import socketio import asyncio from apps.webui.models.users import Users from utils.utils import decode_token sio = socketio.AsyncServer(cors_allowed_origins=[], async_mode="asgi") app = socketio.ASGIApp(sio, socketio_path="/ws/") # Dictionary to maintain the user pool SESSION_POOL = {} USER_POOL = {} USAGE_POOL = {} # Timeout duration in seconds TIMEOUT_DURATION = 3 @sio.event async def connect(sid, environ, auth): user = None if auth and "token" in auth: data = decode_token(auth["token"]) if data is not None and "id" in data: user = Users.get_user_by_id(data["id"]) if user: SESSION_POOL[sid] = if in USER_POOL: USER_POOL[].append(sid) else: USER_POOL[] = [sid] print(f"user {}({}) connected with session ID {sid}") await sio.emit("user-count", {"count": len(set(USER_POOL))}) await sio.emit("usage", {"models": get_models_in_use()}) @sio.on("user-join") async def user_join(sid, data): print("user-join", sid, data) auth = data["auth"] if "auth" in data else None if auth and "token" in auth: data = decode_token(auth["token"]) if data is not None and "id" in data: user = Users.get_user_by_id(data["id"]) if user: SESSION_POOL[sid] = if in USER_POOL: USER_POOL[].append(sid) else: USER_POOL[] = [sid] print(f"user {}({}) connected with session ID {sid}") await sio.emit("user-count", {"count": len(set(USER_POOL))}) @sio.on("user-count") async def user_count(sid): await sio.emit("user-count", {"count": len(set(USER_POOL))}) def get_models_in_use(): # Aggregate all models in use models_in_use = [] for model_id, data in USAGE_POOL.items(): models_in_use.append(model_id) return models_in_use @sio.on("usage") async def usage(sid, data): model_id = data["model"] # Cancel previous callback if there is one if model_id in USAGE_POOL: USAGE_POOL[model_id]["callback"].cancel() # Store the new usage data and task if model_id in USAGE_POOL: USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"].append(sid) USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"] = list(set(USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"])) else: USAGE_POOL[model_id] = {"sids": [sid]} # Schedule a task to remove the usage data after TIMEOUT_DURATION USAGE_POOL[model_id]["callback"] = asyncio.create_task( remove_after_timeout(sid, model_id) ) # Broadcast the usage data to all clients await sio.emit("usage", {"models": get_models_in_use()}) async def remove_after_timeout(sid, model_id): try: await asyncio.sleep(TIMEOUT_DURATION) if model_id in USAGE_POOL: print(USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"]) USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"].remove(sid) USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"] = list(set(USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"])) if len(USAGE_POOL[model_id]["sids"]) == 0: del USAGE_POOL[model_id] # Broadcast the usage data to all clients await sio.emit("usage", {"models": get_models_in_use()}) except asyncio.CancelledError: # Task was cancelled due to new 'usage' event pass @sio.event async def disconnect(sid): if sid in SESSION_POOL: user_id = SESSION_POOL[sid] del SESSION_POOL[sid] USER_POOL[user_id].remove(sid) if len(USER_POOL[user_id]) == 0: del USER_POOL[user_id] await sio.emit("user-count", {"count": len(USER_POOL)}) else: print(f"Unknown session ID {sid} disconnected") async def get_event_emitter(request_info): async def __event_emitter__(event_data): await sio.emit( "chat-events", { "chat_id": request_info["chat_id"], "message_id": request_info["message_id"], "data": event_data, }, to=request_info["session_id"], ) return __event_emitter__ async def get_event_call(request_info): async def __event_call__(event_data): response = await "chat-events", { "chat_id": request_info["chat_id"], "message_id": request_info["message_id"], "data": event_data, }, to=request_info["session_id"], ) return response return __event_call__