import gradio as gr from src.audio2vid import audio2video from src.vid2vid import video2video title = r"""


""" description = r""" Official 🤗 Gradio demo for AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animations.
""" with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(title) gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Tab("Audio2video"): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): a2v_input_audio = gr.Audio(sources=["upload", "microphone"], type="filepath", editable=True, label="Input audio", interactive=True) # with gr.Column(): # a2v_ref_img = gr.Image(label="Upload reference image", sources="upload") # a2v_img_trans_real_botton = gr.Button("Translate to realistic style") a2v_ref_img = gr.Image(label="Upload reference image", sources="upload") a2v_headpose_video = gr.Video(label="Option: upload head pose reference video", sources="upload") with gr.Row(): a2v_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=256, maximum=1024, step=8, value=512, label="Video size (-W & -H)") a2v_step_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=5, maximum=50, value=25, label="Steps (--steps)") with gr.Row(): a2v_length = gr.Number(value=150, label="Length (-L) (Set 0 to automatically calculate video length.)") a2v_seed = gr.Number(value=42, label="Seed (--seed)") a2v_botton = gr.Button("Generate", variant="primary") a2v_output_video = gr.PlayableVideo(label="Result", interactive=False) with gr.Tab("Video2video"): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): # with gr.Column(): # v2v_ref_img = gr.Image(label="Upload reference image", sources="upload") # v2v_img_trans_real_botton = gr.Button("Translate to realistic style") v2v_ref_img = gr.Image(label="Upload reference image", sources="upload") v2v_source_video = gr.Video(label="Upload source video", sources="upload") with gr.Row(): v2v_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=256, maximum=1024, step=8, value=512, label="Video size (-W & -H)") v2v_step_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=5, maximum=50, value=25, label="Steps (--steps)") with gr.Row(): v2v_length = gr.Number(value=150, label="Length (-L) (Set 0 to automatically calculate video length.)") v2v_seed = gr.Number(value=42, label="Seed (--seed)") v2v_botton = gr.Button("Generate", variant="primary") v2v_output_video = gr.PlayableVideo(label="Result", interactive=False) fn=audio2video, inputs=[a2v_input_audio, a2v_ref_img, a2v_headpose_video, a2v_size_slider, a2v_step_slider, a2v_length, a2v_seed], outputs=[a2v_output_video] ) # # fn=sd_img2real, # inputs=[a2v_ref_img], # outputs=[a2v_ref_img] # ) fn=video2video, inputs=[v2v_ref_img, v2v_source_video, v2v_size_slider, v2v_step_slider, v2v_length, v2v_seed], outputs=[v2v_output_video] ) # # fn=sd_img2real, # inputs=[v2v_ref_img], # outputs=[v2v_ref_img] # ) demo.launch()