ids(self, index: int) -> List[int or None]: """ get word id list Args: index (int): word index in sequence Returns: List[int or None]: word id list """ return [j if self.attention_mask[index][j] != 0 else None for j, x in enumerate(self.input_ids[index])] def word_to_tokens(self, index, word_id, **kwargs): """map word and tokens Args: index (int): unused word_id (int): word index in sequence """ return (word_id, word_id + 1) def to(self, device): """set device Args: device (str): support ["cpu", "cuda"] """ self.input_ids = self.token_type_ids = self.attention_mask = return self def load_embedding(tokenizer: WordTokenizer, glove_name:str): """ load embedding from standford server or local cache. Args: tokenizer (WordTokenizer): non-pretrained tokenizer glove_name (str): _description_ Returns: Any: word embedding """ save_path = "save/" + glove_name + ".zip" if not os.path.exists(save_path): download("" + glove_name, save_path) unzip_file(save_path, "save/" + glove_name) dim = int(glove_name.split(".")[-2][:-1]) embedding_list = torch.rand((tokenizer.vocab_size, dim)) embedding_list[tokenizer.pad_token_id] = torch.zeros((1, dim)) with open("save/" + glove_name + "/" + glove_name, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): datas = line.split(" ") word = datas[0] embedding = torch.Tensor([float(datas[i + 1]) for i in range(len(datas) - 1)]) tokenized = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(word) if isinstance(tokenized, int) and tokenized != tokenizer.unk_token_id: embedding_list[tokenized] = embedding return embedding_list